Samuel briggs

Warning: Suicide thoughts here if you don't want to read it you should not, heavy subjects here.

The boy just woke up from his slumber, the sun was just rising, "It.. hurts..." his stomach felt like it had nothing in it, the boy was starving even though he ate last night, "I have to wait," he repeated the line over and over and over and over and over.

*Ring ring*

Then the boy ran out of his room like a starving cheetah, "I HAVE TO EAT, EAT, EAT, EAT, EAT," he was about to pass out, he threw up on the floor while running, "DAMN IT," he shouted as he bit his lip to stay awake resulting in blood dripping down his lip.

"I'm… Almost... The-re," he was going to pass out any moment, "C'mon Samuel," He finally reached the fridge, when he opened it he ate only two apples, "That should fuel me for three hours," the boy smiled as he looked out the window, "I can be a normal boy now," a small tear went down his cheek.

"Oh? Is that fatso?"

"Heh, I bet he takes a really long time to get out of bed,"

"Hehehe, I wonder how much burgers has he eaten today,"

"I bet he can't even see his toes,"

All the students from the boy's school said around him.

The boy was alone, he didn't have anyone to stand up for him, "I have no one... But how about my family, they always support me and cheer me up, and here I am saying I have no one... I'm such a terrible person," he told himself while looking at the ground, he had a nervous smile painted across his face.

Lunch came as all of the students got up from their seats and went to the cafeteria, the only one who stayed was the boy who was taking out the salad that he packed earlier in the morning.

"Look at fatso trying to be healthy," one of the girls that were in a group said to the boy.


He was hurt, "But I experience this every day, I should be used to this stuff….. I'm such a wuss," He told himself under his breath.

5 years ago…..

"Sorry Mr. and Mrs. Briggs, but Samuel has an eating disorder," The doctor said with a sad tone.

"What!?! Wh-what does that mean," the boy's father was shocked about what the doctor said

"He….. has a disorder that makes him want to eat more food…. He needs about six or seven meals a day, and if you just give him three meals he'll feel like he's starving," the doctor said as the parents started to tear up.

"Ho-how about his health and weight," the mom said worriedly.

"That's the bad part, it would still be like he ate six meals," it was a hard hit for Mr. and Mrs. Briggs.

"He is still our son," Mr. Briggs said as he looked at his wife, "If he's going to eat six meals a day so be it!!! I'll make him the best life I could offer," Mr. Briggs was trying to encourage himself and his wife.

"Yeah we are still his parents," Mrs. Briggs was trying to pull herself up.

When the eight-year-old Samuel Briggs received the news he didn't understand it first, but after four years of overeating and gaining weight, he understood the effect of his disorder.

4 years later…..

"Sam are you going to eat," a voice that the boy trusted said, it was his older brother who looked worried.

"No I…. I'm having a diet," he said softly as his siblings and parents were shocked.

"But you're going to be hungry," his other big brother said.

"Yeah, I know but…. I want to be a normal boy with a normal life…... I get bullied every day because of my body… and I hate it," the boy said while looking down at the ground, he was choosing his words slowly, his two brothers were more than angry.

"Who the hell are these people, I'll give them a good beating!!!" His eldest brother stood up and said with an angry tone.

"Dylan dear please calm down," their mother said trying to calm the fire that is her own son.

"Owen and I will beat them up, right Owen?" the eldest son said to the middle born in the family.

"EHHH!?!?! I-I ca-can b-b-bearly even p-punch," the quieter and calmer sibling said.

They rambled for a bit until the decision-maker of the three siblings stood up, "Guys this is my decision, and I will go with it no matter what you say," the last born said to his two brothers.

Then it was time for the father to kick in, "Are you sure?" his question was quickly answered by a nod, "Alright then, if that's your decision then as a father I will support you,"

Back in the present

It was time to go back home for the students, as usual, Samuel walked alone while going to his house, but this time a pair of troublemakers walked up to Samuel.

"Well well well, isn't it fatso," the head of troublemakers was right behind him.

"Why do you put your head down," he then grabbed Samuel's hair and pulled it up, "WHY ARE YOU SO MISERABLE," he screamed in Samuel's ear causing Samuel to flinch.

"Stop, please," Samuel said trying to remove the hand holding his hair.

"You have everything, a good family, a good house, and food to eat, WHY ARE YOU SO MISERABLE THEN," he kept shouting at Samuel's ear, "Don't tell me it's because you always get bullied," there was no response, "So you're telling me you a sooooo depressed, because of some people call you fat?" he then released Samuel's hair.

"You're a joke…. you're a thorn to your family name," he looked directly at Samuel's eyes, "Your brother Dylan was bullied to a state of depression, but he still pushed through and became a champion at boxing," It was true, Dylan was pushed to a state of suicidal thoughts in a young age, but he persevered and became a boxing champion.

"I know that," Samuel said with a defeated tone in his voice, but the troublemaker ignored it.

