Preparations for the party

After listening to his narration, Margery said, "Daniel, even though your intention is not to harm Carla, but your approach towards her is not right.

I hope you will not run your mouth about this situation, anywhere, or else; I know how to deal with you.

We have more pressing matters than dealing with you now, understand..?"

Daniel nodded his head, not even looking at her, feeling guilty towards Carla.

Easton dismissed Daniel on behalf of her patting on his head, "sigh, young people nowadays are too complicated.

Boy, don't indulge yourself with such type of friends in the future, don't feel guilty.

Since we understood there was no ill intention from you; naturally, your headmistress won't take any sever action against you,"

He paused and looked at Margery before continuing, "write an assignment and reflect on your behavior. Do you want me to call your parents..?"

Daniel shook his head and said, "No, sir. It's okay, and I will manage. I hope Carla will not think of me as a bad guy."

Easton rubbed his forehead, which is full of sweat, before encouraging him not to feel sad, "she won't think you as one of them."

Daniel is still feeling low while leaving from there, but when he came to the parking lot, Daniel felt confused as to why he is still on the campus.

Margery asked him, "Did you alter his memories about the part of Carla's power bursting out..?"

Easton nodded his head, saying, "only the part where this disaster happened and then apparated to the home along with Margery.

Meanwhile, Luther took care of Carla and made her sleep on the bed in her bedroom.

At the same time, his assistant from the royal palace came with bundles of papers for him to handle.

Looking at them, he felt irritated, he is already tensed and worried about his daughter, but here he has to deal with this nonsense from the royalty.

He just waved his hand, dismissing him after taking those documents. He is not in the mood to deal with them now.

When Easton and Margery came, Luther said, "Margery, arrange the welcome party for us day after tomorrow itself."

Margery looked at Easton, who understood his brother's intention but still asked, "brother, are you planning to stay here for a long time. Did you considered it carefully..?"

Luther gave a sharp look but still explained, "I can't stay assured, leaving Carla here, Easton.

Don't worry about my appearance, and I will disguise myself carefully before coming into the public."

Margery understanding his concern for Carla, said, "okay brother in law, me and Adaline will make all the required arrangements."

Luther grunted in yes and asked Easton to handle the paperwork that came from the royal mansion on behalf of him.

Easton went back to Carla's bedroom to take care of her while Margery asked Adaline and Rome to come home.

When Margery called Adaline, Margery asked them to come home as soon as they finish.

Adaline and Rome looked at each other, listening to her words as they didn't know anything happened on the campus.

They urged the carpenter workers to finish the work sooner as expected, explaining their urgency briefly.

Rome promised them to pay extra for their extra hours since he has to reach the home.

Rome immediately called someone and making them in charge for the time being; he left for home along with Adaline.

Meanwhile, there is a meeting going on in the dungeon, planning another attack.

The mystery man who is sitting on a nearby chair looked calmly at the people entirely immersed in the meeting.

He is not at all interested in this meeting. What is the point of having meetings when they are no hurry in either eliminating the other clan or injuring them severely..?

After all, he is here only to get back what his clan and community lost because of them.

Before this, the entire witch community was only one community. But now it's divided into two: one is white, and another is black.

The father of Carla, Luther, is the present king of the white witch community.

The other community is the one who is having a meeting. The mystery man doesn't want to have anything with them, but he needs to discover his powers to gain what he wants.

The man is only aware of the powers he holds up to some extent. He still remembers those horrible scenes from the war, which burned his entire family.

As a kid, he was unable to do anything at that time; all his pent up frustrations is burning himself. He only wants to get revenge, nothing more, nothing less.

The mystery dungeon is the actual royal palace of the witch and wizard community, but the war happened years ago forced the man and his clan into this palace, making it a dungeon.

When Rome and Adaline are at home, Easton and Margery were fidgeting in themselves about how to solve this.

When they stabilized the situation, Carla's power outburst already happened.

At a time like this, they can only cover up from where the outburst happened but cannot make it disappear.

Luther is still in Carla's bedroom, looking after her, whereas she is still sleeping as if nothing happened.

He tried many ways to eliminate this outburst power, but it went futile because, after an outburst, it's almost impossible to hide it.

The sudden outburst of power which was buried deep under her, cannot be controlled by an immature body like her's.

Moreover, all these years, she neither witnessed nor experienced anything like this. It's not easy for her to absorb such a piece of news.

The power which came out of her was an entirely white color, as described by Daniel. It came out like lightning on a stormy, rainy night.

He only saw a glimpse of one of his friends crushed on the ground flatly by an invisible thread of silver-white thread-like thing.

It seemed like her mother's side dominates her power, but Daniel also mentioned that before his friend crushed, he hit the wall with a red-orange like a thing.

Daniel is not quite sure about what the power was, and now he doesn't even remember anything. He confusedly reached his home even before Easton, and Margery gets St. Mary's.

Thinking about what his brother said, he suggested, "I think what brother said is a nice idea, and we need to complete all our preparations as early as possible."

They can't wait for any more than this, since there is less time, Adaline called Nina to get some help from her.

William was about to let her see how that red pendant looks like in real, to not disturb her husband because of the call; she came out of the library.

Margery didn't explain anything but only asked for help. Nina is a famous singer in humankind; hence she can easily arrange an event manager for them.

She made a call to her assistant and asked him to suggest one famous event managing company. Her assistant didn't even take 10 minutes to offer help.

Nina called Margery and said, "Hey! Margery, I have checked with my assistant.

Coincidently, an event management company called "palm Events" is around the corner in Winden city.

I am giving you that even management company details along with the manager's phone number. they will provide you people with much-needed assistance."

Margery thanked her, saying, "Thank you, sister, give my regards to brother in law and that two brats. I hope they are not making you tired."

Nina laughing aloud, interrupted, "come on, Margery! They are all grown up now. Of course, they won't bother me except Leon getting into danger because of his profession."

Margery added, "that cheeky brat! let me teach him a lesson when I visit you."

Nina dismissed her thought, "oh! not needed your brother in law is enough, they are already scared with remembering the punishment you gave back then, now shoo away and prepare for the party.

Inform me when it's all done so that I will come and help you with last-minute setup."

Adaline, who was beside all this time, added, "Of course, we will invite you not to help but as guests."

Greeting each other good-bye's they disconnected the call. Margery heaved a sigh of relief and asked Adaline to make the call for that EM.

Adaline called the event management company's manager, and she gave their instructions and requirements.

The event manager replied, "okay, madam! I have noted down all your requirements; we will send a team for the decoration. You no need to worry about anything; we will take care of everything."

Adaline mentioned, "The decoration shouldn't be more lavish, this is a home welcoming party all the public figures will attend, so I request you to keep in mind."

The event manager agreed, "Yes, madam, we understood the requirements. We will arrange according to your taste."

Adaline, with a sigh, replied, "one problem solved, but what about another issue if Carla doesn't wake up at the time of the party..?"

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing how to resolve this problem.