Chapter Six

Work was as easy as riding a bike-- if that bike was on fire, the path was on fire, and I was on fire because it was Hell. I was distracted all day, setting tables the wrong way, dealing with rude customers, and flinching at every customer that reached for me. My hands were shaking all day, as I remembered the beheaded corpse of Ash before my eyes. Monsters could not be real, that is not how the world worked. It was about a half hour before my shift was over, and my legs were gelatin, my arms felt like they were made of lead and my head felt like it was run over by a stampede. I had not eaten all day and I felt faint because of it. Worst of all, my return home after the incident had left me drained. I was like a lost puppy returning to the owner that kicks it. I had nowhere else to go, so staying in the dangerous and abusive apartment was my only option. The dull gold carpet squished under my feet, and the mahogany round tables and cushioned chairs were almost filled. A wave of perpetual chatter wafted around me.

"Salayria," My coworker Luther walked over to me, "Table three needs a waitress."

"No, no, no, no! I'm off in a half hour, that would put me in overtime." I groaned, clutching my silver server tray to my chest as the hanging lights glistened above me. Luther just gave me a wicked smile.

"Well then, you better take one for the team because I'm having my break. I'll take the food out but you babysit them in the meantime." He turned away in a puff, chestnut hair in a disturbing man-bun placed precariously on the top of his egg like head. Anger boiled in my belly and I pasted on my waitress face, and tried my best to gracefully strut to the table. I closed my eyes and turned to the the table.

"Hello, welcome to Wiseman's Steak House! I'm your waitress Salayria, what can I get for you today?"

"Hey Peanut." My eyes flew open and I saw Michael sitting there with two people I did not recognize. My body tensed, as did my smile. I could feel Luther's eyes burning a hole into my skull so I kept my smile up.

"Hello Michael." I said through gritted teeth. The girl and boy sitting with him chuckled at my demeanor. I eyed Michael's extravagant attire of a starch dress shirt with the first two buttons open, a black blazer and black dress pants. The other two were dressed similarly. The boy was shorter than Michael, but not by much. With a shock of white hair, ivory skin and silver eyes, he was an opposite of Michael's darkness. The girl was contrasted by the both of them. She was short, not taller than me and I'm five-two. Unlike the boys, her shirt was a pale blue, with three buttons undone to show off her cleavage. The buttons appeared to be missing, almost as if someone had ripped them off the shirt on accident. Dark hair that teetered on brown and black, with streaks of pale blue, blood red, neon green, and lilac. Her eyes sparkled like emeralds and rubies-- she had heterochromia iridium. One eye was a blood red, while the other was a vibrant green. She was a bit on the bigger side, but more voluptuous than overweight. Her stomach looked relatively flat, and her thighs larger, as was her upper arms. The way she crossed her legs and hid her stomach showed that she was insecure. She saw me staring at her and her face flushed before she stuck out her tongue playfully.

"Hey there Salayria. Pay no mind to the walking sack of Draconian crap over there." She twisted her head to Michael, who's eyes widened at her remark.

"I would like to inform you that if I was any kind of crap, it would be that of an Arachnoid. Their feces are shimmering like a gem, and I am a gem." He reached over the table and pinched her cheek like he had mine. I was flabbergasted at this turn of events. The boy in the middle grabbed Michael's hand and shook him off, while reaching over and smacking the girl on the back of the head.

"Sorry about these two. They're a bit of a handful." The pale man sighed and smiled at me.

"Stop flirting with the poor girl Gabriel. I doubt she wants any of the STD's you're carrying." The girl snorted and winked at me. Gabriel went scarlet and turned to her, grabbing her knee.

"That was one time, and you know how it happened!"

"Oh yeah, you got a little boo-boo while killing a succubus and some of the fluids got in the wound and gave you demonic gonorrhea." My face flushed at the comment the girl made, and I looked around awkwardly. They had brought some attention to their table, but it seemed to be more awe than anything.

"So I see you have water, are you ready to order?" Michael turned back to me.

"I'm here to pick you up, remember? We need to have a talk."

"Well are you going to order anything?" The others got excited and nodded.

"I'll start with the french onion soup, with the the crab and shrimp spaghetti as my main, as well as a lobster tail as an accompaniment." Gabriel grinned, fidgeting in his seat.

"I'll have the szechuan calamari, and the thai green curry bowl." The girl handed me back the menu.

"What do you like?" Michael asked.


"Don't ever ask him why, just tell him." Gabriel sighed, pinching the bridge of him nose.

"You'd like the sirloin."

"I'm getting that but what do you like?"

"If you're getting the sirloin, why are you asking?"

"Because." I groaned in annoyance.

"I like the calamari and the sirloin."

"Okay, then I'll also take an order of the calamari if you recommend it. And can this be to go?" Michael grinned. I pulled out my notebook and nodded, scribbling down the orders.

"I'm off soon, so Luther will be dropping your order off." I smiled and went to walk off. The girl grabbed my arm and tugged me back.

