Mr Kingsley?


Holy Fuck. I can't bring myself to even consider the groceries list. I swallow hard, my mouth dry, and read it again.

My head is buzzing. How can I possibly agree to all this? He wanted a slave! I scoff angrily. Serve and obey in all things. All Things! I shake my head in disbelief. He wants to be my master. For me to be dealt with as he pleases.

I've made up my mind that Ryan Kingsley required help, there must be something wrong with him. I read that contract twice, words for word. He sounded like a sadist, he wanted me to sign away my life to him for a year? What in his right mind has him the impression I would do that?

He wants me to serve him sexually to the best of my ability; which was none existence. I shudder at the thought of being spanked by him, it probably wouldn't be so bad, humiliating though. That sounded..... hot, really hot, so perhaps that won't be so bad... Why am I even thinking about this?

I flush at the memory of his hands and his mouth on me. Closing my eyes, I feel the familiar tension that needs to be released inside me. I want to do that again and again. Maybe if I just sign up for the sex... would he go with that? I suspect not.

Am I submissive? Maybe I come across that way. Maybe I misled him in the interview. I'm shy, yes... but submissive? I let people walk over me – is that the same?

When my phones pings, I equally went to reply to the text expecting it to be my ma but it wasn't.

Ryan Kingsley: I trust you got home safe. Sorry, our meeting was shorter than you expected, I want you to be in my office at 8 am tomorrow.

I roll my eyes when I read this, I haven't even signed the contracts yet and he was already telling me what to do.

Myra: I got home safe to thank you.

Is the reason for the meeting work-related or personal— Sir?

Almost instantly he responds.

Ryan Kingsley: By the tone of your text, I take it that you've read the contract I have you? Do you have any questions?

I am entitled to call a meeting with you for whatever the reason Myra, I owned you for 4 weeks or did you forget?

How can I forget, that's the reason I'm in the situation right now.

Myra: No Sir I didn't forget, I will be there. Don't forget some of us have to work for a living.

I have many questions, but they can't be answered over text. Sir.

His reply is instant again making me smile.

Ryan Kingsley: I work for a living too. I'm also paying for your time, don't waste mine.

I can arrange a dinner for us to talk over the contract, Friday at 7 pm at LO SCOGLIO.

My eyes bugged out when I see the name of the restaurant, can I even afford a meal there? A bottle of water was the same price as our apartment, but I wasn't going to tell him that.

Myra: Dinner sounds good Sir. Good night.

I left the chat because Emma was calling me down to eat dinner. I wasn't going to be at his office at 8 am tomorrow, I can't face him right now. I know the minute I step into his office he would convince me someone to sign that contract right away; which at this point I will be signing my life over to the devil.


Tuesday morning came, instead of going Mr Kingsley office as planned. I took the cab going the other direction to my office, I felt very daring disobeying him. By 8:30 he was calling my phone asking me why I was running late. Lisa and my co-workers were surprised to see me at the office but I informed them I had to start typing up my work for Mr Kingsley.

By noon when everyone left the office for lunch I stayed in deciding to work on my editing. Eating the dry chicken sandwich Emma made for me, cooking wasn't her best skills. When I checked my phone I had about 20 missed call and text messages from Ryan, I was surprised he hadn't called my office yet.

Hearing my office door opened, Lisa probably came back early and just wanted to hangout.

"Hi Lisa," I greeted not taking my eyes off my computer screen.

"Good to see your alive," I jumped from my seat when I heard a males voice instead. My sandwich fall from my lap to the sad floor.

"Mr Kingsley?" I take off my glasses, hoping I was seeing things.

"I take you misplaced this place for my office," he walks in like he owns my tiny office.

"You disobeyed me Myra," he sounded cold and distant.

"I thought something happened to you, I had to track down Emma to make sure."

Shit. He was mad. He sits down on the edge of my desk.

"Come here," he says softly.

I stand at my spot staring at him completely immobile. He looked more pissed when I didn't obey him.

"Your increasing your punishment." He murmurs

"But I haven't signed it contract," I whisper scared at this new Ryan.

"I'm going to spank you, and then I'm going to fuck you very quick and very hard for disobeying me." His voice is so soft, menacing, and it's damned hot.

