War at the East (Side story)

(Author note: Thank you, WhiteGlint211, bob billion, nightrise, Fredirk Andresson, Curtis1122, guillaume lebouleur, Bookreader, Ero SyntaxError, OneTrackMind, and Mahmound Hritani for supporting me on Patreon.)

While Tony is having a hot passionate session with his harem, Aisha is watching a particular event on the east continent.

Gaon Empire border.

On the chaotic battlefield, the Grand Alliance's large army slowly pushes the mechanical force back toward the massive fortress of the Gaon Empire. But the longer it takes, the quicker Alliance losing its soldiers. In comparison, the Gaon army is mostly a mechanical machine.

Thanks to the bright mind of the young Prince, the Gaon Empire is now highly advanced in magic engineering civilization in the world. Transportation, war machines, convenience items, and communication are now five times more advanced than all civilizations.

The Gaon Empire's main force on the battlefield is called Golem soldiers. The Golem soldier infantry unit is a 2-meter tall, four-arms humanoid machine. Two arms hold a sword and shield, and the other two have a magical range weapon firing an exploding fireball. The downside to these Golem soldiers is that they are slow and clunky, but they are five times stronger and more durable than human soldiers. And best of all, they don't need training, they are easy to replace, and do not feel fear.

And now one of those Golem have fallen. Six human soldiers who struggle to stand finally defeat the Golem. But at least 2000 Golem soldiers are left, which do not fear these humans because there are over 2 million comrades behind them.

"DON'T GIVE UP!!!! PUSH THESE MECHANICAL GOLEMS BACK!!!!!" (Grand Alliance commander) He points his sword toward the humanoid golems.

"YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!" (Alliance soldiers) They cheer and charge toward an army of Golem. Some got blown by the fireball, and some dodged but still bast away by the Golem's large shield and sword.

"DON'T STOP!!!!!! KEEEP OVERWHELM THEM!!!" (Alliance soldier 2) Without fear, these human soldiers use their number to push the Golem down and finish them off while pinned.

"SUPPORT GROUP!! CARRY THE INJURY TO THE HEALERS!" (Alliance commander) The support unit gathered around the injured soldiers and carried them to the base camp as quickly as possible.

The Grand Alliance's best tactic right now is to overwhelm the Golem soldiers with two million soldiers with a magic spell called Braveheart cast on them. It is a spell that makes the Alliance soldier fearless, but it so makes them reckless.

Two hours pass by. The Empire lost over 1076 Golem Soldiers, and the Grand Alliance lost over 198 thousand soldiers. And the Grand Alliance army is getting closer to the fortress wall.

"WE'RE NEARLY THERE!! GOOOOOOO!!!" (Alliance commander) Suddenly a blot of light appears all over the fortress. Then it shot flame-like beams at the Alliance army. It is not a flamethrower but more like a half flamethrower, half laser beam.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! I'MMMM BURNINNGG!!!!!!!" (Soldier 4). The soldier panicked even though the beam barely touched him, but the beam's heat caused him to be on fire. And the other wasn't so lucky, instantly turning into ashes.

"Damn it! They have a new weapon!! ALL UNIT! SPREAD OUT AND USE THE GOLEM AS YOUR SHIELD!!" (Alliance commander) All the soldiers quickly follow the commander's orders, but the unlucky one dies in a manner of second. Every second, 100 Grand soldiers die by the fortress beams, and the Braveheart spell starts to wear off. Most soldiers began to panic and ran away, and some even hid under the destroyed Golem in fear.

"No! No! No! No! I DON'T WANT TO DIE!!!!" (Running away, soldier)

"HELP ME! PLEASE HELP ME!" Said the soldier that lost his legs. He was crawling, seeking help from his comrade but no help him.

"It's over.....we're doomed." Said the soldier that was sitting on the ground, hugging his leg.

Suddenly a massive transparent orange dome covers the Grand Alliance army. The Fortree beams are still firing on the enemy, but the dome now blocks it.

"!!?? This is?" (Alliance Commander) He quickly looked behind him and saw a group of teenage children. One of the teenage children raises the magic staff in the air to show the bright orange glow.

