Samuel of Success (Valentine's day 1)

"Hey Honey?" a man asked, he was sitting on a sofa reading a newspaper regarding the success of a company.

"Yes?" a woman asked while popping her head out of one of the rooms, the man saw this and stood up.

"Take it easy, you don't need to walk that much," the man said while quickly assisting the woman to the sofa.

"I think you're being too cautious of this pregnancy honey. I mean how many sleepless nights have you had? I think you're more worried about this pregnancy more than me," the woman asked, her face had a smile because of how gentle and careful the man was with her.

"Of course I'm worried, I'm going to be a father in a few months," the man said, standing up and preparing a kind of tea for the woman.

"Anyway, what were you saying?" she asked, the man arrived with the tea and sat down on the sofa, he pulled out the newspapers and showed them to the woman.

"Look, prez's company is thriving," the man happily said, the woman saw this and smiled.

"That means Christian and Shirou would get more pay," the woman excitedly said, she then pulled out her phone and realized something.

"That means a party, let's get the group together again," said the man as the woman set her head on the man's shoulder, "Honey, are you alright?" he worriedly asked.

"I just realized. It's valentine's day," she said with a smile.

"Yeah, what about it? I already have chocolate ready for you," the man said as he saw the woman's smile.

"Eight years ago, you confessed to me on the rooftop, it was one of the happiest days of my life, and look where we are now, married and will be having a child in a few months," the woman hugged the man. At this, the man smiled and hugged her back.

"Yeah, time sure flies by… I love you Nanaka."

"I love you as well, Samuel."




"Geez, I look bad," Samuel said, he was in the boy's bathroom examining his face.

"C'mon Samuel, you don't look that bad, Tsuyuki doesn't even mind anyone's appearance… well except for Shinabaru," said Christian, he was right beside Samuel.

"Please don't remind me of my crush's crush," Samuel was a little agitated, Christian realized that he did and coughed.

"Sorry, anyway, back to what I was just telling you. Just confess and don't mind about appearance and any more stuff. Be sincere, Tsuyuki likes sincere confessions," Christian said, he was the master of knowing Tsuyuki, since he was the first one to date her, Samuel then felt kinda weird.

"Are you okay with this?" asked Samuel.

"Okay with what?"

"My guy, I'm confessing to your ex-girlfriend, don't you feel… a little angry," Samuel asked, Christian just sighed at this question.

"I'm not going to be angry… but~ there is something that I'll kill you for," Christian exclaimed in a semi-threatening tone.

"C-can, I-I know a-about this th-thing?" Samuel asked, his hands were trembling at how Christian was looking at him.

Christian grabbed Samuel's collar and pulled him close, "If Tsuyuki comes to me crying and it was because of you," Christian took in a massive breath, "I will HUNT you down Briggs," Christian uttered these lines, reverting to his Silver tongue mode.

"O-ok s-s-sir, I-I'll t-take care of h-her," a completely terrified Samuel stated.

"Oh, I didn't expect you guys here," said Jemuzu who entered the boy's bathroom to clean up. He saw the sight of Christian and Samuel being close, "Christian is cheating on Yashiro."

"I would never cheat on Shirou, I was just telling Samuel that if Tsuyuki cries about something he did, I would kill him," Christian explained, pushing Samuel away.

"That's way~ too~ nice. You should torture him first, then public humiliation, after that, kill him," Jemuzu and Christian fist-bumped as Samuel stood up and started going to the door.

"Wait Samuel," Christian called out for Samuel, grabbing his shoulder.

"Y-yes," Samuel asked, his whole body was trembling.

"Good luck out there buddy, I think you are a better choice than me for Tsuyuki. Make her happy okay, that's all I'm asking for you," Christian said sincerely. Samuel heard this and turned around.

"I'll try my best, but if I'm in a pickle, I'll ask the man that knows her best," said Samuel with a smile while his eyes were full of determination.

"Heh, that's going to be you someday," Christian then pushed Samuel out of the bathroom, "Go get 'em tiger."

Samuel saluted Christian and began to find Tsuyuki, "Christian believes in me, I got this," Samuel said to himself, although his body was shaking, his mind was ready, "I've already been released from my past demons, time to make this new happiness of mine brighter."

"Yo Samuel," behind Samuel stood Npc, "Look at all the chocolates I got, one from Jessica, one from Kino, and of course, one from Bakurana," Npc had five chocolates he was holding, "Which one should I eat first… wait, Samuel, you got one too?"

"No Npc this is just…" Samuel then looked to his left, then to his right, "I'm going to confess to Tsuyuki… c-can you help me?" Samuel said, Npc gave a wide smile.

"How could I say no, let's get this bread brother," Npc confidently said, he put his arm around Samuel's neck and began walking.

"That's the direction I came from."

"....Let's go this way then," Npc said, a little embarrassed.

