It was common knowledge that I hated the mall. Yet on my weekend off-- that I had booked off the sleepover at Penny's--Penny insisted I join her and the girls in a shopping spree. Even though I refused and told them I would meet them at her house after their spending spree, they arrived at my house only to abduct me and force me to go. During the abduction, they had completely neglected to bring my bag of goods leaving me no choice but to join them and buy sleepwear.

"Never again." I said coldly as we finally loaded ourselves into the car. At five thirty Penny, Hannah, and Lindsey were satisfied with their purchases and stuffing the products into the trunk and backseat of the Bug. Meanwhile, the only goods I had purchased were a toothbrush, a book on anatomy, and some sleepwear. We took our places in the car as we had earlier leaving the cafe.

"Bar time!" Penny grinned wolfishly and revved the engine. I shook my head.

"No. I refuse. If you force me to go, I'll call the police for kidnapping and life raping." I warned, becoming defiant. Of course I did not win. Three hours later, I was sulking in the corner as my friends danced provocatively against men they had met five minutes prior. With the trickery of fake ID's, or using their feminine wiles to mooch drinks off men, my friends had successfully become intoxicated. I nervously shuffled my cards.

"Hey," a voice yelled over the music behind me. I turned, to see a handsome dark haired man standing behind me who made me freeze. His hair seemed to shift from metallic blue to black, his eyes a venomous green. I noted him as the second attractive man to speak freely to me today, making this a new record for me.

"Hello," I mustered a friendly smile. He stretched his hand out, and I flinched slightly. He, however, was unaware of my skittishness.

"My name is Ash. Yours?" He stepped closer. I hesitantly put my cards away and warily took his hand.

"Salayria." I nervously shook his hand, and he went along with my pace as if to reassure me. I had found a gentleman at a bar, like Michael was before we were alone. I shook my head, trying to shake Michael out of my head like a dog shaking water off it's body. Ash's eyes darted around.

"You're not here alone, are you?" He frowned. I shook my head and scanned the room for my friends, finding Penny's recognizable auburn locks against the strobe lights, glittering dance floor and mass or sweaty, writhing bodies. She was letting a man grind on her while she laughed, causing me to outwardly cringe. Ash laughed, eyes twinkling like emeralds. I began to feel dizzy, colours that seemed dull in the club suddenly intensified.

"You don't want to be here I'm guessing?" Ash smiled. His voice sounded like music to my ears, or perhaps that was the loud EDM thundering through the building.

Fight it, a familiar male voice whispered in my head. I suppressed a flinch, as Ash's form began to ripple like water. My eyes widened at the impossible transformation that took place before my eyes, fear clamping my throat shut and gripping my spine. His hair became a bush of black and blue bone, moving on his head like an antenna. His skin looked like charcoal, back bent as if he was permanently hunched over. His limbs were abnormally long and thin, with blood red talons protruding from the end of each digit. A large black tail swayed from side to side behind him. His face was the worst change. It looked like a skull of a snake, a human and a shark mixed into one. A humanoid shape, beady black eyes like a shark, and ivory gangs grotesquely protruding from his mouth. He shuffled his feet which looked like those of a velociraptor. I wanted to scream, but it felt like a hand was wrapped around my vocal chords, effectively silencing me. The skin on the back of my right hand began to burn, and my cards warmed up in my pocket. The thing cocked its head to the side like a dog.

"You don't look well. Let me take you home." The thing crooned, Ash's voice still as beautiful as ever. I shook my head, fighting back bile that rose into my throat. His original form flickered back into view, showing he was frowning. No beautiful guise would hide what I had just seen. I opened my mouth to speak.

"Yoo-hoo! Salayria!" Penny's voice yelled cheerfully. I turned to see her flushed face and bloodshot eyes, stumbling as she made her way over to me. A terrible smell wafted off her, almost like skunk.

"Are you drunk and high?" I said in abject horror, partly from my friends demeanor and the monster in sheep's clothing beside me. She tried to frown but started to giggle, the strobe lights glittering in her eyes. Her hazy eyes locked on Ash.

"Hey hot stuff! You're so illegal you should be hot!" She slurred, draping her arms around him. I wanted to gag, and silently prayed that he wouldn't flicker back. I had to act casual, as to not make Ash suspicious.

