The new kid and the secret in the diary

Warning: inappropriate words or stuff here

Hello, my name's Yuuki Souta, I'm a sixteen-year-old male that just moved into a small town with my family, my father is in a lot of depts due to property damage, so my family had to move into a house in the suburb instead of a house in the city, yesterday my father told me I'll be going to a new school. The highly respected Sakura academy a place for the intelligent and mature, an international school that has one out of the four prodigies of the new world.

"He-hello, I'm Yuuki Souta, I like uhhhhh… I like comics," I was shy on my first day of school. Everybody just looked at me weirdly, when I was ordered to a seat, I sat at the very back of the class. I was shy at first so I just looked out of the windows to avoid eye contact.

"Souta-san," said a boy on the right of me, "Nice you meet you, I'm William Bunta, you can just call me Will if you want," he looked like he was inviting but he also looked like a total wimp, or was he hiding it? He was wearing his hair like a nerd and he also had glasses, I knew that he was a mix of European and Asian.

"Nice to meet you Will-san, you can also call me Yuuki if you want," I said, he then smiled and pointed at me.

"Alright Yuuki, and if you don't mind let's not do the title thing," he said while having a smile,

"Alright," I replied, he then turned to the teacher.

"Ok, let's talk during the break," he said as I faced the teacher trying not to get caught.

After the classes, Will and I were finding a place to sit, we were going to his usual place, but some troublemakers already beat him to it, so we searched for a new one.

"Will?" I asked him, he turned to me and tilted his head, "Is it true that some special people go to this school?" I asked.

"A lot actually, we have nicknames for memorable people in this school, if you want to meet one of them, then follow me," Will then turned to another direction, we continued walking for a couple of minutes until we saw a lot of people in one place, most were boys.

"Omg, she's soo beautiful,"

"I'd hit that,"

"Look at her grace,"

All the boys were just looking at one girl eating her food, she was with a couple of friends that were trying to hide her, "Who is she?" I asked, she was soo beautiful my eyes couldn't look away.

"She is the Golden girl, Christina Tsunade, the most beautiful girl in the whole school, it is said that almost everyone likes her," Will explained, he then looked at me, "You already like her don't you?" Will said as I became red, "Not to burst your bubble, but I think she'll be taken in three months,"

"Why?" I had fallen in love, but if she finds somebody better than me that will make me happy.

"Another one with a nickname," Will then started to walk, "Follow me," he said. I was curious about the people in this school.

When we finally got to our destination instead of boys, girls were now around the place, but instead of just staying behind. Will pushed through, "Why are we going in?" I asked.

"Oh, I'm a friend of this guy," he then pointed at a man under a tree reading a book, and just like the girl, he looked graceful, his light-brown skin tone shining just like his blonde long hair flowing in the wind, the way he is holding his book is just graceful, when he looked at me with his beautiful eyes it shook me to the core, the angel-like figure then stood up, he then tied his hair into a messy ponytail, his figure was short and he had to look up at me.

"I'm guessing you're new here?" he asked me with his smooth voice, but instead of I replying, Will did it me.

"He is a new kid in our class, he was just wondering about people with nicknames and some people around the school," Will said to the shorter man.

"So I expect he already saw Chris," this guy just got it in his first try. Will nodded at this question, he then suddenly looked at me, "Hello there, my name's Shinabaru Arawan, you can call me Arawan, but if you're comfortable enough, Shinabaru is alright," he said while I shook his hand.

"Yuuki Souta, nice to meet you Arawan-san," he then put his hand on his chin and lifted his head.

"Oh yeah, if you're in the same class as William, then you're my Senpai," he told me while having a weird smile.

"Yo-you can say that," having someone like him call me Senpai is pretty nice, and a little weird.

"Alright, see you around, Senpai," he said with a smile on his face, he walked back to his place and opened his book again, he truly looks like an angel, but then he looked like he thought of something for a second, "Oh yeah Will," this made Will turn to him, "If you're introducing people to Senpai over here, go to the Gym, Npc's there,"

"Sure thing, Alright c'mon Souta," Will said as I followed him again.

He was walking to the Gym, "So, who is this Npc guy?" I have never heard a name that weird in my whole life.

"Oh, he's a giant, even though we're in the same grade, he's about six-feet and a haft," William said while going to the Gym, "There he is," he pointed at a giant of a man sitting in the corner talking to some people, the giant had red hair and hidden eyes, he looked weird to me, "OI NPC!!" William shouted at the giant, the giant looked at William and he smiled and waved at us.

