The unexpected outburst of power (III)

Not knowing what to do, she carefully went back with light footsteps. She heard a faint sound coming from a corner of the library.

She looked for the sound here and there. After some time, she found a storeroom near the left corner, which is quite far from the main door of the library.

She opened the storeroom where she found Daniel and heaved a sigh of relief.

She shook him, trying to wake him up. He slowly opened his eyes and said: "Carla, go away from here. You should leave this place as soon as possible."

She said: "Come on, Daniel, get up now, I can't leave you here alone. It's time for us to leave."

When they are engaged in their conversation, the door opened with a click sound. Then, the same bunch of friends with whom Daniel used to hang out came inside.

Looking at them, Carla thought they are here for help and said: "hey guys, can you help us to get out of here."

Daniel hoped for them to help and looked at them earnestly. One of the friends grinned disgustingly and said: "ah! Daniel, thank you for bringing Carla here."

Daniel shook his head and yelled the truth, "Carla, don't listen to them, we just had a bet to know if you can become friends someone like me.

If you remember, in all our conversations, I never spoke a single word either inappropriately or crossed my limit."

Carla narrowed her eyes, looking directly in the eyes of Daniel as if confirming whether what he said is the truth.

She remembered Daniel, asking her to leave from this place as soon as he came into consciousness.

The bunch of friends is total 4, one of them smiled sinisterly at Carla and said, looking at the others :

"No need to look at him for answers, we wanted to deceive you into thinking he is the one who lured you into here.

Alas, it seems you are not easy to deceive. Anyway, we are here to have fun with you, right guys?"

All of them nodded their heads in a yes gesture. Daniel trying to stop them, said:

"Guys, since I won the bet, you all should stop here. She is not like what you people think. She is a good girl."

But they silenced him with a hit on the head, making him unconscious again.

One of the friends, trying to catch her, commented: "where are you trying to run away dear, we just want to see if the rumors about you are true."

Another friend replied: "Oh! yes, you are quite mysterious, so we decided to unfold your mystery."

Looking at them,

The leader of the friends haughtily replied: "it's useless, even if you try to get away from our grip because there's no one around the campus to save you."

She tried to be as far away as possible from them and indulged them in talking.

Meanwhile, Easton and Rome are still busy in completing the carpentry work as tomorrow they have to make this building their official office to start the work.

The mayor, Mr. Winston Churchill, suspended all the government officials who are involved in the bribery and dismissed Mr. knight for one year from his services.

Margery and Adaline were also with them, helping in finishing their work.

Later, Luther, after finishing his meeting with the royal mansion ministers, called Carla to ask her when she will be back home.

He is trying to call from the past 10 minutes, but her phone is either not reachable or switched off.

Luther immediately called Margery as soon as she picked the call, he asked: "Margery, where is Carla, I am trying to call her for the past 10 minutes, but her phone is unable to reach."

Margery confusedly looked at Adaline, as if asking her where Carla is.

Adaline took the phone from Margery and answered: "First young master, Carla said she has some work in the library, so after finishing the job, she will reach the home.

Maybe she didn't finish her work yet, don't worry, we will ask security personal to check there."

Luther said before disconnecting the call: "Okay, ask them and let me know immediately."

Adaline said: "Clara has not reached the home yet, that's why first young master called us."

Nina came back after instructing the helpers in the kitchen; she sat beside her husband, who is surrounded by books.

Intending to help him, she opened a book which is titled: "Ancient magical Things."

This book is an ancient one in which all the magical artifacts engraved from past generations to the present.

It contains all the information about how many magical artifacts are there in the world till now. Where are they..?

It also contains information on how to make any magical artifact.

She didn't find anything about the red pendant, as her sons and husband described.

Out of curiosity, she asked: "Wilson, why don't you show me the pendant? Maybe I can able to help in recognizing."

Understanding she may not be able to escape from these evil people clutches, Carla grabbed her bag.

She tried to find her phone again, hiding under one of the chairs placed in the library.

One of the friends found her and grabbed her from the wrist, jolting her up. He grabbed her from the waist, making her unable to move.

Her eyes suddenly became red with a disgusting touch; she tried her best to be calm.

The man is holding her from behind, so she is unable to see his face.

Her softback made him twitch with excitement. Unable to stop himself, he planted a kiss on the backside of her neck.

He gave a victory smile to others and said: "guys, I am the first one who is going to enjoy and have fun with her."

That kiss disgusted her, and something inside her triggered. She felt like thousands of ants, clawing on her making her irritable.

She is trying her best to be rational, whereas something inside her is trying to burst out.

Immediately Carla's eyes changed into a profound mixture of red-orange. She just removed his hand from her waist and slightly pushed him.

The man crashed into the wall behind them and fell limp on the ground with blood splattering from his ears and nose.

Everyone looked at her as if she is the ghost who came from the underworld. The man who was holding here earlier is not a weak person.

He is quite bulky and had six-packs. For a normal timid girl like Carla, it would be impossible to get out of the grip.

She threw him off as if his weight doesn't matter to her. Looking at her, all of them petrified, as if they are seeing a monster coming out of the hell.

Luther is still worried about Carla, not knowing where and how she is.

When Carla was outraged and threw the man who touched her, he immediately sensed the power and apparated to the school campus.

This type of immense power can be emitted from a witch or wizard only if they are in some danger.

He also sensed that this power is quite raw and intense.

When he landed on the school, Easton, along with Margery, was already present there searching for Carla.

Rome and Adaline stayed at the building as they can't leave the building while work is going on.

Even Easton and Margery sensed the power which is emitting from Carla.

Carla, with a snap of her fingers, opened the library door and made all of them unconscious before leaving.

She just walked out of the library as if nothing had happened inside it.

The one who touched her is already dead. She carried daniel out of the room and placed him on the edge of the steps.

Carla is still didn't come to her senses ultimately. She just sat there, closing her eyes.

When Luther and the gang found her, she is leaning towards the wall with closed eyes and daniel beside Carla unconscious.

Luther checked her body for any physical wounds. He also checked her pulse to see if she is sick.

Carla still didn't open her eyes. Luther, sensing she is out of her energy, apparated them back to home.

Luther placed her on the bed in her bedroom. Brushing her hair strands from her face, he asked: "darling, what happened to you? Do you remember anything..?"

She just shook her head and fell asleep. Easton and Margery stayed back to find out what happened.

When they came inside the library room, they are shocked to find out a dead body crashed into the ground.

The remaining four members from the infamous gang were lying unconscious on the ground.

Daniel, who is unconscious, woke up from his stupor and shouted Carla's name throughout the corridors.

Listening to his voice, Margery came out of the library and asked him what happened earlier.

He narrated everything that happened and said: "principal madam, I didn't know they were up to this. Please forgive me; I never wanted to harm her."