"It the Heroes!!!!" (Alliance soldier 11)

"We're safe! We're safe!" (Alliance soldier 14)

"Hail the heroes!!" (Alliance soldier 10). All the Alliance soldiers began to cheer even though their comrades were dying every second.

"Everyone! Get in inside of the barrier quickly!!" (????) Said the one holding the glowing orange staff. The Alliance soldier snaps back to reality and quickly runs toward the massive orange dome.

"Quickly!! To the drome!! Crawl if you have to!!" (Commander) He is also running toward the dome. As most of the Alliance army made their way inside the barrier dome, one of the other teens started to chant a spell, and a multi of green magic circles appeared above the teen's head.

[Mass!! Over Heal!!!!!!!] (????) A bright green light engulfed the ground inside the dome. All the wounds and injuries on all the soldiers are healing rapidly. Those who lost their limbs, such as arms or legs, are now regrowing back good as new.


"I CAN SEE! I CAN SEE AGAIN!!" (Soldier 7)


The two teenage girls that cast the high-level barrier spell and high healing fall on their butts due to mana exhaustion. Then a handsome asian young man walked past them, unsheathing his sword.

"Maria, Suzu-chan, thank you for your hard work. Leave the rest to us." (????) The young man smile at the two girls sitting on the ground and makes his way toward the fortress. Then another five teenagers follow the young man.

"Takeda taunt the enemy!" (????)

"Got it, Bro!" (Takeda) He raises his massive golden lion shield and rushes forward while loudly roar.

"Yukari! Nomura! Focus on the turret on the wall!" (????) He unsheathes his exquisite-looking sword.

"Heh! Can't wait to finish this and have some fun with my kittens!" (Yukari) She grabs four arrows and aims at the mounted wall turret. The four arrows glow with a green light and shoot toward the target with great speed. The four turrets exploded when the arrows made contact with the fired arrows. "Hmph! Too easy." (Yukari)

"Really? Four? Bicth, pleaseeeeeeee. Never let a woman do a mans job." (Nomura) He chants a spell, and then two massive blue magic circles appear on both sides of him. "HOLY SUPER ICE SPEAR SUPREME!!" (Nomura) Both of the magic circles start to glow and shoot out a large number of ice shards. The Ice Shard didn't cause the mounted turret to explode like Yukari's arrows. But it causes enough damage for it to be destroyed. Also, the spell he cast was a mid-tier spell [Ice shard]. But he thought it would be cool to make up a new name for his attack, which is not.

"Eeeww, that was so fucking lame. No wonder you don't have any girlfriend since you got here. And they actually throw themselves at us." (Yukari) She shoots four arrows at the turrets.."

"Shut it! Those are nothing but sluts! I'm looking for my one true love!" (Nomura) He yell while continuing his attack.

Kosuke, you're with me!" (????) A hooded teenage boy nods and unsheathes both of his knives. Then both of them rush outside the barrier and target the closest Golem while it is attacking the buff teenager with a golden lion shield.

"MOONLIGHT SLASH!!" (????) He quickly reaches the closest Golem and swings his glowing sword horizontally, which slices the Golem in half. Seeing that he defeated one of the Golem, he promptly moved to the next Golem at lightning speed.

"Blackest Blades!!" (Kosuke) On the other hand, Kosuke is aiming for the Golem's four arms. With his skill to sneak up on them, slice off them, and move on to the next, leaving the kill to the leader.

About 20min later.

"Ryu!! All the turret is down!!" (Yukari)

"Good!! Everyone! Focus on the Golem, and I will destroy the door!!" (Ryu)

"You all heard Hero-sama! Everyone one! CHARGEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" (Commander) All the soldiers on the battlefield let out a warcry and rushed forward with killing intent with the help of Yukari and Nomura.

Ryu saw that the Golem was taken care he decided to unleash his full might against the impenetrable fortress gate. He sheath his holy sword and takes a drawing stance. The sacred sword starts to glow brighter and brighter, and the air around it gets wilder.

[HOLY SWORD SKILL: HEAVENLY CRESCENT!!] (Ryu) Ryu drew the sword with all his might, creating a massive crescent beam heading toward the fortress gate. In a slipt second, the Gate and the upper wall were sliced in half, and everyone could see the orange colour of the melting metal that a hot light blade had cut.