"That my friends is the drunk mating call of a female! I'm pretty sure she mixed up 'illegal' and 'hot'." I sighed. Ash grinned with no emotion. I looked at Penny, desperate to leave.

"Penny, we need to go." I said firmly. She began to protest, but half her words were syllables I could not understand. I silenced her with a glare.

"No Penny. Now!" I ordered. She sighed and teetered out, making Ash frown.

"Her parents made me the designated driver for her birthday and I have to work tomorrow." It wasn't a lie. He nodded, looking suspicious.

If you need any help-- any help at all-- call me. If you see anything suspicious or strange, call me, the words rang in my head. My blood boiled at the thought of messaging a man who I barely knew, so I quickly discarded the idea.

"What's your number?" Ash asked, stepping closer to me. The burning sensation on my hand intensified, and the heat started to emanate from my cards.

"I don't have a cell," I squeaked. That was a lie, my Samsung rested next to my cards and wallet. Annoyance flashed across his face.

"Can I meet up with you?" He sighed, reaching out and grabbing my right hand. The unusually warm one. My hand felt like I was dipping it in lava, but I did not move. It took all of my willpower, but I mustered a half smile.

"Sure. Maybe another time." He nodded and let me go. I scurried past him him, and dragged Hannah and Lindsey to the car. Penny was passed out in the passenger seat, while Hannah and Lindsey scooted in the back.

I could not drive away fast enough.

That night sleep evaded me. I watched fearfully as the lights about be retreated as cars past the quiet house. As I waited in the room for my heartbeat to slow, I decided to indulge in old memories.

I hated everything. The children my age trotting around me with huge smiles pasted on their face, the adults that doted on them and even the bugs that lazily buzzed around my head. I was sitting on the bench with my nose deep in a book. Mother had left hours before to find a drug dealer and pick up booze, leaving me at the park by myself.

"Whatcha reading?" A girly voice cooed from behind me. I jumped on the hardwood bench and turned to see glittering auburn hair in my face. An angelic girl stood there with another waiting patiently behind her.

"Dante's Inferno." My voice came out as little more than a dull hiss as I glared at the pretty girl.

"What's it about?"

"A man who is being lead through Hell by the ghost of his brother who committed suicide."

"That's… that's pretty dark." She cringed and ran her fingers through her silky hair. Gently I closed the novel and turned to face her.

"Can I help you?"

"You speak like an adult. I like that!"

"What do you want?" My patience was wearing thin as my foot started to bat at the gravel.

"I want you to play with us." Her desire took me aback. Never had those words been bestowed to me, and now that they were I was unsure of what actions to take.

"Well come on! We don't have all day!" She squealed and grabbed my wrist, yanking hard on the bones as she pulled me up to my feet. I stumbled as her pale friend took my other wrist.

The sunlight streaming above me awoke me from my light slumber. At some point dreams and memories had mixed and I had dozed off. My stomach sank as I realized that soon I would have to return to that dreaded place I called a home. The place where smoke danced in the air and beatings were a daily routine from both adults. My fingers clutched the blanket swallowing me as I feared to leave. I was able to paste a face of bravery in front of my friends, and to protect them when needed. I was, however, unable to protect myself in my own home. Penny's home and the Rabbit Hole had become my own havens. I still recall the one day I returned late from home a little over a year ago before Doug was in the picture. My mother screamed at me when I returned, throwing various actions at my head as I ducked and ran around the home in terror.

Pathetic. The child that ruined my life. I should have aborted you. I should have left you outside to freeze. She always said horrible things along the lines of that, but that was the first time she threw me out. I trudged thrown torrential rain for forty minutes until I arrived at Penny's house where I was greeted by a bed and some soup. Her kindness and her parents kindness still astound me to this day. I stood up from the floor and began to pull on my clothes, giving my friends one last caring look. Through the good and the bad they were there for me, and although I was sometimes cranky and childish we stuck together.

"Thank you." I heard my voice crack as I disappeared out the door. The walk home was solemn and long with the cool air of the morning settling into my skin. I thought about many things-- the Ash and Michael incident, and returning home.

"I was probably drugged or something. Monsters don't exist." I huffed out my logic and blew Ash out of my mind. Michael was a little different, a little bit of a wild card. I could not fathom why, but I had an eerie sense of trust when it came to him. One that I only experienced one other time in my life-- that was with Penny. He had an unsettling air of reassurance that blanketed his existence to a severe extent. So severe that I nearly messaged him about my hallucination last night before I came to my senses. It was starting to annoy me how trusting I was towards him but for now he was just a minor blip in my life. For now, my main focus was home. I had a ball of dread resting in my stomach as I approached the apartment building. The dread grew with every step I took until the world blurred together for a split second.

