Where the two couples reconciled with their partners and had a sweet night, on the same day werewolf world is in shock because of these random rogue attacks.

The rogues who attacked them doesn't seem like normal werewolves turned into rogue wolves because of abandoning their respective packs. They seem like lead by an influential leader to achieve some purpose.

Naturally, once any werewolf gets out of their pack and doesn't want to join in any packhouse, they become rogues and are not welcome in any group.

Apart from the moonstone pack, there are significantly fewer packs who withstood the attack and gave a counter-attack back, but there was an equal loss from their end.

The Werewolf International Committee Council, commonly known as WICC, is just like a parliament with a constitution in the human world to amend, create, and modify their rules and regulations for the werewolves' welfare.

This council is the head of the werewolves community only for the outer world, which acts as a representative to other organizations that exist in the world.

Unlike in the human world, they are still ruled by the king and queen, including WICC officially. The present king and queen are known only to their world.

The moon god itself established the WICC for the welfare of werewolves and all the powers to control it

This sudden rogue attack is very familiar to them as the power, and money hunger can make anyone do reckless things.

Thinking this is also one of those rogue attacks for their freedom, the council is conducting a simple meeting to send a satisfying answer to the pack heads.

The WICC consists of a total of six members representing and handling each department. As of now, the moonstone pack's alpha William Gresham is the king and the head of the WICC.

William Gresham is on vacation, so they have decided to conduct this meeting under vice president Mr. Dubey's supervision. He is also a longtime friend of William and a very upright person.

His witty and unkind nature makes him more distant and even more difficult to handle situations with him.

They were in the middle of the meeting when Jacob called the council. Dubey is very serious about the conference and wants to start an investigation against this attack.

The reason he decided to conduct the investigation is he got a whiff of being betrayed by their people. In the werewolf culture, betrayal is a sin punishable by death.

Other people don't want the investigation to happen because of their reasons and to offend some influential people unintentionally.

They are also trying to convince Dubey not to initiate a serious investigation as it is common nowadays.

Dubey wants to conduct this investigation seriously as he has some doubts about the inside people as well acting as a barrier to these people.

The meeting is going on and on for hours with no conclusion. Some people are ready for the investigation as they don't have anything to be frightened.

Whereas some people who wanted such type of attacks to gain control over their kind. They are even ready to betray their people for power and money.

Dubey is an acting president until the president and king William returns from his vacation. He has to handle both vice president and president duties.

Even though his powers are limited, he can at least decide an investigation like this.

Since the meeting is going on and on from the time rogue attacks stopped and there is no outcome, they want to go for the voting system to conduct this investigation.

The people who are involved in shady business doesn't want this investigation to happen. Hence they voted as no, and the people who genuinely wanted to happen voted as yes.

The votes concluded in a tie situation, forcing Dubey to withdraw his proposal. He asked for some time to come for a decision and went out of the meeting room.

At the same time, Jacob called, and the member of the committee who lifted the call informed Dubey the same.

Dubey hurriedly made a call to William and spoke.

"William, it seems there is someone from our end who is helping these rogues behind our back.

I have proposed a severe investigation that should happen at any cost. What should we do now"..?

Wilson laughed aloud, "oh Dubey, when a person is anxious about something, even someone like you also can loss thinking ability and become an idiot."

Dubey, with a furious look, "Stop your bickering will, this is serious. I believe you already know what happened with our pack".

William, with a severe look, said, "look at you all worked up. Okay, okay.., listen to me carefully now, my old pal,

Agree for it on the outer surface, make an agreement that involves an essential investigation and ask all the people to agree for it by giving their signature.

Later on, I will take care of everything, if you need anything, call Jacob, he will be there to assist you".

Dubey scratching his beard sheepishly, said, "haha cunning old fox; I knew you would have a brilliant idea like this.

I can't wait to see their faces being investigated by us. I understood what I have to do," saying, so Dubey disconnected the call."

He went into the meeting room and, releasing a loud sigh, said, as equal members of the committee don't want to be an intense investigation, we will stop this here itself.

Listening to this, all the committee members heaved a sigh and looked relieved before they can give happy faces. Dubey continued

"But we are going to conduct a basic level of investigation as we need to give an explanation for other worlds which we can't ignore at any cost.

I will be sending each copy of this investigation process for all the committee members; please sign them and send back".

Listening to this, everyone looked like they have swallowed a bomb. Thinking this is an unreasonable move, all the committee members started protesting against it.

One of the members next in the line of power after William, Lauren, said with a smile on his face, "Mr. Dubey, this is just another rogue attack which we have encountered this year.

Of course, it was a dangerous attack, but is it necessary to include the council members in the investigation as we have a position to represent our culture and community to the world.

I believe no one here is as capable as betraying the council and helping outsiders like rogues to harm themselves. After all, they know what happens to them, right, dear council members...?

Dubey, with a serious face, "dear Lauren, you are still young to believe the people act upright when they are in a respectable position.

You don't understand that power and money can get worse behavior from a person and makes them do anything.

Moreover, this is a necessary investigation which we always do when something disastrous happens from our culture to the world.

The investigation is the protocol that must be done from any council when the disaster occurs from their world. We can't provide a report based on belief.

The world needs proof and investigation, which can show our innocence. I am confident that everyone here knows about this, so there will be no problem in approving this" finished looking at everyone.

All the other council members looked at each other, nodding their heads they agreed for the investigation. Like this Dubey, he achieved his mission.

The man called Lauren unhappily agreed to the decision; according to him, this wasted everyone's precious time; alas, he failed to convince others in the same thinking.

If Lauren tries more than what he already did, he maybe got exposed by himself, so he pressed his lips in thin like with a dissatisfied look.

The king's special assistant approved this and sealed the meeting's decision with the committee's approval sealing.

As soon as the meeting ended, Dubey directly called Jacob and informed the committee's decision.

Jacob is the crown prince of the werewolf world, and he will be the next king. In the absence of his father, only he can give orders to dispatch their people for investigation.

If something happens in the absence of his father, who is the king, the crown prince has to take care of everything, including his twin brother, the second crown prince Leon, even though he is younger only by an hour.