Chaos is a place for us Arawans

Warning: Inappropriate words and other stuff here

There, in the Tsunade household, Christian, Samuel, and Npc just arrived and changed their clothes, "I wonder if they're alright," said Christian who was waiting for the food.

"What do you mean?" Angel said. Then it struck her, "Lemme guess… something about Shina and Chris?" she said, as the Arawans listened.

"Yeah… they were talking about some stuff," Christian said, he was trying to avoid bringing up the part that Shinabaru had a crush, he knew that the Arawans will talk about this for a couple of days.

"Well if Shinabaru's with Chris… then it's something about teen stuff… maybe romance?" Sora got it in his first guess.

"How did you know," Npc said as he regretted it instantly, Christian and Samuel silently cursed Npc, Sora and the Arawans lit up at this.

"My little boy's a man now?" Alessia said while her chin was laying on her husband's head, "Remember when we were teens Jello, when the great love square was a thing," Alessia then sighed, "And somehow I got the worst pick,"

"Is that so my love," Angelo said as he poked at his wife's cheek, "Is it just me or did you cry on my shoulder more than your crush? and is it just me or when we were getting married you said the I love you louder than anyone?" Angelo checkmated Alessia, she couldn't help but turn a little red.

But then Alessia thought of a plan, "Yeah I did, but was it just me, or did you not sleep a single hour when I was pregnant with Shinabaru? And did you feed me food that would help the baby… and me… by yourself, not the maids," BINGO

"I was d-doing it because of Shinabaru," said Angelo with a straight and calm face, but when he stuttered he knew that he was dead.

"Hehehe, you lo-"

"Can you kids shut up please," Angel was getting annoyed at them at this point, "Now, it's time for the adults to talk. What exactly were they talking about?" Angel said to Christian, he was about to open his mouth until the door opened.

"I'm back," Chris said, but instead of being happy and energetic, she sounded monotone and a little sad.

"Welcome home," Sora said as Chris went up to her room, "Chris are you alright?" Sora was worried about her daughter, especially that one of her best friends wasn't with her, "Chris, where's Shinabaru?" asked Sora.

"...... Somewhere, Angel can you come with me upstairs?" Chris asked, she chose Angel because she was the closest to her age, Angel was a little surprised.

"Why?" Angel asked

".... just…" Angel saw the awkwardness in Chris's voice and posture, she felt that Chris needed her for something.

"Alright fine," Angel said as she stood up, "I bet it's something about Shinabaru," she said.

".... kinda," Chris whispered as she and Angel went up the stairs.

"What was that about?" Christian said, "Chris looked gloomy, and Shinabaru's out there," Christian was feeling that something went wrong in their talk.

Not a single word was spoken in a couple of minutes in the living room. But then, "Oh wait," Angelo said while pulling out his phone, "Hey honey sweetie cupcake, it seems that one of our clients need assistance," Angelo said while giving his phone to his wife.

"I see," Alessia stood up and helped Angelo stand up as well, "Angel honey, get ready we're going outside," Alessia said while going up the stairs.

"Sure thing," Angel said while the people below could hear a door closing.

"What exactly is this client thing," Samuel said while putting down the food the prepared, "I guess that they can't have dinner," Samuel said as he sat down.

Sora looked at the Arawan family with suspicion, "Maybe they're doing some gangster stuff. I just hope that the writer is not writing my thoughts in the toilet with his laptop," Sora thought up something soo absurd and weird and not true….. *Cough cough*

"We're going out," Alessia said while wearing a brown long-sleeve shirt, light-brown jeans, and a brown scarf, "Sorry that we couldn't eat your food Samuel," Alessia said as she looked at Samuel with a sorry look.

"No problem but… how did you get dressed soo fast?" Samuel wondered.


"Oh it's just because we get used to this stuff," Angelo walked out wearing a black trenchcoat and grey long-sleeve, with black pants, "You know, we get calls anytime, we need to get prepared," Angelo said while going to the front door.

"Sorry Owen, I can't help you in your experiment," Angel said while going down the stairs, she was just wearing what she had before with a scarf, she was walking to Owen in the corner by himself, "But here, I drew a thing for you," she gave Owen a folded paper with a sly smile.

"Thanks," Owen replied, he opened the paper to see a drawing of a naked girl, "Ah yes, this will help with the studies," Owen said as everyone looked at the boy with utter shock, Owen saw this and turned around, "What? Why are you guys looking at me like that?"

"OWEN I THOUGHT YOU HAD BETTER THING TO DO THEN THIS!!!" Dylan shouted as he took the papers from Owen's hands.

"What do you mean?" Owen said as he realized, "Naked girl, in front of many people, Angel helping me with my EXPERIMENT," Owen cursed Angel under his breath, "No no no, this is for my science experiment," Owen said silently, Dylan knew that this meant the Owen was telling the truth.

"I see, sorry," Dylan said.

Owen and Angel then met eyes. An intense atmosphere was made by these two just staring at each other, Angel with a sly grin and Owen with serious eyes, they stood there for a couple of seconds until Owen spoke up, "See you," he said with a semi-threatening tone.

