The intense exercise (III)

************warning mature content *************

The mature content included here is going to happen with both parties' willingness. If you are unable to proceed with reading, please skip the part.


Rome was quite upset with this, but a devilish idea came into his mind and ordered her to lay flat on her stomach and lift her buttocks high towards the ceiling.

She did so, thinking he might be entering into her womanhood in this position. But he gave a tight slap on her left buttock, holding her right breast tightly and pinching her nipple.

She cried out loud and was about to shout on Rome when he delivered one more tight slap with a pang sound echoing in the whole room on her right buttock while pinching her left nipple.

At first, she got mad, but there is an intense feeling inside her building up with each h slap sound for the second slap. Rome gave a moment to adjust.

This time delivered a tight slap on both her buttocks, which might echo in the whole house, pinching both her nipples with the other hand.

This time she was unable to hold and loudly moaned, which embarrassed herself. Rome gave a hearty laugh and said, baby, don't hold yourself back and moan aloud for me.

If you stop yourself, my punishment will be in the more intense way he finished. Not getting any response pinning her down and placing his manhood on her anal core, asked her,

Baby, did you hear me? She nodded her head. He gave a little love bite on her buttock and asked her to be vocal.

Adaline, heavily breathing, said, yeah! Yes, Rome. Raising his brows, he corrected her; it's yes master for you, my darling.

He gave on more slap and asked her why she was getting punished, which she said; I don't know, master;

"Please tell this poor wife of yours. Why are you punishing me..?"

Pinching her breasts and massaging them, Rome informed, because you exploded without my permission, darling.

Still, there are six more slaps bear with it, and then I will give what you want and remember as loud the slap sounds as loud your moan should be.

Before opening your mouth to protest, if you do not moan, your slaps will increase, which will delay our main action.

Listening to his shameless words, Adaline immediately closed her mouth and waited for the slaps to moan.

The louder the slap echoed, the louder her moan begging him for more. Rome continued like this until it was the last one.

When it's finished, her buttocks became red with his handprints. He felt terrible and hugged her, saying sorry repeatedly.

I was carried away with the pleasure it gave. I am sorry, my baby; please forgive me. I will never do this to you.

Rome became upset, worried, and panicked that she might leave him because of this. Laughing off Adaline, she decided to tease.

Oho, my Rome, I never thought you to be witty and intense in romance. You love this type of kinky things, ha...?

Rome is on the verge of collapsing, not in the mood to spoil their romance; she hugged back and said she liked it.

Although we never did this, it is a different experience for us. It would be best if you continued not to spoil the mood and make me upset.

Listening to her words, he kissed cutely on her cheeks and slammed himself into her.

They continued their not so sweet but more adult romance.

It took a long time for them to finish and explode with each other.

With the intense pleasure she got, she is exhausted and unable to move a finger of her.

Rome is still as energetic as they started and asked her whether to go for another round. Widely opening her eyes, Adaline begged him to spare for the day.

Laughing aloud, Rome carried her into the bathtub and washed her thoroughly.

Looking at her alluring figure, unable to stop himself, he fingered her continuously from the back, placing her in between his legs.

He fingered her until she explodes on his finger with his permission. They went for one more round this time, her riding on him even after she protested weakly.

He encouraged her to move faster, holding her hips tighter and making her move.

He kissed on her lips and said, it is giving more access to your core baby.

He runs his left hand along the spinal cord's length, causing her to shudder with his intense touching.

He started biting her breast and sucked them thoroughly until he explodes on her.

Her weak protests increased him to continue for one more round.

Adaline was quite exhausted, but still gritting her teeth, continued riding on him as it was giving intense pleasure to her and got along with him unable to stop.

When they finish their exercise along with the bath, it was already 12 past midnight. He gave her a glass of milk and slept hugging her contently.

Easton woke Margery up and took her into the bathtub for a fresh bath.

They washed each other sweetly and did one more round of romance.

This romance is so sweet with full of love and adoration towards each other. They started with sweet and cute kisses.

Easton placed Margery on the edged of the bathtub and licked her core with long thrusts of his tongue until she exploded.

He drank all her juices and asked her to lick his manhood for once. Margery obliged and gave a long lick with her sweet tongue.

Raising her head, he peels open her teeth with her tongue and entered his tongue into her mouth and his manhood inside her core.

This raw act made Margery blush intensely.

She wanted to close her eyes with shame filling her entire body, but he warned her not to do so and signaled to keep open her eyes.

While filling her core with his manhood, he asked her how she does feel. Margery slapped him playfully and hugged him.

Laughing with his deep baritone voice, he rained kisses on her neck.

When he came to her breasts, he looked at them longingly and asked whether he can suck in her nipples.

He whispered into her eyes, Margy darling, I wanted to drink your milk while sucking your nipples. Is it possible to do so.?

Margery laughed aloud, saying even though she is a vampire, she can't produce milk unless Margery becomes a mother, but sadly she can't.

But it's okay we have Carla as our baby. Since you want to drink my milk, I will look into some books and try to produce it. Don't worry, and I will be careful.

Easton happily obliged and gave fast thrusts inside her with feather kisses on her abdomen. He slightly lifted her to get more access to her.

Whenever she yawns herself, throwing her head back, he gave intense thrusts with a longing look.

Even though Margery is exhausted with lovemaking, she obliged with him for three more rounds.

Easton thinking she will start worrying as soon as she got energy, he made love to her till she got exhausted and ready to sleep.

She fell asleep as soon as they finished. Carried her like a princess out of the bathtub and placed on the bed.

He makes her wear a nightgown, then went to sleep, hugging her from the back with a sweet kiss on top of her head.

Inwardly, she smiled, circling her hands on top of his hands and sleeping with a sweet smile on her lips.

The part which should be concerned about all this is in deep slumber, not bothering about this.

The mystery man reached the royal castle. He spotted portraits at the center of the living room.

The woman in the portrait is sitting on the throne, who looked like Carla.

The woman has a beautiful smile plastered on her face with sparkling eyes having the man's image behind her.

She is as gorgeous as an angel descending from the sky to grant every wish of humankind. Unlike Carla, the woman has black eyes. He stood there all night looking at the portrait.

The man is none other than himself and the woman who never thought he would love her until his heart hurts with all the love pent up in his heart.

She is the s woman who was still residing in his heart, as long as he lives on this earth.

To the world, she might be a fearless queen, but to him, she will be the same little girl who is so happy to marry him and carry his children.

When the couple woke up, it is already a 7'o clock in the morning. Making breakfast to Adaline, Rome left a note to check on Carla.

When he reached the principal room, Easton already woke up and got freshen up. Bowing to him, Rome said,

The second master, we need to check on little miss. She might wake up any time soon.

Nodding his head, he informed him to get her out of the underground house and take to the mansion.

I will bring Margery along with me. She is still sleeping, so I will carry her. Eston took Margery and just vanished to the mansion.

Since it is a Saturday, no one is present in the mansion. The orphanage is on walk-able distance.

Without being noticed, Easton entered the mansion and placed her on the bed in the master bedroom.

Rome shifted Carla to her room and informed to Easton. Since it is a weekend, Rome will be staying with Adaline.

He awkwardly informed the same to his second master.

Before Easton started teasing him, he flew off from there, knowing his second master's intentions very well.

Since their other halves, along with the niece still sleeping, both went back to sleep.