Samuel smiled, "Look at Npc now, he smiles a lot, he is energetic, he may show some shy sides, but it's nothing compared to what he used to be. I guess everyone changed, Christian, Npc, and me… but Shinabaru hasn't changed at all, maybe it's because he already figured out his life," Samuel thought as he saw Shinabaru just looking out of the window.

"Hey Shinabaru," Npc said to the golden boy who jumped in shock.

"Geez you guys caught me off-guard," Shinabaru stated as he walked over to Samuel and Npc, "So what's the news?"

"I had five girls give me chocolate, and Samuel's going to confess to Tsuyuki," Npc explained, Samuel blushed and Shinabaru gave a smirk.

"Finally, I've been wondering when you'll confess to Tsuyuki," Shinabaru said, Samuel sighed, "So Npc, are you helping him?"

"Yup, you wanna join?"

"Bro let's go, time to get Samuel a girlfriend," Shinabaru then began to walk with Samuel and Npc to find Tsuyuki.

"By the way, where's your chocolates Shinabaru? I thought the golden boy would be drowning in confessions," Samuel asked, Shinabaru sighed and gave a weak smile.

"All their talk about being my girlfriend was all a bluff. They just used me to hide their emotions to their real crushes," said a slightly disappointed Shinabaru.

Samuel saw the weak smile of Shinabaru and felt a little bad, "So, sorry asked."

"What? Don't worry about it, plus… I have my own confession to do," Shinabaru said, his cheeks had the slightest tint of red, he pulled out a rose with a note in it.

"Can I please read the note?" Npc politely asked, Shinabaru thought about it for a few seconds and gave the rose to Npc.

"It reveals the girl I'm giving it to, so please don't tell anyone," Shinabaru was red while saying this, Npc read the note, his eyes widened a little bit.

"I thought so," Npc gave the rose back to Shinabaru, "Good luck my dude."

"Who is it?" Samuel asked Npc who leaned into Samuel's ear and told him the name, Samuel heard this and smiled.

"Thanks man," Shinabaru then looked to his left to see Tsuyuki walking with some friends, "Tsuyuki," Shinabaru said as Samuel and Npc turned around to also see the maiden.

"Okay Samuel, you got this."

"Yeah, believe in yourself Samuel, me and Npc will be watching you from here, then we protect the spot where you do your confession."

"Thanks guys," Samuel then began walking to Tsuyuki with measured steps, "I got this, I got this, everyone believes in me, Christian, Npc, Shinabaru, Dylan, Owen, mister Sora, and mister Angelo. The boys believe in me," Samuel thought as he straightened his back, fixed his hair, and fixed his appearance.

"Oh hey Samuel," Tsuyuki greeted the boy. When she examined Samuel, he looked dashing, "Omg, why does he look so fine?" Tsuyuki said to herself.

"Can I talk to you privately Tsuyuki?" Samuel asked. Tsuyuki's friends got the message and backed off.

"Good luck Tsuyuki."

"Have fun you two."

Tsuyuki thought about the situation for a couple of seconds, then, "Wait… IS THIS A CONFESSION!!!??!?!" Tsuyuki thought, "U-uhh, umm, s-sure we can, uh, where do you wanna go?" Tsuyuki asked as Samuel took her hand.

"To the roof," Samuel declared, everything was in overdrive, he was ready to achieve victory or die on the roof.

"S-sure thing," Tsuyuki was dying inside, "THAT'S THE MOST POPULAR CONFESSION SPOT IN ANIMES!!!" she thought as Samuel guided her upstairs.

"Go get the bread Samuel," the two bros said.

"Go get the bread Samuel," a third bro said, Shinabaru and Npc turned around to see Christian standing there, Christian looked at their confused faces, "Aren't we supposed to be protecting the roof?"

"Yeah, that's right," Shinabaru said as they stood on the front of the stairs. The bros will unite to help Samuel.

Meanwhile on the stairs, "Uhh Samuel?" Tsuyuki asked, Samuel turned around to see a flustered Tsuyuki, "Wh-what are we going to talk about?" she asked, Samuel gave a sincere smile.

"You'll see," Samuel said, his smile charmed Tsuyuki.

"Woah… wait, am I… FALLING FOR SAMUEL!!!" Tsuyuki thought, her cheeks began to become red and her mind began to go everywhere, "I thought I'd only fall for Christian and Shinabaru, but Samuel?" Tsuyuki then looked at Samuel, he was holding Tsuyuki's hand gently and slowed his pace to match that of Tsuyuki's, "Samuel is a gentleman though, he is strict but caring, he can be snarky but also funny, he is adored by the new kids. Overall, he's one of the best boyfriend material," Tsuyuki said to herself, her smile widening as they arrived on the roof.

