

I was currently inside Ryan's car with him sitting next to me. I was staring out the window as Sawyer, his driver drives further from Manhattan. Both sides of my cheeks were still burning from the slaps I received, just thinking about how intense the moment was brought tears to my eyes. He hasn't said a word to me since we left my office. Playing with my hands I peeked at him from the corner of my eyes. I couldn't read his emotions, was he still mad? I couldn't tell, he appeared to be calmly texting on his phone.

"Where are we going?" I ask in a small voice. Ryan glances up from his phone, staring my way. I look down at my lap immediately, too embarrassed to look at him.

"Look at me Myra," he demanded softly. I look up hesitant meeting his gaze.

"Don't overthink what happened, it's over now. Next time think of the consequences before disobeying me." Ryan places in hands on my thighs.

"Will you...." I look at Sawyer uncomfortable that he could hear our conversations, but he looks very focused on the road.

"Will you punish me like that all the time?" I whisper

"That was just a taste, nothing compares to what I could do to you." His uses his fingers to play swipe my lips.

"wh... what can y..ou do." I stutter nervously.

"You're not ready yet," he looks thoughtful. I wanted to argue and tell him I was ready. But I was scared to admit that to myself, that I wanted him to punish me.

"Have you decided about the job offer?"

"I thought I had till Friday?" I still had to make my list of pros and cons.

"I'm taking you to my hotel, I have a few things to sort out. You can hang around and start on the memoir."

He was taking me to the beautiful manor, I have a feeling he had something else planned but wasn't telling me.

"While we are there, I don't want you opening any doors or wandering off without me or Sawyer" l want you to stay in my office only."

"That was in the contract, why can't' I walk around?" What if I was curious, I bet they had a beautiful spa and pool.

"My guest expects privacy Myra, they come to my hotel for privacy. I can't have people walking around." His tone changed.

"Yes sir," I rolled my eyes staring back out the window. The rest of the ride was spent in silence.

The rest of my day was spent cooped up in his office at the manor, not that I minded. I was alone for a while, Ryan had something to take care of. I used my time to arrange his desk, by the amount of paper scatter on it. It was a miracle he got work done. I managed to file them into the cabinet. I started to grow restless in the evening, the more I looked around his office the more curious I got about his hotel. When I decided it wouldn't hurt to take a look around, that's when he decided to walk in.

I stood up from his chair immediately, Ryan entered the office dressed completely different from what he wore here. I stared at him confused. Did he seriously go home to change while I was stuck in his dark office? His hair looks freshly washed, instead of his usual suit he was in black jeans and grey long sleeves. Ryan had an unreadable expression that I didn't like.

"I cleaned your desk for you," I gesture to the desk. He stood by the door looking lost in his own office.

"I also filed them into the cabinet, the finances are at the top. I wasn't sure what to do with the papers with guests information so I placed it in the drawer. The monthly expenses are at the b—,"

"Take your things, Sawyer will take you home." Ryan cuts me off walking over to the desk.

"Excuse me?" His rudeness threw me off guard.

"I'll see you tomorrow Myra," Ryan signs seating in his chair. I stood there stunned by how cold he was.

"What the hell is y—"

"Sir, Janet is refu—-" a high pitched voice ran inside the office.

Ryan's eyes widened a bit taken in the woman that stood in front of me with just a white silk robe on. I was taken by her beauty, her skin was glossy, her jet black falls effortlessly down her back and her full pink lips were a bright red. I was the ugly duckling compared to her.

"I'm sorry Sir I didn't know you had company." She looks down at her feet quickly.

"Get out." Ryan snarls quietly at the mystery woman. I stare stunned as she obeys without a word and left the room.

"Who was she?" I point to where she stood

"No one." He rushes out

"Does she work for you?"

"Yes. Sawyer is waiting for you" he dismisses me. I nod, picking up my bag and headed for the door. I was sick of his behaviour towards me, he brought me here for nothing and then kicks me out.

"Myra." My heart skips a beat when he calls my name.

"Mr Kingsley?" I look back at him expecting him to apologise for his rudeness and ask me to stay.

"Betty will take care of you tomorrow at the office, listen and do whatever she tells you."

"What about you?" Wasn't ordering me around his favourite thing to do?

"I'll be leaving town for a few days."

"Oh?" I say stunned.

"I'll be back for our dinner on Friday," Ryan adds

"Did you sleep with her?" I ask looking anywhere but his face, referring to the girl that came. Ryan looked shocked by my question, but he signs sinking into his chair.

"Yes, I have fucked her."

"Today?" I didn't let the tears fall yet, why was I affected by this?

"Not today Myra, I would never do that to you." I scoffed

"Do you sleep with everyone you employe?" Was that his thing? Was I just another one to add to his list?

"This isn't—" his eyes widened when he saw where I was going.

"Fuck Myra, You think I fuck women before I employe them?"

"Goodbye Mr Kingsley," I rushed out as he calls for me.