Christina Tsunade and Shinabaru Arawan

In a classroom, a boy was spotted sleeping on one of the desks, "Hey kid," a voice called out. The boy began to wake up. He rubbed his eyes and set his sights on where the voice was heard. His heart skipped a beat as he saw Christian Tsunade the Silver tongue looking at him.

"I-I'm sorry sir," he said as Christian looked at him with a confused face.

"Oh~ you thought I was going to destroy you with words. Yeah, I don't do that anymore. Anyway, it's hometime, you should get going," Christian said as he exited the room.

"Wait… did the Silver tongue act like a senpai right now? I gotta tell my friends about this," the boy said as he pulled out his phone while also exiting the classroom.

Christian Tsunade the Silver tongue. Is trying to change his reputation in Sakura Academy. The once edgy, hot-headed, and petty Silver tongue. Is now a responsible, hot-headed, and petty Christian Tsunade, "Man, first-graders need to pay more attention about the time."

"Oh, honey?" a girl said behind Christian, who cringed at what he was called.

"Shirou, please don't call me that," Christian embarrassingly said to his girlfriend. Shirou Yashiro.

"Oh c'mon, I want to call you like how couples call each other. Especially because you call me by my first name now," Yashiro responded, Christian patted her head at this response.

"You already call me by my first name, so I don't need a nickname. Plus I call you by your first name because you get flustered when I do, and you become really~ cute," Christian tauntingly said as Yashiro blushed, "See, what a cutie," Christian smiled at the sight of this.

"E-enough, I was going to ask you why you're walking by yourself?" Yashiro said, annoyed, while turning away from her boyfriend.

"Well, Samuel left early because he was sick, Npc is in the gymnasium training for our game next week, and Shinabaru… he has a date," Christian said, Yashiro nodded her head at this.

"Shinabaru and Chris have been going out a lot lately. I swear if they don't end up a couple I'll be super surprised," Yashiro responded, but then someone appeared behind her.

"Well, be surprised since I don't have romantic feelings for Shina," the Golden girl said behind Yashiro.

"Oh hey Chris… wait… if Chris is here, who is on a date with Shinabaru?" Yashiro asked Christian.

"Wait, Shinabaru is dating someone? WHO IS IT?!?!?!" Chris demanded as Christian was backed into a corner.

"Well, it's this white-haired girl I saw waiting for Shinabaru in the entrance," Christian said in a concerned tone. Chris sighed.

"I bet it's just his friend or someone he knows, Imma call him right now," Chris pulled out her phone and dialed a number, "Yo Shina where are you right now?"

"Oh Chris, I'm on a date right now, see you later bye~," Shinabaru said while dropping the call.

"I may have been wrong. Big brother I'll be late going home," Chris declared as she stormed off.

"Well there she goes," Christian said as Yashiro wondered about something.

"Does Chris really have no romantic feelings for Shinabaru?" she thought.

"I swear that boy, didn't even tell me, I could be his wing-woman," Chris said to herself as she entered the state she calls "Shinabaru hunting mode" she pulled out her phone and opened an app, there she saw a dot in a map, "Sweet, buying those tracking devices weren't a waste Afterall," she then began jogging to the location

When she arrived, she saw an expensive restaurant with only two people in there, "Th-that's Shinabaru, and a girl," Chris saw her friend and a girl she had never seen before, "Hrm, that's a good pick Shina, white hair and cute face," Chris said while she inspected the girl, "I got this. Don't worry Shina, I'll make this the most romantic date ever," Chris said to herself as she went wing-woman mode.

Meanwhile in the restaurant, "I see your family restaurant has no one in it," the golden-haired boy said as iced tea was given to him and the girl.

"Let's stop beating around the bush, let's talk about the reason why I called you here," the white-haired girl said aggressively.

"Woah, very aggressive. I never knew the fine princess of the Yamashita family would be this aggressive," the boy said with a sly smile on his face.

