Chaos at the hot pools

Warning : Adult stuff and words here, I was brain dead so I could not put in the warning.

It was a hot day for the gang, they were just waiting for the 1st graders to finish their bag check up, Christian, Samuel, Npc, Jemuzu, Yashiro, and Kurapa (In the toilets) were waiting for the 1st graders to finish.

"So the 1st graders will be joining us," Npc said while tired of waiting, it was soo hot ouside.

"Well I think P-vert Prez told the Principal to give one of the 1st graders class a chance," Yashiro said, trying to smell Christians hair while Christain let her.

"I TOLD YOU NOT TO CALL ME THAT," Jemuzu shouted, instantly regretting it because everyone was staring at him, "Plus I had to use my excellent communication skills to skillfully trick the Principal to let the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd years to come, so praise m-"

"You beat him at mini golf right," Yashiro said quickly with a monotone voice.

"Ho-how did you know that," Jemuzu said confused.

"Oh I don't know, it's not like I passed through the Principal's office to hear shouting, and I totally didn't peek in to see you cheating in mini golf against the Principal, nope not at all," Yashiro said sarcastically.

"I wasn't cheating," Jemuzu said, trying to make the blow to his pride a little weaker, but it still hurt.

"I guess we have Shinabaru and Chris coming with us," Kurapa came out of the toilets after dropping a massive bomb in the toilets.

When Kurapa said that, they all sighed, "Those two perverts," Christian said annoyed.

"They always make unfunny innuendos," Samuel said trying to forget about the 'Condom incident' the thought made him shiver.

"Oh guys have you heard that Shinabaru got a nickname," Npc changed the subject while also trying to forget about the 'Condom incident'

"EHHH????" All of them were confused.

A nickname takes more than a year to get, for example, the nickname 'Silver tongue' was given to Christian because of the insults he would give to people, but it took a year and two months for him to officially get that nickname.

"I have three questions, How? When? What?" Yashiro said trying to figure out how many days have passed since she saw the blonde kid the first time,"

"First question, well many girls liked his blonde hair and light brown skin and those golden eyes so they came up with a name for him. Second question, about three days ago when a girl called him by his nickname when we were in lunch, Third question, It's Golden Boy,"

"Oh look it's them," Yashiro said while pointing at two beautiful people.



"They look majestic,"

Boys and girls looked at two beings that looked like two angels, but little that they knew these angels were hiding their horns.

"Look at all the cuties, *Slurps intensely*" Shinabaru thought to himself secretly.

"Geez these men are just all over me, hehe," Chris said to herself inside but on the outside she looked like royalty.

These two are the school's top 'Potential couples' but little that the school knew that these two are closet perverts.

"Look at them getting all the eyes, those dumbos are just trying to look cool," Christian said a little annoyed, but he suddenly looked behind his back to see a completely terrified Samuel.

"What's wrong with him?" Christian thought to himself, but suddenly Christian saw a tourist taking pictures, "That's why," Christian said under his breath.

"What was that Christian," Npc said with a confused tone.

"Nothing," Christian quickly responded, "OI SHINABARU, CHRIS CAN YOU GO A LITTLE FASTER," Christian shouted shocking all the 1st graders.

"Alright," The two responded while jogging.

Soon they entered their train, Christian always trying to hide Samuel from everyone with his height and his intimidating aura, soon they got comfortable with the train, Npc was reading romance manga with Shinabaru and Chris, Shinabaru and Chris kept making jokes about it, meanwhile Christian, Yashiro, and Samuel were fast asleep, snoring.

An hour had passed, when Christian was awakened by his sister, "Oi big bro we're here, go fast or we'll be late, Shinabaru and Npc are already out, those two didn't even help me" Christian stood up, and tapped Samuel and Yashiro's shoulders.

"Are we here," Samuel said tiredly.