"Hello Will, how's your day," the giant said with a soft voice, he then stood up showing his gigantic height, "Oh, who is this boy?" he said as he pointed at me.

"He's a new guy in our class, yo Souta introduce yourself to Npc here," Will said while pointing at the man.

"Oh, h-hi Npc-Sama, I-I'm Yuuki Souta, nice to meet you," Not kidding, I was intimidated at him, he was just soo tall, his lanky arms also didn't help, but all of that washed away as he gave a smile that even a heartless person can say cute.

"Nice to meet you, and please you can call me Npc, since ya know I'm a little bit of a dumbo at titles," he said while scratching his ear, "So Will, Why did you introduce me to Souta here?" the giant asked.

"Oh, he was just wondering about the people here, so I showed him to Christina and Shinabaru, and Shinabaru recommended you," Will explained while I almost got hit by a ball.

"Woah," I said while a ball whizzed past my face. But then somebody caught it.

Npc caught the ball with only his left hand, "Guys, I told you no throwing it hard, remember what Kinto did," Npc said while he threw the ball soo hard that when it hit the wall it made a very loud noise, "If you're going to do that again, I'll aim for you guys," I was astonished on how powerful that throw was. He didn't even put his back to it, and when he did this he turned to us, "Damn first-graders," his attitude then changed back to happy, "Visit Samuel next if you're going to meet with somebody,"

"You know full well that Samuel and I don't have the best relationship ever since I lost the lamb sauce in cooking class," Will replied, he looked a little bit annoyed.

"Wait you lost the lamb sauce," I asked thinking of a certain chef.

"Yes, I thought that I just left it in the counter, but when I reached for it, it was nowhere to be seen," Will said while scratching his hair, "Dammit my hair's really itchy,"

"Who is this Samuel?" I asked as Will began to walk away while signaling me to come, I waved at Npc who had a smile and waved back, Will looked a little bit annoyed.

"Alright I'll introduce you to Samuel, but I'll not come with you, I'll just be behind the door," Will explained, then a group of guys who looked like they just saw a ghost appeared.

"Be-be-be c-care-careful, th-th-the Silver to-tongue is a-around the co-corner," one of the boys said while quickly jogging out of there.

"Dammit, let's go," Will said while jogging away, I was wondering why, but I trusted the fear on his eyes to run away, we ran to the second floor and stopped at a classroom, "Phew, we got away," I was confused at this point, I think Will saw the confusion on my eyes, "If you hear that the Silver ongue is coming, either you act by the school rules or run away,"

"What do you mean," his answer just confused me more.

"William," I heard a voice in the classroom that we were in front in, I turned to William who looked angry, and then a man peeked out of the classroom, "You damn irresponsible piece of trash," a guy with light brown hair said, he had blue eyes that looked at William with disgust, even though he was wearing his hair in a bun and wearing an apron that had a cute bunny on it, he still looked terrifying.

"Bro, I just lost the lamb sauce," William said as this guy smacked William with a plastic spatula.

"Because of that, I couldn't make the perfec-" the man then tilted his head to the side and looked at me, "Who is that?" he asked.

"He's a new guy, he wanted to meet up with people, he already met Chris, Shinabaru, and Npc," Willaim said sluggishly.

"How about Christian?" the man asked.

".....I don't think that he and Christian would get along," my curiosity grew more at this, "Oh, by the way, this is Samuel who Npc talked about," William said while backing off.

"Pleasure to meet you, I'm Samuel Briggs, I am aware that you're in the same class as William here, just don't rely on him that much," the man said while shaking my hand, when he mentioned William, William just slapped Samuel on the back of the head, "WILLIAM," Samuel shouted as William ran off.

"Lol get rekt you, absolute nerd," William said while running off leaving me alone, "Just wander around Souta," William said while Samuel threw his spatula at him.

"What just happened?" I asked as three people appeared out of the corner, "Wait, isn't that, the Student council?" I said in my mind as a man who looked similar to a prodigy started walking to me.

"So you're Yuuki Souta the new kid," the man said while the other two stared at him, "Nice to meet you, I'm the Student Council President, Ragushi Jemuzu, but please just call me Jemuzu, never ever call me Ragushi please," the man said while shaking my hand, "Introduce yourselves you two," the man said to the two people staring at him.