"Oi muscle head! Ryu cut the door, but it still stuck, so go use your muscle head and ram it." (Nomura) Takeda wants to yell back at him but decides to hold back.

[Golden lion Rush!!] (Takeda) He ran while holding his shield and slammed against the Gate. On impact, two pieces of Gates flew back a few meters and fell to the ground. At the same time, the last Golem has been defeated.

"The Gate is down! Take the city!!!!" (Commander)

"YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!" (All the soldiers) The Allsoldiers roar with all their might, knowing victory is a step away. They quickly rush to get inside and ransack every building they lay their eyes on.

Ryu saw he had accomplished his task. He let his exhausted body fall to the ground with a smile on his face.

"Bro! You did it!!" (Takeda) A buff-looking teenager runs toward him.

"Yea….with this, we are one step closer to stopping the evil Gaon Empire's ambition." (Ryu) He raises his arm and clutches his fist.

"Ryuuu!!" (Maria)

"Ryu-sannn!!" (Suzu) Two girls were running toward Ryu, who was lying on the ground with worried looks on their faces.

"Oh, he's fine. I have known him since five years old. So I could tell. He is fine, so don't worry about him." (Yurika) A teenage girl with a long phoney tail and A teenage boy with glasses walks toward the group.

"HAHAHA! Did you all see my supreme magic work!! I'm the MVP OF THIS BATTLE!!" (Nomura)

"Dude. Nobody cares." (Kosuke)

Ryu smiled, seeing his friends alive and well after all the training they had gone through since he and his friends travelled to this world. And they are one step closer to returning home by defeating the Evil Gaon Empire.

"Alight, alight, everyone. We're not done yet. We need to make sure to finish our mission." (Ryu) He got back on his feet.

"Right!" (Everyone) they all nod.

"Let go!" (Ryu) The teenagers rush to the fortress and hunt the last remaining Gaon Empire's forces.

Meanwhile, the Alliance army searches the entire city for remaining enemies, but at the moment, they are searching for anything valuable. It could be a weapon, armour, food or coins and jewellery. But what if they find a Gaon citizen? The kind heart would probably let the citizen go, but the one with a dark heart would probably do something evil, and that citizen would die or be sold as a slave.

"Tech!! Where the hell is everyone? Did they all evacuate?" (Commander) he makes his way toward the city square where the high commander, after searching every part of the south part of the city.

("I wish there some girls got left behind. Hehehehehe. I heard the Gaon women had a nice ass. Maybe they are hiding in the east part of the city where the poor lives.") (Commander)

"Oh, Commander Gary, did you find anything?" (High Commander)

"No sir, there not a single dust in those wealthy districts." (Commander Gary)

"Hmm, that's Disappointing, but at least Commander Aron has found a massive warehouse of booz and food in the east district." (High commander)

"Ohhhh! Are we going to have a feast?" (Commander Gary)

"Damn right we are! Why don't you and your men help so we can get started it." (High Commander)

"No problem, sir! You lot! Let go!" (Commander Gary)

"Yeaaaaaa!!" (Commander Gary's soldier) The soldiers drop their weapons and armour and quickly follow their commander to the east district. An hour later, the feast begins. They all enjoy the feast without a care since it is their major victory. It was also that moment the hero had just finished their city search. Since there is no sign of any enemies in the city, they conclude that the Alliance have achieved victory and seeing that the army is throwing a victory party, the teenage heroes also would like to join.

Time passed by, the party was still ongoing, and most of the army was already drunk. Suddenly, the heroes felt a surge of mana at the fortress barracks.

"Did you all feel that?" (Ryu) He quickly stands up with a serious expression.

"Yea, it's coming from the barracks." (Nomura)

"Wait, didn't we search that place? It's empty." (Takeda)

"They probably hid in the secret room. But why didn't they just stay hidden?" (Yurika)

"Let's get there quick. They might be planning something." (Ryu). They nod in agreement. They inform the high commander and rush toward the barracks.

A few minutes later, when the heroes reach the barracks, they see a large blue trapans drome barrier covering the building and ten Gaon army officers.

"Soldier of Gaon Empire! Surrender! You are surrounded! There is no point in trapping yourself in the barrier forever. The barrier will soon run out of mana, and there will be no escape!" (Ryu) One of Gaon's officer step forward and make his way to the heroes.