What the? I stopped moving when I reached the glass door that lead to the hallways of the building, but the scene around me looked like it was melting before my eyes. I blinked rapidly a few times before it returned to normal and I shook my head in confusion.

"I'm probably just tired." I groaned as I pushed myself in. The inside of the building was not as cold as the outside, but it was not warm either. It took a matter of seconds to ascend the stairs, trudge down the hallway and come to my door. I gently pushed in and glared at the inside. A blanket of smoke made me choke and burned my eyes.

��There you are." A harsh voice hissed. My mother sat on the coffee table with a cigarette hanging haphazardly from her mouth. Doug was seated on the couch with his own smoke and a beer in his hand. I kept my mouth closed like the door behind me.

"Get in your fucking room." She demanded and flicked her ash on the floor. I did not need to be told a second time as I dashed out of the room. I was genuinely afraid as I closed my door with tears streaming down my cheeks. I sunk against my door and silently wished I had not left the safety of Penny's house. I heard their whispering but could not make out any word but 'punishment'. I grew afraid and jumpy as I heard heavy footsteps make their way towards my door. The door violently pushed forward as someone knocked which lead to me scrambling to my feet. Doug roughly pushed the door open and slammed it closed behind him. His beady eyes glittered with something dark and terrifying, even more terrifying that my hallucination.

"W-What do you want?" I choked as I took a step back. He blew out a puff of smoke and edged closer to me.

"You've been a big problem lately." He growled and spat on my floor. The door opened once more to reveal my mother leaning against the frame, a devious glint in her eyes.

"What are you going to do?" I sniffed as fear hammered in my chest and my back hit the wall. I heard his knuckles crack and my mother chuckled.

"Go on baby, I won't be mad." My mother egged him on and that only made my terror soar.

"I'm sorry!" I cried and covered my face just as the slap was delivered. The force sent me sprawling on the ground, the book bag I borrowed from Penny coming down with me. My hands stung from the impact and I began to scramble to the door from the floor. Doug's hands hooked on the hem of my jeans and jerked down. I had no idea if that was his intention but I felt afraid and violated.

"Stop it!" I screamed and kicked back. I accidently clipped his hand which made him release my jeans and I quickly got to my feet. My mother looked triumphant as I tried to push past her. She gripped my wrist and began to drag me from the room.

"This is what happens to children who disrespect their mothers!" She hissed as she dragged me to the front door.

"Mom, I'm sorry! Please stop!" I begged as she opened the door and shoved me out.

"A day on the streets will do you well." She growled before the door slammed in my face.

I sat in the Rabbit Hole waiting patiently for my friends to arrive. I had messaged them my dilemma and was now waiting for them to awake and get me. A crushing sorrow buried itself inside my chest as I sat there but I refused to spill a single tear. Polly was looking at my unruly figure as I sipped on my coffee and wallowed in self pity. The bell rang as a customer entered but I did not raise my head the sound. I still left it bowed at the whispered from Polly and the customers.

"Hey, long time no see." A voice suddenly chuckles from my right. I turn my head to see Michael grinning down at me like a fool.

"Oh. Hey." I turned my attention back to my pity.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah." I lied. Michael--who had been pretty oblivious to my previous pain-- obviously did not fall for it and took a seat right next to me. We sat there in a comfortable silence, the curtain of my hair blocking us from speaking.

"Hey Peanut, this isn't like you.You know you can talk to me if you want." He cut through the quiet. I felt a vicious smile cut across my lips.

"Why would I tell you? Like you said, I'm not like me right now." My voice was harsh and I mentally cursed myself after the fact. Michael did not say anything in return. Instead I felt a heavy weight rest on my already heavy shoulders. It took me seconds to realize it was his arm draped over my back.

"Could you--"

"You need someone to comfort you. If I can't do it with words I'll do it with actions." His words struck a chord in my chest and I felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude.

"Thank you." I muttered and leaned a little bit into his arm.

"Just tell me when you're okay." His words of kindness made tears fall from my eyes. I did not know whether they were from happiness or sorrow but I wiped them away anyways. His hand rubbed my arm reassuringly as I did so.