"Yeah c'mon we'll be late," Chris said, getting all their bags, "And if you're wondering where Shinabaru and Npc is, they are already outside," Christian proceeded to wake up Yashiro and Samuel.

The four of them went outside quickly, to see all of the students ready, Shinabaru and Npc were kicking rocks, Jemuzu and Kurapa were sorting papers, Yashiro and Christian quickly ran to help them, Christian looked around, they were in a beautiful countryside.

There were three teachers with them and all of the student council people, so the three classes were in good hands.

"Alright so get to own classes, 1st graders here, 2nd graders here, and 3rd graders here," One of the teachers said.

"ROLE CALL," One of the teachers Shouted.

After the roll call one of the teachers explained their situation.

"Alright so this will be a one week field trip, we will be staying in a motel, boys and girls in different rooms but you can choose who you will be staying with," This rule made Shinabaru and Chris a little annoyed, they were best friend after all, not because they want to sleep in a bed with the opposite gender, totally not.

Then another teacher went up, "The motel that we will be staying in has two hot pools, an outside food place, and each room has a bathroom, please don't ruin the bathrooms, they also have a gameroom with games like, chess, air hockey, and even an arcade.

Then the last teacher went to talk, "This trip is a relaxation trip for you guys, we are going to the beach at 12:00am and returning at 4:00pm, this will be fun, you guys ready!!," The teacher said excitedly.

"YEAHHHH!!!" Every student shouted.

Then they all got into their room buddies, Christian, Npc, Samuel, and Shinabaru were room buddies.

"LET'S GOOO," Npc and Shinabaru Shouted while twirling their hair around.

"Can you just just stop being weird," Christian said to them with a little aggressive tone, "Plus the teachers might tell you off,"

"What, you're not excited Christian?" Samuel said to Christian while hiding himself to the locals.

"It's not that, it's just I feel embarrassed when they do that, they attract so much attention it's crazy," He said a little angry.

"Yo Christian," Jemuzu appeared out of nowhere, "You wanna climb the hot pool walls," He said with a sly smile.

"If you actually climb the walls I'll use you for target practice," Christian said aggressively.

"Aww c'mon Christian you party pooper, plus we'll get to see the 'light' hehe," Jemuzu didn't see the towering figure behind him who heard it all.

"Your nickname really fits you P-vert Prez," Kurapa then dropkicked Jemuzu causing him to fly off face first to the dirt ground.

Later in the hot pools

"Anyway, how about we talk about boys,"

"Of course Touka would be the one who would bring boys in a conversation,"

"Hey I don't always talk about them, plus I want to know the relationship of the Golden boy and the Golden girl?" Then almost every girl looked at Chris in the corner playing with water.

Then Chris gave a sly smile, "You wanna know my relationship with Shina?" All of them were shocked.

"Yo-you ha-have nicknames for each other," One girl asked.

"Yeah, he calls me Chrissy and I call him Shina when we're alone," Chris was enjoying herself.

"How f-far ha-have you go-gone???" One girl asked.

"How far?? Well, we did hold hands once," She had a massive smirk on her face when she said that, "Also, I saw him naked,"


"SIKE YOU THOUGHT KID!!!" She shouted as every single one of them sighed, little that they knew that all she just said was true.

"You got us there, but really do you think you and Arawan-san will become a couple," One girl asked.

She rubbed her chin and thought about it, "To be honest, I have no romantic feelings for him, yeah sure he's handsome and he's one of my best friends but… If I was going to choose a boyfriend I want a boyfriend who depends on me," She said as the girls understood her reasoning.

"And that's good for you, right Tsuyuki??" She then looked at a girl who was dying of embarrassment.

"You like Shinabaru, Tsuyuki??"

"Shut up you guys like him too," The girl was too embarrassed to speak normally.

"Talking about boys, you gals think that they're talking about us?"

"Yeah of course they are talking about us,"

"Look at the walls girls, one of them might try to climb it,"

The smoke from the hot pools hid the silhouette of two groups of men.