"Nice to meet you, I'm the Student Council Vice-President, Oshina Kurapa, and just like Jemuzu, don't call me Oshina… or Karapa, jeez I hate that nickname," the man said while looking inviting and happy.

"Greetings new kid, I'm the student council Treasurer, Shirou Yashiro, and yes you may call me Shirou if you're family," a girl said with a sarcastic tone in her voice, "Tell me, have you seen or heard somebody named Christian Tsunade the Silver tongue," the girl said as my mind remembered somebody saying something about the Silver tongue.

"Yeah, somebody looked terrified and said that the Silver tongue was around the corner," I said while the three of them kept listening, "And that was on the ground floor, so maybe he's there," then the three of them started walking and they waved at me, but I still had a question, "Wait before you go I wanted to ask a question," this made the President turn around.

"Continue," he said.

"Who is this Christian Tsunade, and why are people soo scared of him?" I said while the President smirked.

"Well, he's the Student Council Secretary (or law boy) Christian Tsunade the Silver tongue, the most ruthless and cold person in the school. he can tell you off for doing a small bad thing, and even though it's just talking, people say it hurts your self-esteem, like a silver spear through somebody's heart, and he is also pretty strong, I saw him beat up five people by himself," the President said casually, I couldn't believe that somebody like him could be in the student council.

"Why is he Secretary if he's that bad," I said, completely hating this guy.

"I didn't mention the part that he is top twelve in our whole school, he is also the king of sports in our school, and not to mention his new achievement for becoming a prodigy of the new world," Jemuzu said while waving to me.

"Oh…" But even with this I still hated him. But then I heard some screaming, I ran to the screaming which was pretty close. When I got there, I saw a man who had black hair and he was stomping on someone's hand, I instantly pushed the man away from the guy.

"Th-thanks," the guy said to me while looking at the man with intense fear in his eyes, "I think it's a good time to RUN!!!" he said while sprinting away from the man and me.

I faced the man, ready to get into my 1st fight in this school, "Why were you stepping on his hand!!" I asked with my angry voice.

The man just looked at me with such a terrifying gaze that it shook me to the bone, "Because… he pissed me off," the man then walked towards me with his hands on his pockets, "And if you stay here any longer maybe you'll piss me off too," he looked down at me with the same bone-chilling stare.

"What kind of reason is that? I bet it's just because he called you ugly for something," I said trying to hide my fear, but the more he looks at me the more my legs shake.

"Ohhh, I know now, so you're those kinds of people who think that people are just morally black and white," he said while backing off, "Tsk, I hate those kinds of people, they think that they are soo nice and good because they save people and they represent justice," he then began to scratch his hair, "Even talking about you people makes me angry,"

"At least my kind of justice is better than yours, you just bully those who are below you," but then in an instant when I said this line, he went back to looking down at me.

"See I told you, you think that you're the protector of the weak, HAH, and if you're telling me that that's not you. then listen to what you said, you said that I bully those that are below me, and who do you think you are, equal to me, and means you think that some people are below you," I don't know why, but I feel like I was tearing up, "You people are the people I hate the most, you think that you're higher than everyone else because you protect them. that is the flaw to your ideology," he said while walking away.

"Oh yeah, how about yours, why do you bully people," I said barely hanging on.

"Why do I 'bully' people... my ideology is about equality," he then turned to me, "I live by the line, those who treat people like kings will be treated like a king... but those who treat people like trash will be treated like trash," he said to me.

"Then why," I was still confused.

"I was just treating trash like trash," Christian said while walking away from the boy, "If that trash talks about Chris like that again, I'll have to kill him," Christian said while going to his class.

A few hours later after school.

"Geez, is it just me or is the school getting harder as time goes on," Chris sluggishly said while stretching, Shinabaru decided to help her.

"Well, the end of winter will come soon, and the new year is about four more weeks," Samuel said, "I can't believe that we'll have our New year in Japan," Samuel can't believe what happened in just a couple of months in Japan.

"Yeah, that's deep if you think hard enough," Npc said, but then something lit in his mind, "Oh yeah guys, Shinabaru started writing in a diary," Npc then stole the book that was hanging on Shinabaru's bag.

"HEY!!" Shinabaru shouted while trying to reach his diary, "NPC, YOU'RE SOO MUCH OF A BULLY!!!" Shinabaru was too short to reach his diary.