"Why are you being nice to me?" I asked between tears. I could feel him shrug above me.

"I don't know. Maybe it's because we're friends, or because I want to."

"That's it?"

"Basically." I chuckled at his blank reason.

"You're a good kid."

"Excuse me, I am an adult. I can vote, I can drink, and I can drive. You are the kid." He huffed in mock severity.

"What are you, fourteen?"

"I am a twenty year old man. I am not a boy." He emphasized and sipped his beverage. I gave a small laugh and did the same as the door opened once more. My friends dashed in and locked their eyes on me.

"I'm gonna kill him." Penny hissed as she stomped towards me. Michael raised his arm from my shoulder.

"Don���t kill me." He said flatly and narrowed his eyes. Penny ignored him and sat down on the bench opposite to me.

"You're staying with me tonight." She growled and took a swig of my coffee before sticking out her tongue.

"I have nowhere else to stay." I frowned and took back my drink. Michael seemed alarmed at my words but kept silent as the others slid in booths. I felt myself slightly missing his warmth and pinched my leg in agitation. The girls were eyeing him with suspicion before Penny laced her fingers through mine resting on the table. It was a very territorial action that I fell oblivious to but Michael saw through. As if some sort of mini-friend-war was ensuing he slung his arm over my shoulders once more. My friends-- including Michael-- shared a crooked smile as I put my head on the cold table. No words were spoken-- the only noises heard there that of sips and breathing. Penny's grip on my hand tightened as she ran her thumb over the skin of my knuckles as I laid there. I almost fell asleep as the silence stretched on. For a brief moment in time, I felt safe-- I felt loved. That was the moment I decided that these people at this booth were precious to me-- the Behemoth included.

What I did not realize at the time was that was the last moment I would remain untouched by true darkness.

I saw something.

What happened?

You won't call me crazy?

I promise.

Do you believe in monsters?

I laid on Penny's bedroom floor, wearing the plaid girl boxers and tank top I had bought. My hair was pooling around me as I looked around the room. Hannah and Penny cuddled on Penny's four poster bed, while Lindsey sprawled on Penny's couch. After returning home from the coffee shop we split ways. Michael was a gentleman and walked us to the door of Penny's house before fleeing the scene. Why he got in the car with us in the first place was a mystery to me, but it did not shake my resolve in telling him what had happened last night. He had told me that I could trust him and I prayed that he would listen. My mind was in chaos as I waited for Michael to respond.

Yes. It's my job to.

I saw one.

What happened? Are you okay?

I guess. It could have been my imagination.

I sighed, my breath hitching in my throat. My mind pasted the image of the creature that had replaced Ash at the bar last night, causing me to shudder. A loud bang reverberated from outside, the sound of metal on stone causing me to jump up, my heart jumpstarted. My feet moved by themselves, and they carried me down the stairs and out the front door of Penny's two story Victorian house in a cookie cutter neighbourhood next to a restaurant.

Are you still at Penny's house?

Yeah I'm still here. I heard a sound from outside.

I stood at the end of the driveway, ten feet from the alley next to restaurant separated by hedges. My phone buzzed in my hand, but I ignored it.

Come, a voice whispered in the wind. My had began to warm up again as I began to walk to the opening, as if I was hypnotized. A trash can was knocked over, trash spilled on the ground like a busted pinata. A shadow flickered in my peripheral vision. I spun around. The small shadow scampered behind another trash can. I was as taut as a bowstring, breathing raggedly as fear gripped my stomach.

"Show yourself!" I croaked. A little grey and black furry head poked out from behind the trash; a raccoon. I deflated, sighing in relief.

"Sorry little guy. Keep doing what you do." I smiled. Happily, the raccoon scampered to the fallen trash and munched. My phone buzzed again and I opened up my notifications. My blood felt like ice.

Whatever you do, do not go outside!


Are you okay?

A low growl came from the hedge and my head whipped to the side. The raccoon squeaked and ran away. The hair on the back of my neck stood on end. I began to back up, the growling getting louder. I walked backwards, and suddenly hit something hard and solid. Someone's arms wrapped around my waist and I opened my mouth to scream.

"Peanut, calm down!" Michael hissed into my ear. I struggled in his grip, kicking my legs.