My insides practically contort with need and desire. He gazes at me, waiting, eyes blazing. I shift my legs. Should I run? Should I scream? The office was empty no one would help me. Do I let him do this or do I say no, and then that's it?

Do it! My inner goddess pleads with me, my subconscious is as paralyzed as I am."I'm waiting," he says. "I'm not a patient man."

Blood pounding through my body, my legs are like jelly. Slowly, I walk over to him until I am beside him.

"Good girl," he murmurs. "Now turn around"

Oh shit… can't he just get this over with? I'm not sure if I can stand. Hesitantly, I face the other side of the wall. Suddenly he grabs me, tipping me across his lap. With one smooth movement, he angles his body so my waist is resting on the desk beside him.

He throws his right leg over both of mine and places his left arm on the small of my back, holding me down so I cannot move. Oh fuck. "Put your hands up on the side of your head," he orders.

I obey immediately.

"Why am I doing this, Myra" he asks.

"Because I disobeyed you," I can barely speak.

"Do you think that's polite?"


"Will you do it again?"

"No." Yes.

"I will spank you each time you do it, do you understand?"

Very slowly, he pulls down up my black skirt. Oh, the cold air hits my skin. My heart is in my mouth. I can barely breathe. Shit, is this going to hurt? He pulls down my red cotton panties mid way, i blush as he stares at my naked cheeks.

He places his hand on my naked behind, softly fondling me, stroking round and round with his flat palm. And then his hand is no longer there… and he hits me – hard. Ow!

My eyes spring open in response to the pain, and I try to get up but his hand moves between my shoulder blades keeping me down. He caresses me again where he's hit me, and his breathing's changed – it's louder, harsher. He hits me again and again, quickly in succession.

Holy fuck it hurts. I make no sound, my face screwed up against the pain. I try and wriggle away from the blows – spurred on by adrenaline spiking and coursing through my body.

"Keep still," he growls. "Or I'll spank you for longer."

He's rubbing me now, and the slaps follows. A rhythmic pattern emerges, caress, fondle, slap hard. I have to concentrate to handle this pain. My mind empties as I try to absorb the new sensation. He doesn't hit me in the same place twice in succession

– he's spreading the pain.

"Aargh!" I cry out on the tenth slap.

"I'm just getting warmed up."

He hits me again then he strokes me softly. The combination of the hard stinging blow and his gentle caress is so mind numbing. He hits me again… this is getting harder to take.

My face hurts, it's screwed up so tight. He strokes me gently and then the blow comes. I cry out again.

"No one to hear you, baby, just me."

And he hits me again and again. From somewhere deep inside, I want to beg him to stop. But I don't. I don't want to give him the satisfaction. He continues the rhythm. I cry out 8 more times. Twenty slaps in total. My body is singing, singing from his merciless assault. My eyes teary from the pain.

"Well done. Now I'm going to fuck you."

He caresses my behind gently, and it burns as he strokes me round and round and down. Suddenly, he inserts two fingers inside me, taking me completely by surprise. I gasp, this new assault breaking through the numbness around my centre.

"Feel this. See how much your body likes this, Myra. You're soaking just for me." There is awe in his voice. He moves his fingers, in and out in quick succession. I moan comes out my mouth shocking the both of us, he took that as me letting him know I was enjoying this torture.

He pumps his fingers faster in and out of me, taken by surprised for the pleasure I begged him not to stop. I moan loudly. He pounds into me, a fast, intense pace against my sore behind. The feeling is beyond exquisite, raw and mind blowing. My senses are ravaged, disconnected, solely concentrating on what he's doing to me. How he's making me feel, that familiar pull deep in my belly, tightening, quickening. NO… and my traitorous body explodes in an intense, body-shattering orgasm.

"Mhmm" I look back when I hear him say, my eyes widened when I see him sucking on his fingers.

"I can't to be inside you balls deep Myra," he pulls up my panties and fixes my skirt.

"Will you disobey my orders again?" He wipes the tear of my face when he pulls me up.

"No, sir" I lick my dry lips

"Good girl, get your things. Your coming with me."