"When did you buy that?" Christian asked, he never knew that Shinabaru was a diary person, "I thought that Npc was the only diary person,"

"He bought this in the sushi restaurant three days ago, he said he wanted to look back to this when he grows up, he didn't even buy it in a real bookstore, he bought it in a s-sus-sushi res-restura-HAHAHAAH," Npc couldn't hold in his laughter anymore, "I can't wait to tell this to your parents," Npc then decided to read a page, "Let's see, page seventeen,"

Shinabaru then looked like he was terrified, "NOOO, ANYTHING BUT THAT PAGE!!!" he shouted as he bit Npc, but Npc didn't react at all, Christian, Samuel, and Chris had to remove Shinabaru from Npc.

"Let's see here," Npc began to read as Shinabaru was pinned to the ground and the gang on top of him listening, "I love that hair of yours, I love the way you look at me, I love the way you help people, I love the way you talk to me, but it seems that we are far away from each other, and I hate that, because you make this heart of mine beat," Npc and the gang didn't know what was going on, "I don't wanna say it but… I love you, ever since I met yo-WHAT!!!! SHINABARU HAS A CRUSH!!!!" Npc, Christian, Samuel, and Chris then looked at Shinabaru's face, his face was the reddest they ever saw him.

"I… hate… you… guys," Shinabaru looked soo embarrassed at what Npc read.

"So you do have a crush?" Christian said while all of them got up from Shinabru's back.

".....yes," Shinabaru whispered while turning his back to the gang, "You guys are soo frustrating," Shinabaru then stomped the ground a couple of times, he suddenly turned around to meet the gang in their eyes, "If you tell anybody about this you guys are officially the worst friends," Shinabaru looked like a little kid.

"We won't… but who is it?" questioned Christian, sure, he knows that every boy has a crush now and then, but he never knew that the woman magnet Shinabaru would have a crush.

"I don't wanna tell you... and yes it's not Chris," Shinabaru said while he went behind his girl_friend's back, "Help me Chris,"

"Is it… Samantha?" Npc said, Shinabaru shook his head, "How about Ame?" Shinabaru shook his head, "How about Zion?"

"I don't like older girls,"

Npc was stuck so Chris helped him, "Ok ok, how about.... Rin, yes it gotta be Rin, she always looks at you, she helps a lot of people, she talks to you a lot in breaks, and you sit the furthest away from her,"

"...... It's not her," Shinabaru looked soo red, "DAMMIT WHY MAKE ME INTO A STRAWBERRY," Shinabaru shouted. But then something unexpected happened, Chris grabbed Shinabaru's shirt, "Uhh… Chris?"

"You guys continue… I have something to talk about Shinabaru," Chris said in her serious voice, this made the boys jog to the house, Shinabaru just looked at Chris with fear, "Shina… I don't mean to scare you but…." Chris then bit her lip, "Is it me who you wrote that to?" Chris said while blushing.

"WHA…" Shinabaru was more than surprised about this, "I told you it wasn't you... I know you like Samuel," Chris then released Shinabaru from her grasp.

"Do you know why I told you that?" Chris was shaking and holding her bag tightly.

"Why?" Shinabaru replied, his face had the look of confusion.

"Because...." Chris didn't want to say it, she was scared that this will ruin her friendship with one of her closest friends, "I have been preparing for this for far too long," Chris said in her mind.

A few days ago…

"Yo Shina," Chris said while using Shinabaru as a lap pillow.

"Yeah," Shinabaru replied while looking out of the window.

"What would it take for you to hate me," She said trying to hide her face.

Shinabaru thought for a couple for minutes, he then stood up, "It would take you killing people close to me and torturing me for a couple of years for me to hate you," Shinabaru then exited the room.


Chris was about to release all her questions at Shinabaru, ".....Because I know that you're a good liar, actor, and pretender," Chris was shaking more now, she looked Shinabaru straight in the eye, his eyes were that of a person scared for their life, but she kept saying in her mind, "C'mon he said it's hard for him to hate me," she said inside her mind

"W-what d-do you m-mean," Shinabaru said trying to put on a smirk.

"You lied to everyone, I know you're part of a Crime family, you've been lying to us all this time, what the heck Shina, I thought we say what we want to say to each other, why were you lying about your past, your family, your relationships… or even your name…... You told us on the second day that your name starts with an A,"

"It does, my name's A-"

"SHUT UP I KNOW IT'S LUCI!!!!" Chris was giving everything in her mind to Shinabaru, "Just don't lie to us, we're friends aren't we… Shinabaru? Shinabaru are you alright?"