
Daryn growled in the phone, "Neal! I had assigned you to find something and you haven't reported it to me from past two days. What the hell is wrong with you?"

Neal watched Cara taking the pastries box from him and forgot the conversation. Her beautiful heart-shaped face beamed as she opened the box and immediately picked up to eat a red velvet pastry. The phone found its way back in the pocket. 

"Neal! Neal!" Daryn shouted but the owner of the phone was watching a pastry crumb that had lodged itself on Cara's lower lip. Dying to eat it from there, Neal walked up to her, bent down, cupped her face in his hands and with his tongue licked away the crumb leaving the girl totally flustered and flushed and wide eyed. Electricity from him zapped through her and goose bumps pebbled her skin.

"You are beautiful," he breathed.