"Ahh. Greeting! Young heroes of the Gand Alliance. My name is Gai Maximus. The governor of this city." (Gai) He smiles and gives the heroes and graceful bow. The heroes snort, except Ryu, who has a bad feeling about seeing all of the Gaon officers look so calm, knowing they have already lost.

"Hey!! All of you, Gaon's dog!! The rid of the barrier, or we the rid the barrier and all of you trash!!" (High commander) He caught up with the hero while bringing about a hundred men with him.

"Ohhhh, A bunch of Alliance insects! Well done on your small victory! How does it feel to have a little hope? Because I think this is the first time you insects have a taste of victory." (Gai) He chuckles.

"YOOOUUUU!! COME OUT AND SAY THAT TO MY FACE!! (High commander) He yells with his bright red angry face. Gai smiles and shrugs, and then he turns toward the heroes.

"Young heroes. Why don't you come to our Empire? With your strength and our technology, we could restore the actual order of this world. I'm sure our Prince would delight in welcoming you all.

"We will not join your evil Empire!!" (Takeda)

"You kill million of innocent people for your own greed!" (Yukari)

"Evil, huh? Did the Alvida king tell you that? Did he also tell you that we kidnapped the Alliance kingdom's citizens to enslave them? And you all believe that we're evil without asking them why? No wonder they summon children to fight a war for them." (Gai) The heroes want to argue, but there is no word in their mouths. Ever since they were summoned to this world, they were told that the only way to go back to their world was to defeat the Evil Gaon Empire and they once did a research why do they need to fight the Gaon Empire.

"Well, It's nice knowing you all. Oh, and Heroes, I have a message from the Prince." (Gai) He then clears his throat. When the heroes heard that the Prince had a message for them they were surprised, because they suspect that the Prince was like them, an outworlder. The Gaon Empire recent advance technology was quite similar to the modren world but it run on a mana power.

"Ahem...…Six, nine, eight, one, nine, four, five." (Gai) Everyone was confused. The message was a number. And the Prince know who they are, they thought that message would something to do with their old world.

"What? It is some kind of code?" (Nomura)

"Yea, but somehow it so familiar." (Kosuke)

"Six, nine, eight, one, nine, four, five....Six, nine, eight, one, nine, four, five." (Ryu) he gets the feeling he knows what it is as well, and it is very important.

"Wait, 6,9, 8, 1,9,4,5...6,9, 8, 1945…..6 and 9 August 1945." (Ryu) Two words pop up in his mind. Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

"......…Oh no." (Ryu) He pieces together all the events happening today. A surprisingly easy victory. The most famous fortress city becomes a ghost town with a mass supply of booze and food.

Meanwhile, at the centre of the city. The Alliance soldiers were enjoying their victory feast. Some of them were dancing and lying on the ground, wasted.

"Hey, look, a shooting star!" (The wasted guy on the ground) He yells out, some ignore him, and some look where he is pointing at.

"Oh yeah! Make a wish! I wish my wife give birth to a baby boy." (Not drunken yet, guy)

"I wish today's campaign made me enough money for my sick sister! (Not drunken yet, guy 2)

"I wish my childhood was gay like me!" (The wasted guy on the ground 2)

"Wait….is it me, or is the star getting closer?" (Not drunken yet, guy 2)

Back at the Barracks. Ryu understands everything. And it was all a…

"TRAP!!" (Ryu) He yelled out so loud that everyone was looking at him. Gai, on the other hand, smiles like he won the lottery.

"Ryu-san, are you ok?" (Suzu)

"Suzu-chan! We need a barrier now!! We need a barrier now!! We need a barrier now!!" (Ryu) He grabs her shoulder and looks deep into her eyes. Suzu was stunned. She never sees her kind heart Ryu act this way before.

"Ryu!! Get a hold of yourself!! You're hurt, Suzu-chan!! What is wrong with you!!?" (Yurika) She grabs his arm and tries to pull away from Suzu.

"Don't you get it A TRA-." (Ryu) before he could finish. Everything was engulfed by a bright light. And at the same time, the Grand Alliance lost 75% of the entire forces.