"Don't toy with me Arawan, I am doing this so both our families won't go to war with each other," the girl said, her eyes had hate filled in them.

"So instead of paying money or giving us land. Your best idea was marrying me?" he taunted the girl, who was getting very annoyed at how the boy was treating her.

"It was my father's idea. I would never marry the Arawan's Spider if it were up to me."

"Smart move by your father's part. If you would marry me you could've gotten close to a lot of powerful people. They don't call me Spider for nothing, my webs connect all around the world," the boy said while extending his arms and standing up, making the girl feel small and insignificant.

"Wait... would? so you reject my offer?" the girl asked, her mind was panicking at this.

"Precisely, even though being allies with the Yamashita wouldn't hurt, the Yamashita is… how could I say this without it being insulting… a little weak compare to our allies," the boy said as the girl gritted her teeth, "For example, if I marry you, the factions of the Order would be. The Arawan family, the Mafia, the Red maidens, the Dragon Kings, and the Yamashita family. Now which of those stand out more than the rest, oh yeah, the weaker Yamashita family," at this the girl stood up due to anger.

"DON'T YOU DARE TALK BAD ABOUT MY FAMILY!!!" she yelled, the boy smirked at this threat.

"It was a joke okay," he said as he sat down, "You do have one option for peace," the girl began to calm down, "Either you or your brother marry one of the siblings of the Kagura family. Since we are allies with the Kaguras, you will become our allies if you ally with them. The Yamashitas would be our pawns though," Shinabaru gave a grin that angered the girl.

"I see," she said, resisting her plans to beat him to a pulp, "That's better than marrying you. I myself will marry the heir of the Kaguras, Matoko Kagura," she declared as the boy stood up and began walking outside.

"Great, a new ally, be sure to make yourself useful when the time comes. Anyway, I'll be going now," the boy said while waving to the girl.

"Die you monster," she responded.

"You too sweetie," he turned around and gave a smile while exiting the restaurant, "Anyway, where was I. Oh yeah, the new chapter of Human hands," Shinabaru excitedly said as he started walking to the nearest bookstore.

"How was the date?" Chris asked, appearing out of nowhere.

"Ah, Chris, I didn't see you. And what do you mean date?" Shinabaru asked while grabbing his heart to calm himself, "I was going to karate-chop Chris," he thought.

"You told me right, you had a date, that girl with the white hair was pretty, I was going to help you but it seemed you walked out on her before I could help," she said, her eyes looking at Shinabaru with disappointment, "When are you going to get a girlfriend Shina?"

"Look okay, that wasn't a date, that was something about… the Arawan family," Chris then understood why Shinabaru looked so villainous when talking to her.

"So it was about crime families," she asked.

"Yes... let's not talk about this anymore. It's awkward to me," Shinabaru said as he grabbed Chris's hand and walked somewhere, "Instead let's go shopping for manga eh?" he asked with a grin on his face.

"Sure thing," Chris responded with her own grin.

Chris and Shinabaru had been friends for one year now. Chris regards Shinabaru as one of her most precious friends. Shinabaru is one of the people she doesn't hold back on, she shows her true self with Shinabaru and he accepts it. That is why Shinabaru is so precious to Chris, his acceptance of how Chris acts.

"Hey, Chris?" Chris turned to Shinabaru who was calling her.

"Yeah?" she asked.

"Are you going to confess to Samuel on Valentine's day?" Shinabaru asked, his eyes fixed on Chris patiently waiting for an answer.

"Hrm, maybe. How about you, how can I help you in your confession?" she said with a wide smile on her face.

"Actually I've thought about it for a while now, I'll just confess to her by myself," Shinabaru replied, Chris was disappointed at this.

"This is why I don't have romantic feelings for Shinabaru," she said to herself, "He doesn't need me, he's independent, he's responsible sometimes, and when he grows up, he'll be the Arawan family leader," she then gripped her arm, "Unlike him, I need Shinabaru, if he's not here… I don't know what I'll be doing," Shinabaru saw Chris acting weird.