"You're going to climb that wall to peek at the girls, you bring disgrace to the name 'Student council president'," Kurapa said to a man who is ready to sacrifice himself.

"I am a man, I am a leader, my people want to see the light, and you think your group of weaklings can defeat the burning passion that we have in our hearts!!" Jemuzu looked like a leader who was defending his men, he was more passionate than ever.

"You are a leader yes, but a leader of darkness, your promise of light is only going to lead you down the way of darkness, you tainted every single one of them with your fake 'light' you monster, we are going to stop you here," Christian said while holding soap.

"Christian we were not tainted, we chose this path, this our my destiny, and not even you can stop us," Shinabaru said, his eyes had fire in them.

"You betrayed us, you don't deserve to be called our brothers," Npc said, holding soap ready to kill his brothers.

"We are truly sorry but this is the path we chose and we shall die in this path," Samuel said ready to be killed.

Then on the other side, the girls didn't know what was going on.

"Yeah I bet they're talking about our bodies,"


"Yeah like how much they'll go to town on us, *Wink* *Wink*,"


"Sorry brother, tell my sister I love her, and please throw the book I keep under my drawers, ughaahhaha"

"I bet they're drooling right now, thinking about our peaches"



Two former partners in crime now fighting in the middle of the pool with soaps, they began stabbing each other with their soap, they were evenly matched for each other, they're pasts as muggers really helped their soap knife skills, Kurapa landed a stab on Jemuzu's liver, but in revenge Jemuzu stabbed Kurapa in the eye causing Kurapa to scream in pain.

"What are they doing there," Yashiro who was outside of the pool scrubbing herself said after hearing a scream.

"Actually yeah what are they doing," One girl also noticed the screaming in the other side of the wall, after she said that they all noticed the screaming aswell,"

"Shinabaru," Christian said after just defeating five people with his unique three soap style.

"Christian," Shinabaru said while stepping on the five people he just brutally soaped.

"Oi oi move over," one girl said to another girl, they had their ears against the wall of the pool, the noise wasn't that loud but it wasn't that silent either.

"What the heck is going on there," Yashiro was super confused at this point.

"SAMUEL!!!," Npc shouted at the man who looked like he was ready for everything.

"Pleasure to meet you here, NPC," Samuel shouted that last part while running to Npc.

"URAAAA," both of them shouted.

"Alright I can't hold it anymore I need to climb this wall," Chris said while some girls decided to help her.

"Ok go up," one girl said to Chris while she was climbing literal humans to see some naked boys, she felt weird.

"Ok don't look yet, pull us up first," one girl said.

Soon more than ten girls were on top of the wall, Yashiro was also there.

"Ok we look in Three…. Two…. One," then they all opened their eyes to see a battlefield.

In the middle of it a giant has fallen and a certain 'Prez' was trying to lift him but failing, but in the east side the Silver tongue was fighting the Golden boy but he instead looked like a golden demon, meanwhile the west side a total battle of brothers was unfolding, almost thirty people were fighting each other….. with soap….. Naked…...

"AHHHH," almost all of the girls screamed in embarrassment.

All of the boys stopped and then realised that they had been spotted by the girls.

It was an awkward stare of naked teenagers, but as the leader, Jemuzu spoke first.

"Welp they climbed first, alright men you know what to do," Jemuzu said to his composed army.

"YOU," all of them shouted with a monotone voice while holding their soap, "ARE," they posed suddenly, "ALL," then it looked like they were going to throw the soap, "PERVERTS," they screamed while blushing as soaps were flying through the air to hit the girls in their heads.

"WE WERE JUST CURIOUS," one of the girls shouted.

"CURIOUS ABOUT OUR DONGS, YOU SHOTACONS" Shinabaru shouted, completely ignoring that he was also curious about their 'parts' a moment ago, plus he himself is a lolicon.