"Get away from me Chester the Molester!" I yelled, kicking my legs wildly, hitting something squishy and skin-like in the process. Michael yelled and collapsed, bringing me down with him. I was trapped under Michael who kneeled over me, grabbing his groin.

"My boys!" He cried out, bowing his head so then it rested in between my shoulder blades. Something cold rested on my shoulder, and I started to squirm under Michael. My legs were trapped from Michael straddling my waist. The ground was cold on my skin.

"Stop it! It hurts!" Michael whined, grabbing my shoulder to make me stop.

"I'll kick you in the Crown Jewels again if you don't get off me!" I did not thrash, but I turned to glare at his bowed head.

"You freaking idiot! Stop! I saved you!" He yelled, punching the ground next to me and I screamed in terror. His breathing slowly returned to normal, and he looked up at me.

"The fuck is wrong with you Peanut?" He snarled and rubbed his crotch.

"The hell is wrong with you? You could have killed me you jerk!" I tried to push him off of me but he was as solid as a rock.

"You kicked me in the crotchular area!" He growled once more. Even though he was my friend, I could not help the seed of panic that implanted in my stomach. I stopped trying to push my and my fingers clutched around his soft shirt. Once he was certain I had calmed down enough he let out a shaky breath.

"Are you hurt?" He sighed, sitting up. He saw my glare of anger and fear and moved off me, hooking his arms under my armpits and dragging me up. My leg stung and I looked down to see that it had been scraped in the tussle. I pulled my arms away and wiped off a drop of blood.

"I'm fine," I growled, giving him the evil eye. I saw a odd amulet hanging from his throat. The pattern within the silver circle was identical to the pattern on my cards.

"You're obviously not a damsel in distress type," Michael joked. I kneeled down, inspecting the cut.

"And you're a terrible knight in shining armor." I sighed, standing up and shaking my legs.

"I'm more like a knight in black armor." His voice was so low, I almost did not hear his retort. I eyed him suspiciously, and stepped towards him. That was, until I was thrown sideways, a sharp pain cracking against my head. The sound of screaming and growling was all I could hear as my vision hazed; head pounded. I felt a heavy weight on my arms and stomach, before something heavy fell onto my chest. The sudden pressure caused the air to be knocked out of my lungs, something warm and sticky falling onto my chest and face. Some of the liquid fell into my mouth; it was warm and had a metallic tang to it. I choked on it, my eyes flying open. I was blinded by a brilliant light, until a shadowy figure loomed over me.

"Man, you humans are stupid!" Michael growled above me, grabbing my arm and pulling me up. My legs trembled from the previous impact I had endured earlier, and I was now sticky and warm. Liquid crept down my legs and I blinked the dots out of my eyes. I had a splitting headache and the world whirled around me.

"I don't feel well." I moaned, gripping Michael's arm for dear life.

"Falling for me already Peanut?" Michael chuckled, keeping me upright.

"Not in a million years," I looked around, and laid my eyes on a horrific sight. Ash-- or at least the creature that Ash turned into-- laid dead on the ground. It's head lay severed, fangs bared and tongue lying useless on the ground. Black blood oozed from the neck stump and I looked down. My entire body was covered in the sticky liquid; on my pants, my chest, my face and my hair. Which meant that the metallic taste I had earlier was blood. I gagged, spitting out the dark liquid and felt bile rise up my throat. Michael had a steady arm wrapped around my waist to secure me, holding me against him in support.

"Easy there Peanut," I turned to see a glowing blue sword by his side. It was long and curved, with what seemed to be hollow on the inside. Cracks and pits exposed a glowing blue energy, the same blue as Michael's eyes. That blue glow, was the last thing I saw before my eyes rolled into the back of my head and I collapsed against Michael.

Light reflected into the room, dancing before my eyes as I opened them. The crystal light above my head refracted the light into a streaming rainbow, shining down on Penny's stuffed bear collection. Penny's stuffed bear collection? That could not be right, I was out in the alley. I sat up on the hardwood floor, my head spinning. My pajamas were clean, as was my hair. Everyone was still in their previous positions. Was it all a dream? Something cold rested on my chest. I touched it, bringing it to my face. It was the same amulet that Michael had around his neck was now strung around mine. I fumbled with my phone and I opened the notifications. The texts from yesterday were still there, but now a new message glowed on my screen.

Welcome the the real world, Peanut.