"Hey Chris," Shinabaru called out for the girl, "Look, it's an arcade, let's play some games, I need your help in whack-a-mole, I'm not that good at it," he said, a small but sincere smile on his face.

Chris saw this act of kindness, "You dummy," she said while giggling, "You're the best at whack-a-mole, I saw you when you destroyed Npc," she then grabbed the hand of Shinabaru and started walking to the arcade, "How about we try the fighting game they have?"

"O-oh, so you're challenging my Sir James?" Shinabaru replied.

"Your Sir James has no chance compared to my Empress," Chris declared.

With a barrage of quick attacks, Chris beat Shinabaru with her character, "EMPRESS IS BROKEN! SHE'S TOO FAST!!!" Shinabaru raged, Chris laughed at Shinabaru's pain.

"You're a sore loser, you know that Shina," Chris taunted Shinabaru for a couple of seconds before she thought of something, "Because I won, I have something you need to do," she said with a sly smile on her face.

"W-what is it?" he asked worriedly.

"You have to make the food tonight," Chris declared, Shinabaru wondered what kind of punishment this was.

"T-that's all?" he asked.

"What, you want more?"


"Good good, now, let's play more games," Chris said in a happy tone.

"Yeah, let's," Shinabaru was now not that excited to do stuff.

Later that night…

"Hey guys, can I make the dinner tonight?" Shinabaru asked. Everyone stopped in confusion.

"Hello hospital, yes I think my friend is sick right now."

"SHUT UP CHRISTIAN. geez, is this how you treat your chef for the night?" Shinabaru was annoyed at everything. He angrily walked to the kitchen and angrily wore an apron then angrily started making the food.

"Wait, can Shinabaru actually cook?" Npc asked, he was worried about what trash Shinabaru might make with his food.

"He's actually good, his skills are comparable to the highest chefs around the world," Samuel praised the golden boy.

"Samuel praised Shinabaru, that's a rare sight," Chris commented.

"Shinabaru was trained by his father in cooking," Alessia said while poking her husband.

"It took Shinabaru five years to perfect one of his recipes," Angelo commented as he stood up, walked to the kitchen, and wore an apron.

"Thanks, Dad," Angelo helped his son as they made their favorite recipe.

"So cute," Alessia smiled at the sight of this, she pulled out her phone and started taking pictures.

"So Shinabaru and Angelo are the chefs of the house eh?" Sora asked, Alessia became quiet at this question.

"Yeah we are, my wife can't even cook the simplest of dishes, she just always uses the microwave," Angelo looked upon Alessia with a smug smile.

"S-shut up," Alessia whispered under her breath.

While all of this was going on. Chris was looking at the Arawans with a gentle smile, "I know they are criminals, I even know that they have killed a lot of people. But something about them just feels… human," Chris thought as she looked at Shinabaru, "But I know Shinabaru is hiding something from his parents. By the way he talks and acts around them just gives me the signals," her mind wandered as Shinabaru looked at Chris.

"Hey Chris, you wanna play some games after this?" he asked, Chris merely smiled.

"Yeah, that would be good," she responded, Chris continued looking at Shinabaru, "It's funny that I became friends with the heir of a criminal family," she thought. But there is something that she was afraid of, "But… I know Shinabaru will leave me. I know he'll become a gang leader. I know he'll have his own worries and problems to take care of, kids to take care of, an entire organization of people to take care of. I know he'll leave me some time, and I want him to be someone with great importance but… but… I'm afraid he'll leave me," she thought, her face shifting from happy to sad and scared, "If he leaves me… I'm… I-"

"You alright Chris?" Chris turned to see Shinabaru with a worried face.

"I-I'm alright, I see that you have finished the food," Chris said, giving her best smile for Shinabaru.

"I hope you like it," Shinabaru fired back with a smile of his own.

"Maybe, I'll tell you when it's trash," She exclaimed, Shinabaru huffed at this.