"And even your other brother Owen was accepted into Harvard and graduated at the age of fifteen, that's your age right now but instead of doing something great you're crying about being called fat," It was true, Owen was recognized as one the smartest teenagers in the whole world, "And here you are, a thorn in your families legacy, you're trash," then the troublemakers walked away as Samuel stood up and started tearing up.

The walk to his house was painful. It was a pain worse than getting punched or kicked, he knew all those things about his brothers and how much he was nothing compared to them, but someone saying it to him gave Samuel a weird feeling, a feeling of…. Insignificance, a feeling of….. Not caring what happens to him.

"I'm… Nothing," He told himself while going home, his face had bruises in them.

When he got home his mom instantly became worried and tried to treat it, his father was also helping him but failing, his oldest brother asked what happened, but he just replied with, "I tripped and fell on the stairs," his expression convinced his family not to be worried, but one of them didn't get convinced.

After brushing his teeth Samuel got into his pajamas and read a book to ignore his hunger, but a knock on the door interrupted his reading.

He walked to the door and opened it, "Oh, brother?" there stood Owen with a smile.

"Can we talk for a bit?" he said with his suspicious smile that Samuel feared for his entire life.

"Alright," Samuel opened the door to let his brother in.

His brother walked into the room with his usual sluggish nature, but something was wrong, he knew that if Owen's hair was messy something was wrong with him, "Uhh brother are you alright," Samuel said with a worried tone.

"Samuel," Owen said with his deep voice, Samuel doesn't really hear Owen's deep voice often, to the three brothers, Owen was the quiet and shy child, he never deepened his voice, but something was wrong with him now.

"You matter Samuel, don't let anyone tell you that you don't," Owen said trying to encourage his brother.

"Wh-what do you mean," Samuel was trying to cover up his emotions from his brother.

"You can't trick me, Samuel….. You know you look like brother Dylan when he was questioning his life," Owen's voice became softer in the end.

Samuel couldn't respond, Owen checkmated Samuel by his words, Samuel's emotional barrier was breaking, "I knew you would think that about yourself, every teenager has their "I don't matter phase" everyone, I even had that when I was fourteen, so I know you're having yours right now,��� Owen said now with a calming voice.

And at that moment Samuel broke down to tears, "I bring shame to our family name, you and big brother Dylan were successful at a young age, meanwhile, I have done nothing in my life," Samuel was having his emotional breakdown, but a pat on Samuel's head stopped his weeping.

"Don't tell yourself that Samuel, mother found her musical talent at the age of twenty-six, so don't tell yourself that you have no talent," then Owen said something that changed Samuel's life forever, "How about be a chef like our father? I mean since you have a diet, why not make the food you eat more delicious," this changed Samuel's life forever.

After that day Samuel told his dad to teach him how to make various diverse dishes from around the world, and his father was surprised about how fast he learned how to cook.

After a month Samuel knew a lot of different dishes, and they didn't only look and smell good, they also taste like heaven, the different kinds of flavors of his dishes complement each other very well, he had even surpassed his father on cooking, next for him is showing people that he had talent.

Samuel perfected his cooking skills in under four months, as a result, a show asked for him to appear on their new show called, "The new king,"

Samuel was interviewed in the show, he was asked different questions like, "What inspired you to cook? What is the best dish you have made? When did you discover that you had this talent?" they asked Samuel who answered the questions truthfully but avoided the personal questions.

Soon Samuel was in the front of every magazine, his talent at a young age made him very popular, but in school, he was still hated, his popularity was disliked by his peers, they thought that he got everything on a silver platter.

His school made an event that was perfect for Samuel to show his skills, the event was about cooking food, the one who won the competition will get a lot of money, Samuel made the best food he had made, his dishes were second to none in his school and he won the prize, but this win will eventually be the reason for his downfall.

Not even a month later Samuel met a man who had made him oysters, the man told Samuel to be brutally honest to him, Samuel ate the oysters, it didn't taste good at all, but he still ate them all.

"So how does it taste," The man said with a worried face, it took Samuel a lot of courage to say what he was about to say.

"Can I be honest?" Samuel asked.

"Yeah," the man said

"Ok, it's not the best, but it can still be improved," Samuel said trying not to sound mean.

"Alright I'll do better next time," The man said to the relieved Samuel.

Day after day the man returned, and day after day he brought his new-made oysters, after three weeks Samuel saw the man as his friend who depended on Samuel to test his food, his food wasn't the best, but Samuel knew that he was getting better and better as the goes by.

But one day changed his perspective on the man, himself, and everyone.

"So how is it?" the man said anticipating a response.

Samuel knew what he was going to say, it's been three weeks since they first met and they had a joke that Samuel would say the reverse of what he thought of the dish.

"THIS IS A HORRIBLE EXCUSE FOR A OYSTER," Samuel shouted while throwing the oyster shell on the ground.