"See you," Angel said with an innocent and sincere smile.

When the Arawans exited the house. Everyone looked upon a now embarrassed Owen, "Soooo, you and Angel are a thing," Dylan had a smug smile on his face.

"No, she's just my assistant here. Remember, I need an assistant everywhere I go," Owen was as calm as ever when saying this.

"Oh, so she's smart?" Samuel said from behind, "I heard that you have a thing for clever and intelligent women," at this Owen turned around.

"Sure she's clever, but she's not that smart," before Owen knew it fell right into the two brother's hands.

"Oh, so she's not smart. Then why did you make her your assistant," Owen looked upon the two smiles his brothers had.

"Owen, remember the time you invited Steph. You told us that she was your assistant, but you just wanted somebody to talk to didn't you? '' Dylan checkmated Owen who was now more terrified than embarrassed.

"Damn you guys," Owen said while returning to his corner of solitude.

When this was going on. The Arawan family were walking to a place near the Sakura academy, "Are you sure he needs some help, maybe the girl was just bluffing," Angelo questioned Angel.

"I'm sure. She told me Act 3, Act 5, and Act 8," Angel said to Angelo. Angel still had her smile on her face, "Geez I love teasing that dumbo," she thought of Owen's face and it made her smile.

"So he's asking for a lot of things. Act 3, News, Act 5, Advice, and Act 8, stress removal," Alessia was worried about her son, she had been seeing him taking more and more pills than normal.

They walked past the Sakura academy and some houses, to get into a park. There they saw him. He was just swinging on swings and listening to some music, "Hello Luci," Angel said to him, he looked back at her, "So… what's the news," Angel sat on the other swing and began swinging.

Luci just looked at her, then to his parents, "I just got a call. The Kagura family has joined forces with us," Luci said as a sudden smile was formed, "I guess that old man was too scared to go against us," as fast as it formed, the smile vanished.

Angelo looked at Luci with a questioning gaze, "....How did you get them to join us son?" said Angelo. Luci just looked at his father and pointed at himself.

"How did you think I convinced them," Luci said as he stuck his finger inside his mouth.

"With your big mouth, I guess," Angelo knew how much his son could read people, he always remembers when his son was younger he would read books about the human mind.

Ten years ago…

There in the provinces of the Philippines. A young man trying to get to his home with his drunk brother weighing him down.

A twenty-three-year-old Angelo Arawan was going home from a game night with his brother, "This is why I told you to not drink that much," Owen was carrying his Twenty-four-year-old brother, Jacob Arawan.

"Buuuuttt… I ju-just….. Wan-ted, some fu-fun," Jacob could barely speak at this point. Angelo was getting tired of carrying him so he just pulled out his phone and called his wife.

"Jello? I thought you were at the party?" Alessia didn't go because she had to take care of their son.

"Sorry dear, but can you help me carry Jacob to the house?" Owen said, trying not to drop his brother.

"So Jacob got drunk yet again eh?" Alessia was used to this, "And I bet you just drank soft-drinks and played cards with mama?"


"Alright, where are you right now?" Alessia put on her slippers and went out of the house. She turned to her left to see her husband carrying a passed out Jacob, "Oh."

"Help me," Angelo gave Jacob's body to Alessia, Angelo instantly walked to his house and took off his shoes, "Geez, this is why I don't like going to parties," Angelo sat on the bench that was near the window.

"Hey, parties are fun and exciting," Alessia put down Jacob's unconscious body at the other bench, "I bet you lost to mama again."

"Hey, I wasn't in a good playing state ok," Angelo retorted.

"Sure sure. By the way Jello, your son hasn't been sleeping, he told me he was waiting for his mama and papa to sleep with him," Alessia said as she pulled out her phone, "You make the bed ready, I'll call Nessa to let her know that her husband's passed out at our place."

"Sure, thanks," Angelo held out a fist bump to Alessia, she read it and they fist-bumped, "Heh, it's been a few months since we did that. Did your affection come back?" Angelo said in a teasing manner.

"You sure you didn't drink? you're sounding stupid right now," Alessia said with an annoyed expression.

"Oh c'mon," Angelo was leaning in closer to Alessia. But Alessia put up three fingers and touched his forehead, "..... I see," Angelo understood that this was making her feel uncomfortable, "Sorry dear, just messing with you, I'll check on him now," Angelo returned to his serious self and walked away from the door and to their room. There he saw his son reading a book, "How's my little boy," Angelo said as his son looked at him with excitement.

"Papa," the small child said with excited eyes, Angelo kissed him on the top of his head and sat down at the bed.

"What's this book you've been reading," Angelo grabbed the book despite the small child trying to hold it, "Inside of a human mind, heh, is this one of your grandpa's books?"

"Me and mama visited gwanpa, and and he told me that I can wead any book on his bookshwelf," the kid was soo excited about telling his father the story he couldn't speak normally.