"Meet us in front of the building when you're done." She muttered before letting me go. Fear settled into my bones, and I quickly stormed off.

I wished my favourite chef Antonio a good night, before pulling my fuzzy grey sweater over my white dress shirt, black skirt and pantyhose. My feet were confined in my four inch heels all day, and I felt like collapsing. I pushed my way out the back door, taking a breath of startlingly cold air. Autumn had took hold with Halloween on the rise. The days had become shorted, and the stars had already started to peek out. Remembering the words the girl had said, I began limping to the entrance of the restaurant. I turned the corner of the large building to see the trio standing there, Gabriel holding two large plastic bags full of food, while the others face the door. The clicks of my heels were easily masked by the shouting coming from the girl and Michael.

"Punch buggy!" The girl screamed and punched Michael.

"Damnit Carina! Banana!" Michael Charlie-horsed her as a school bus rode past. She cried out and collapsed, cursing into the ground.

"No fair! You're actually strong!" Carina whined, gripping her leg. I crept up behind Michael, who stood there in triumph. Gabriel looked back, aware of my presence and I stood directly behind the Behemoth. I jabbed my fingers into his ribcage, causing his to yelp and jump forward, spasming uncontrollably and gripping his side.

"You wanted to talk to me Behemoth" I muttered, smiling smugly. Michael turned around, frowning like a two-year-old.

"It's not safe here. We should go to the Coven." Gabriel whispered, head craning every which way. Carina shakily stood up, while Michael straightened.

"Come on Peanut," Michael motioned for me to follow as the trio began walking to the sidewalk. I shook my head, standing my ground. I was shaking like a leaf from fear, weakness, and the cold. Michael cocked an eyebrow and the others stopped.

"I'm not going anywhere with you." I said defiantly. My voice was weak, and came out as a whisper. Michael's face softened and he walked over to me.

"You're probably exhausted, and scared of us." Michael seemed to read my thoughts aloud. I flinched away from him as he stood in front of me.

"We're not going to hurt you, I'm here to help you." My hand flew to the amulet around my throat, and Michael's eyes fluttered to it. I felt safer clutching the piece of metal jewelry.

"All I'm asking you to do is trust me. Please, just trust me." He pleaded, placing his hands on my shoulders. I gently looked up at him, feeling tears threatening to spill over. I was not scared. I was terrified. Terrified of turning into a dark alley and being met with a creature similar to Ash. Terrified that someone was watching me, following me, and meant malicious intent. Terrified that everyone I cared about-- Penny, Hannah, Lindsey, my mother and yes, even Michael-- would be ripped away from me and killed.

"Why should I trust you?" I muttered, hoping he would answer in some fantastical way to make me feel safe in my own skin once again. His hands gripped my shoulders harder. And his eyes burned with a fierce light.

"Because if you do, I promise to keep you safe. I promise that nothing-- no demon or angel-- will ever hurt you. All you need to do, is follow me."

"And why would you do that?"

"Because silly," He wrapped me into a hug, "that's what friends are for." That was it. I broke down crying silently, tears dripping down my face but no sound came from me. Michael rubbed my back, and the took my hand. I began tripping over my own feet, and into Michael's back.

"Okay Peanut, hop on." He bet down, patting his back.

"No, I'm heavy." I protested, and tried to move around him.

"Hi Heavy, I'm Michael. Now get on."

"Just do it," Carina called from the sidewalk. "Once he makes up his mind, there's no turning back." I nodded and jumped, wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. He hoisted me up, and the feeling of being elevated over five feet was extraordinary.

"I can see my house from here." I chirped, burying my face in his shoulder. I could feel his warmth radiating out from under his jacket, and his abdominal muscles tensing as he started to walk.

"Sure you can Peanut." He chuckled, gliding towards Carina and Gabriel. The two began walking into the middle of the road, and Michael followed close behind.

"Close your eyes." I obeyed Michael, and squeezed my eyes shut. The cold air around me was suddenly comfortably warm, and the area smelled like sweet lavender.

"Open." Michael whispered. My eyes fluttered open, to see an extraordinary room around me. It was as tall as a theatre, with glittering chandeliers glowing a golden light the pooled around the room. Red Persian rugs carpeted the area. Mahogany table and crystal lamps, with crystalline glasses full of a brown liquid-- most likely alcohol. The walls were white, and portraits of stern and extravagant men and women lined the walls. A cobblestone fireplace roared to an audience of comfortable black linen couches and throw pillows. Gabriel dropped the food haphazardly on the table around the couch, pulling out the styrofoam containers of food.

"H-How?" My eyes were the size of dinner plates. Carina sat across from Gabriel at the only other available recliner. She wiggled her fingers, as if to mystify me.