But instead of the smile or a laugh from the man like what he used to do, he instead bowed and said, "S-SORRY CHEF," and he suddenly ran away while rubbing his eyes, this made Samuel confused, they already did this for like a lot of times.

"What was that," Samuel said while walking away, this was the day where it all went downhill.

When he got home a new viral video was posted on one of the social media apps, it was titled, "Chef Briggs EXPOSED," this title made Samuel wonder what this was.

The video showed the man who Samuel considered his "Friend" crying.

"Chef Briggs always tells me that my oysters were horrible and he always shouted at me for wasting his time," this shocked Samuel, then a video of Samuel shouting at the man came up, they cut the parts where the man and Samuel were socializing, to the normal human it looked like Samuel was just aggressive towards this man for no reason.

"I didn't do this," Samuel said to himself with an unsatisfied face, "No, NO, NO, NO, NO," He repeated the line over and over and over.

When he decided to go to school everyone even the teachers hated him, he was bullied more than before, but now it was too much for Samuel who decided to not go to school for a long time.

On his walk for his last day, a cameraman was taking pictures of him, this cameraman was putting his camera in front of Samuel's face and it was blinding Samuel because of the flash the man had on, it annoyed Samuel soo much that he slapped the camera off the man's hand.

"Oh my god,"

"He's such ass,"

"Bad oysters, now this?"

They started taking out their phones and took pictures of a cameraman on the floor and Samuel looking at the man when Samuel realized that they were taking pictures of him he immediately ran as fast as possible to his house.

"No, no, no, no, god please no," Samuel said to himself while tears were running down his cheek while he was running.

When he got home he instantly got to his room and locked it, he stayed there for two hours, "NO, NO, NO," he shouted at himself in his room.

"SAMUEL ARE YOU OK," his mother asked Samuel behind the door, she was trying to open the door but couldn't.

"Mother... sorry, sorry, sorry," Samuel was crying while his mother was behind the door worried.

He knew that he would only cause shame to his family name, his mother quickly asked for his father to help her, they were trying to open the door.

"It's cold," Samuel said to himself starving, crying, and breaking, "I hate this," Samuel gripped his heart, "I don't want to exist anymore," he failed yet again, "I wanna die," he quietly whispered to himself.

Then he remembered that his family did a lot for him, and he was wasting it on wanting to die, "heh, I'm terrible," Samuel made a little emotional wall to protect himself to the state of suicide.

It's been two weeks since the incident, Samuel was now being attacked outside and online by everyone, his family has been protecting him, they have been telling people to stop attacking him, but because of this, they said that the Briggs family was just protecting Samuel because he was popular and they wanted to take advantage of his popularity.

Samuel blamed himself for the hate that his family got, "I brought shame to my family, I'm just a burden, I want to di-..... NO NO NO NO NO NOO!!!…. I'm…. worthless," tears were going down Samuel's face, his little wall was about to break, it was cracking, all the pressure, all the hate, all the punishment.

Slowly the wall that protected him from the storms…. Finally broke down

"The stars are beautiful tonight," Samuel opened the window of his room, "I want to be free….. I want to have friends... I want to be….. Happy," slowly he stood at the window frame, "I wonder if this height will be able to make me free,"

"I….. don't want to live…. Anymore,"

Samuel's wall was broken, he couldn't protect himself now all the years being lonely, all of the pressure from the people who used to love him, it's like they forgot he was just fifthteen...

"SAMUEL," somebody shouted below him, Samuel quickly looked below ad saw his brother Owen shouting.

"DON'T JUMP, PLEASE, PLEASE," Owen was begging Samuel not to jump, the tears flowing down his brother's face made him feel guilty, he thought that if he just jumps he wouldn't be a burden anymore.



"SO PLEASE SAMUEL DON'T JUMP," Owen was exhausted, the shouting made his lungs and throat hurt.

Samuel was taken back by what his brother said, "Is it really ok," he thought to himself.

Then Samuel made the decision to go for it one more time, "Fine brother," Samuel said loudly enough for his brother to hear him, "One more time,"

At this Owen began to cry, Samuel saw how much he meant to his brother, "I'LL FIND A WAY," Owen shouted at his brother, "A WAY TO MAKE YOU HAPPY,"

After a few days, Samuel was going out of his room now and then, his parents knew about the incident and gave Samuel space.

"MOVE TO JAPAN?" Samuel was shocked about what his brother told him behind his door.

"Yes, I suggested this because I did some research and it was said that your popularity wasn't that big in Japan, about a total of 0.79% of people from japan don't know you," this fact made Samuel kind of... happy.

"Really?" Samuel said with a tone that had more courage than his tone for the past few months, Owen took advantage of this.

"There are about six hundred cities that don't even know you exist," Owen phrased it weirdly but it still made Samuel happy.

Samuel's hope was recovering, little by little, this was Samuel's last push….. to happiness.