"AHHHHHHHHHH," all of the girls screamed

After the bath they all ate outside, there was tension between the boys and girls, of course there would be tension, the girls saw the private parts of the boys, every girl was thinking about the 'size' of the 'sword' some boys had, except for Chris who was a little confused on why the heck they were soaping each other.

"Chris are you alright?" Yashiro said to Chris with a worried expression, "Still processing what you saw?" Yashiro said with a comforting expression

"Yeah, geez it was weird," Chris said with a happy expression to not let Yashiro a closet nice girl to worry.

"So Chris uhh.." Yashiro remembered that she knew nothing about Chris.

"Don't let the conversation die, you got this, make her accept you," Yashiro said to herself.

"So hows yo-"

"Chris can you go and get us soda, you can buy one for yourself," Christian from out of nowhere blocked his future girlfriend.

"Fine," Chris was thirsty but she didn't want to drink water.

"The same man I was trying to impress is blocking me right now," Yashiro silently cursed Christian.

Then Chris took the money off Christians hand and walked away, "So Samuel's not here," She said to herself.

She continued down the road to see the vending machine, she also saw her friend Tsuyuki who was getting a drink for herself, "Yoo Tsuyuki," She said to Tsuyuki surprising her.

"He-hello Tsunade-chan," The shy girl waved awkwardly.

Chris then bought four sodas, the night was perfect for a relaxing walk, and that is what Chris wants to do, "But I gotta give this to the boys," She told herself, then she got a plan to kill three birds with one stone, "Tsuyuki mind doing something for me?"

"What is it?" She wasn't looking at Chris when she had a massive smirk on her face.

"Could you please give these drinks to…" She was reeling her in, "Big brother," Not yet, "Npc," It's getting tired, "Shi-na-ba-ru," IT'S A MASSIVE WHALE.

"We-well I-I guess I have to take that offer be-because im going back," She said clearly embarrassed.

"Alright here, and tell my brother I took a walk, bye bye," Chris then sprinted outta there.

It was peaceful in the countryside, "the air was clear, the crickets were making their noises, and a lot of people were gathering in one place, wait why are they gathering for," Chris asked herself.

"So why are you in Japan!!"

"Why did you suddenly move here!!"

"Would you go back to being a chef!!"

They were foreign news reporters, and they were interviewing someone…. Someone that Chris knows, "Sam?" She saw her friend, but instead of the composed but funny Samuel that she sees everyday, she saw a Samuel who was absolutely terrified.

"So your answer?"

"What is it?"




"CAN YOU JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!" Samuel shouted, he was scared and alone, no one was there for hi-

"C'mon Sam," Then Chris out of nowhere grabbed Samuel's hand and ran with him.

They ran for a couple hundred metres, they ran until the news reporters were gone, they stopped under a bridge, and this is where Chris asked some questions.

"What was that," She said to Samuel who looked absolutely destroyed.

"We-well," Samuel was thinking about the next word he would say, "I guess I can't lie to you now," This comment made Chris very curious.

"What do you mean?" Chris asked Samuel.

"I wasn't so true about my identity," Samuel replied.

"Then who are you?" Chris asked Samuel, he seemed scared and worried.

"I-I am a ce-celebrity in Europe, I was the son of a famous mu-musician and a famous chef, I became a ma-master chef at an early age," Samuel stuttered a lot, his hands were moving more than usual, but Chris was confused, "Why move here when you have everything back home," She thought to herself.

"But why did you decide to go here?" She asked him.

"Because here in japan I'm not that popular," He responded, now with a defeated face.

"Why though, I mean the more they know you the more fame you get," She said to him, a little worried.

"Why?�� He then turned around so Chris would not see him start to tear up, "Because I hate fame, when more people know who I am the more...…." He then looked back to Chris with tears in his eyes, his face was more then sad, his eyes looked like there was no happines in them at all, "I want to kill myself..."