It Happens

That day the hall screened the movie without any audience to watch yet it was sold out. 

Dawn could help but think of the folly of her husband. She wanted to chide him, but all she could feel was love. She had changed back in her night pajamas and went to lie beside him. Since when had he started snoring? She watched his face for a long time and then slid his arm beneath her head. She had already eaten food. Sleep overcame and she heard Daryn smacking himself. A smile came on her lips and she went off to sleep. Little did she know that her husband was smiling at her. He had his phone on record mode to record her snoring. 

Dawn woke up in the morning to feel emptiness near her. She felt the sheets beside her with her hand and found them cold. She got up only to see that Daryn was getting dressed for the office. "What time is it?" she asked, rubbing her eyes.

"It is 9AM darling," he said as he adjusted his tie and came to kiss his sleepy wife.