"Magic." She giggled and scooted forward. My jaw dropped and my head searched the room in wonder. A million questions ran through my mind, but I could not ask a single one. Michael walked to a loveseat and dropped me on it, plopping beside me and throwing his arm around my shoulders. Gabriel passed around the containers and cutlery. He handed me a container that emitted a delicious aroma of spices and fish. I opened it to reveal the calamari from my work. My mouth watered, but I looked towards Michael. He was currently cutting into the rather large 8 oz steak, savoring the caramelized onion jus. He cut off a small bite, holding it to my mouth.

"Why?" I asked, the intoxicating smell permeating my nostrils. Michael swallowed the large mouthful and pressed it closer.

"I know you haven't eaten. You need to eat." Gratefully, I took the bite. The flavours exploded in my mouth and I smiled, savoring each chew.

"Must grow strong. Good for bones," Michael muttered in a Russian accent. It made me smile, and I continued eating the mouth watering calamari. The spices tickled my tongue, and I gave a few to Michael who happily ate them.

"You two act like lifelong besties." Carina chuckled, taking a spoonful of her curry.

"So, magic?" I asked, taking another bite of the spicy substance.

"Magic. Any Guardian must know a simple Veil modification spell." Gabriel grunted, taking a large portion of noodles.

"Veil modification?"

"Picture a misshapen ball of string," Carina muttered through bites, "Now layer that ball of string in millions of layers of cloth. Not every layer is going to be the same. Some will crinkle, some will bend, and some will stretch. Each occupy their own space in between, that mimics the majority of the layer under it. That's like the Veil. There are millions of alternate realities all happening at once and most are interconnected. The Empire State building, Mount Fujioka, and more landmarks are in other realities, but not every world is the same. Everyone may look the same, but events are different. There's a saying that all Guardians say."

"All stories hold a grain of true." Gabriel and Michael said at once.

"Basically writers, artists-- anyone like that-- can look into different realities and compose what they have seen subconsciously."

"So what about the original ball of yarn." My anxiety levels peaked.

"We call it the Inner Circle. It's like Hell, only Hell is accessible to Guardians and is actually nicer--." A sudden piercing scream-- almost like that of joy and hunger-- split through the air. There was a sudden red blur out of my peripheral vision that violently latched itself onto Michael. The shock was so volatile, that I almost dropped my food. Michael, was barely fazed by the disturbance.

"Hello darling!" The red thing cooed. I looked down, and froze. There was a beautiful golden girl, in a beautiful blood red lace skater dress and red pumps with bows on the back of them and an open toe. Her hair was curly and soft, and pulled back into and interesting crown of braids. Her baby blue eyes peeked out from Michael's pant leg.

"Hello Mary-Anne." He was monotoned. It took me aback. I've known Michael to be many things in two days-- charming, sarcastic, and juvenile but never monotoned. The temperature in the room seemed to drop and I started to shiver. The girl locked eyes with me, and her pretty face contorted into a scowl.

"Michael, I've told you a thousand times. Rabid beasts aren't pets, they remain outside." My blood turned to fire, and my skin turned pink. Michael's arm just took it's place around my shoulders, and held me close. Her eyes burned into where we made contact and I scooted away. Mary-Anne stood up, and towered over me.

"Move," She ordered, crossing her arms. To avoid conflict, I began to stand. Michael had other ideas, and grabbed my coat. He pulled me down, forcing me to remain seated.

"Michael baby, let me sit next to you instead of this homely looking thing," She whined, pushing out her breasts seductively. I started to blush in response, but Michael was unfazed by her actions.

"Um, I'm actually off--"

"Oh look!" She said mockingly, "The creature can talk!" I bowed my head in shame. Michael and the others remained silent, but they had ceased eating.

"Now be a good bitch, and leave." Mary-Anne's voice dripped with venom. Michael opened his mouth to say something, but Carina beat him.

"Listen here Princess Liposuction," Carina called out, causing Mary-Anne to spin around, "Why don't you go fuck off, and suck on your silver spoon somewhere else?" Mary-Anne turned as scarlet as her dress. Gabriel and Michael began to laugh under their breath, while I stayed silent.

"Are you just going to let her talk to your fiancee like that?" She spat at Michael. My heart and stomach fell and the entire room went silent.

"Fiancee?" I whispered. Michael went deathly still, and glared daggers at Mary-Anne. Michael stood up, placing his empty container and mine on the table.

"I'm taking her home. She still has school." Michael said blandly, but there was a sharp bite to his words. He hoisted me up to my feet so fast my head felt dizzy. The world around me began to melt, and the faces of those around us turned into mist. I blinked my eyes as the gold and red hues melted into greys and greens. We were standing outside my apartment complex. I spun in circles, confounded by what just happened.

"W-What?" I gasped, my heart racing. I glanced at Michael to see him smile sweetly at my child-like reaction.

"Cool, huh? I can go anywhere with a flick of my wrist." He tried to sound happy, but he was obviously upset. I just nodded, and absorbed everything that just happened.

"So, you're getting married? Odd since when we first met you asked me on a date." I turned back to him, but Michael was nowhere to be seen.