"Okay then, try it," he said, his smile full of confidence.

"Alright," Chris then scooped up rice with sauce on it, she opened her mouth and ate it. Her face became surprised at how good Shinabaru's cooking was.

"See," Shinabaru said, his taunting grin appeared as Chris ate more, "Eat as much as you want, I'll make more."

"Aren't you going to eat?" she asked, her face full of food.

"I am, I'm just looking at you right now," Shinabaru responded.

"What, you like what you see?" she asked with a sly grin.

"Of course, it's you," Shinabaru said as he picked up a spoon and began to eat, not seeing Chris blushing.

"Damn, that was smooth," she thought, "Was he trying to hit on me? Cause that might have worked if it was any other boy," she looked at the blonde boy eating his food while laughing and playing, "The golden boy indeed."

Later that night. Chris was still awake, her mind was worrying about the thought of Shinabaru leaving, "Why am I so worried?" she asked herself, "I don't even love him… well, as a boyfriend. He's one of the most treasured people I have in my life, he's in the same boat as Brother, Father, and mother," Chris said to herself as she rustled around her bed, "But… it's his choice, and I'll be a bad friend if I don't support him," she said to herself, her hand gripping her heart.

As the moon silences the noises around Chris. All she could hear was her heart, and her quiet whimpering, "Don't leave me," she said, the tears from her eyes flowing as she gripped her heart harder, "Please, I want you to stay with me. I need you, I want to see you. Don't leave me," her cries were getting louder and louder, "Don't leave m-" suddenly, she could feel a hand wiping the tears from her eyes away.

"Who's leaving you?" someone asked behind her. She turned around, a phone's light revealing a figure that was sitting on her bed. It was Shinabaru Arawan, the person she was crying about.

"S-Shinabaru, I thought you were a-asleep," she said, Shinabaru smiled at her and proceeded to wipe the remaining tears from her eyes.

"You know, I was a little worried about you when I saw you zoning out, but now, I'm super worried," he said, his hand touching Chris's cheek, "What are you worried about?" he asked, again the tears began to flow. Chris grabbed Shinabaru's waist. Shinabaru could feel the stomach area of his t-shirt beginning to get wet.

"I-it's you… I was c-crying about you," Chris emotionally said, but then she was lifted up by Shinabaru into a sitting pose.

"Why would you cry about me?" Shinabaru said with a gentle smile, again wiping the tears from Chris's eyes.

"I thought… that you would leave me," she exclaimed, the grip on her heart becoming harder and harder, "Well Shinabaru… will you go somewhere where I can't follow you?" she asked. Her heart sank as Shinabaru couldn't respond, his face was that of pain, "I knew it… I know that you'll not be with me forever, but… but… I'm still afraid, I depend on you a lot Shinabaru, you're the person I show my true self to, and I-'' Chris then realized that Shinabaru would feel guilty if she continued, "I'm sorry… I'm incompetent, I'm disgusting, I'm useles-" suddenly, Shinabaru embraced Chris.

"Don't tell yourself that… Chris, you're the most dependable person I know, you're funny, you're helpful, you're beautiful inside and outside, and the most important thing," Shinabaru extended his arms, Chris saw the face of Shinabaru, his soft and sincere smile and his concerned but happy eyes, "You're caring about other people… Chris, you don't need me, when I leave, I know you'll be able to take care of yourself and them," Shinabaru said as he embraced Chris again, "You don't need me."

Chris's tears began to flow as she embraced Shinabaru harder, her cries only being heard by Shinabaru, "D-don't s-say th-that you yourself dummy, I need you," she declared, Shinabaru smiled at this.

"You're the dummy, why would you cry for me? You can take care of yourself better than me taking care of you," Shinabaru said, but inside his mind, he was suppressing something he wanted to say for a long time, "I need you more than you need me, you're the person I depend on the most," he thought as the darkness of the room swallowed them up, the two didn't let go of each other until the sun rose up.