"Then why did you choose this one?" Angelo asked, his mind wondering why his son would choose this over some fun stories and animal books that his father dad had on his bookshelf, "Ahh yes, I still remember the hours I spent trying to become a pigeon," Angelo recalled some memories of him as a child.

The child thought for a couple of seconds, "Hoomans are just intewesting," this caught the attention of his father, "I always pwedict the actions of hoomans around me. Like when I was at the pond with gwanny, I predicted the man who had a fuwight with Mr. Mario," Angelo was feeling weird, he wasn't thinking this as the response, but what came next was the one that really scared him, "I think Hoomans are just like ants, the weak can be easily manipulated and deceived….. But if I kill an ant next to his brother then the ant will just ignore it… but if I kill a hooman brother next to a hooman brother, that brother will want revenge, that part weally bugs me," the child looked sad. But his father had a different face on. A face of absolute shock and terror.

He then remembered what his father told him about his son, "He is going to put the world into a state of chaos," Angelo thought. But inside, he felt... a little proud.


"Hey son," Angelo said to Luci who turned to meet his father in the eyes.

"Yes?" Luci asked.

"....What do you think of humans," Angelo was trying to find out if his son changed since he turned into Shinabaru the perverted pretty-boy.

Luci was taken back at this, but he then smiled, "Does this have anything to do with me reading a lot of human behavior?" asked Luci, Angelo nodded, "......Everyone who is close to me… or even talked to me I consider human.... The rest are just maggots that I can easily crush," Luci said in a calm and relaxed voice.

"Woah there Luci, you sure sound powerful," Angel said in a sarcastic tone. But she was just met by Luci looking at her with a serious look.

"Act 5, Angel, tell me how to talk normally to my crush," Luci had a face with no expression at all, meanwhile the girls had a lot of expression on their face, Angelo also had no expressions at all, it was clear that Luci inherited Angelo's poker face.

"H-h-how do yo-you want me to r-respond??" Angel was a little bit taken back with this question.

"Because I know you have a thing for Owen, but you always talk to him normally. I just want to learn about that," said Luci, not breaking a sweat.

"I just… I just like teasing smart people that's all," Angel replied, she was hiding her face with her shirt.

"Is that so. You know I heard that people tease the people they like," Luci the boy who read a lot of books on the behavior of humans. Knows how humans work (Wow very unexpected)

"I got this son," Alessia said while guarding Angel against Shinabaru, "And can you please stop destroying your cousin."

"Sure, alright mom, blow me away with your knowledge," Luci said, his voice filled with sarcasm.

"We-" before Alessia could talk, Angelo covered her mouth.

"Shut up Olive, you're going to spread some of your information to our son here. since our son's a boy and I'm also male, then that would make more sense that I would be the one to tell him this stuff," said Angelo, he knew that this is one of the times he could make Luci think that he was the superior parent.

Luci's ears perked up, "I'm listening," he said

"First things first. You gotta keep composure, I know you already know how to do it. But if you're trying to hide your attraction to this person, you gotta keep talking to this person and act naturally to whatever she's doing. for example," Angelo then grabs his wife, "So let's say I have a crush on your mom right. So if she asks me a question, honey, ask me a question like when we were teens in school."

"Uhhhhh… Angelo, out of everyone in this class, where do you think I go in attractiveness?" Alessia asked Angelo a question she always asked him when they were teens.

"What you don't wanna do, is this," Angelo's face then turned into a shy boy, "Uhh… uhhh, I-I. You don't wanna stutter and blush, and you don't wanna say either she's below normal or above normal, what you wanna do is," Angelo then shifted his hair and made it look like the hair he had when he was in high school. Angelo then looked around, then at Alessia, then made a thinking pose, "I'd say your looks are in the middle. That is what you wanna do, first is to check your surroundings, then look at the person, and make a thinking pose to let them know you don't know their face, this will make them think that you don't study their face often, then finish it off with a, "You're in the middle," to let them know that you don't think they look ugly that means you're teasing them, or tell them they look beautiful," Angelo was a master of hiding his emotions from people, this talent is very good as a boss. But when he was younger, this talent was a huge burden, "So take some things from that situation, and use that the next time you meet your crush."

"You know son," Alessia said trying to hide her laughter, ��I always tell your father that question when we were young, and he always looked soo stuck at the question, so he thought of a response for three whole weeks," Alessia was trying to pull herself together.

"Yo Luci," Angel who recovered from the Luci attack said, "Is this crush of yours perhaps… Chris?" Angel asked.

"Nope," Luci replied, "She already has a crush. But I will say, I don't mind being her boyfriend," Luci then stood up and started walking away.

"Where are you going?" asked Angelo.

Luci then turned around, "Act 8, stress removal. I heard that there's a fight club near here, you wanna try it?" Luci said with a massive smile on his face.

"Oh yeah," Alessia said.

"Tsk, fine, I guess I'll have to fight shirtless, I don't want blood on my coat," Angelo said while cracking his fists.

"I love how you change from asking for advice to beating up some people, let's go your majesty," Angel was excited about this.

"Hahahahahaha, chaos truly is a place for us Arawans" said the king of the new world.