Samuel let go of Tsuyuki's hand and walked a few steps, his back facing Tsuyuki, "Thank you Christian for getting rid of everyone here," Samuel said to himself, thanking Christian who cleared the area earlier, "...Tsuyuki?" Samuel said, his heart racing.

"Y-yes," Tsuyuki replied, she had a smile on her face, her hands were trembling, "This is it," she thought.

"You know, when we were at the school camp or what the teachers called it, 'One-week field trip' I was surprised and impressed that you carried a defenseless me from the road to the motel. I was chubby as well," Samuel recalled the memories of that camp, Tsuyuki was a little embarrassed about that one memory, "That event taught me two things," Samuel then dramatically turned around, his eyes full of determination, he was holding his chocolate. This was the moment Tsuyuki was waiting for, "Those two things were… some people would go through a lot for a person they just met… and the second lesson," Samuel walked to Tsuyuki, his hand on his heart and the other holding the chocolate, "That love in first sight truly exists," Samuel finally said it, all the stress of confessing were now released. But then the stress of waiting for an answer-filled Samuel.

Tsuyuki had both of her hands on her chest, she thought about what she was going to say, "...So you're telling me you love me?" she asked.

"Y-yes, that was precisely what I was saying," Samuel said, his cheeks were now fully red. But then it came so fast he hadn't even realized it, the lips of Samuel and Tsuyuki met, Samuel was a little taken back by this. Tsuyuki hugged Samuel and looked straight into his eyes.

"That's funny. Since I love you as well, Samuel Briggs," Tsuyuki let go of Samuel and grabbed the chocolate and began to run off, "Thank you for this, new boyfriend, see you," Tsuyuki said, biting the chocolate Samuel had made and winking at him, she opened the door and ran down the stairs, her heart was racing but she was more than happy. She saw Shinabaru, Christian, and Npc standing on the stairs, but she ignored them. All she could think of was Samuel.

Meanwhile on Samuel's side, "I-I-I… I DID ITTTTTT!!!!" he yelled out to the heavens as he went to his knees, "Finally, I did it," Samuel pulled out his phone and went to the group chat of, 'Da Bois' he announced that the operation was successful.

"Guys look," said Shinabaru who was showing his phone to Christian and Npc.

"YES!!! Samuel got it, that's why Tsuyuki was running off with chocolates," Npc excitedly said as he began to go up the stairs to see Samuel.

"Let's leave Samuel alone for a while, he needs to think things out," Christian declared, but not in a threatening way, he had a smile on his face when he said this.

"You're... right," Npc said, Npc and Christian then began to walk off.

Meanwhile, in the Tsunade household…

"No way," Owen said with a shocked expression while petting the two dogs in the Tsunade household.

"What is it?" asked Angel who was just playing video games.

"Samuel just got a girlfriend," Owen explained, Angel was taken back, she paused the game and they both looked at the text.

Then, in a shop…

"Angelo, why are you not eating your food? It's going to get cold," said Alessia who was looking at her husband reading something on his phone.

Angelo sighed and ate the food.

"You're smiling, what happened?"

"Oh, you wouldn't understand."

At last, a boxing gym.

"YESS!!!" shouted Dylan as everyone in the gym looked at him.

"Dylan why did you shout?" asked his trainer.

"Coach, Samuel just got a girlfriend, it was the girl he has liked for a few months now," Dylan explained as everyone in the gym celebrated.

"LET'S PARTY, BRING SAMUEL WITH US TONIGHT!!!" the coach yelled out, Dylan smiled for his little brother.

"I'm glad you're happy now Samuel."




"Although…" the woman said in a concerning tone.

"What is it honey?" asked the man.

"The event that happened after that confession wasn't really good," the woman became sad when she began to recall those memories.

"Yeah… I wasn't expecting that confession… but I wasn't expecting 'him' to see it," the man said, his eyes recalling of a moment he couldn't forget, "Geez, that was heart-breaking to see him like that."

"Also don't forget about her, she was hurt first by your rejection, then she realized that he was standing there while she said all those stuff to you," the woman then felt sorry for someone she keeps close to her heart, "Then… after that… he left. For two weeks she was crying by herself, I honestly felt so bad for her."

"Yeah, I was there when that happened… but I never expected him to appear at our wedding," the man then stood up, "It hurt me seeing her with him again, so imagine if you were in her position."




"Alright, it's time," Chris said to herself in the bathroom, "I've prepared myself, I have my chocolate and I look fine… it's time to confess to Samuel."

"...Shinabaru you aren't coming?" Npc asked his friend, Shinabaru just smiled.

"You can go ahead, I have something to do," Shinabaru then began to walk off as Npc realized what was happening.

"Shinabaru," Npc called out for the golden boy, Shinabaru turned to him, "Good luck."

Shinabaru smiled at Npc's encouragement, "Thanks."