
Final Chapter. Sorry It not finish but I don't have to write anymore, please understand that I have a family to take off. It's been a blast; thank you for reading my novel, and after I take care of all my life problems, I'll come and continue more of this story.

Thank you all again.


























































APRIL FOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!






Here is a real chapter






Chapter 92.6 War at the East part 2 (Side story)





(Author note: Thank you, WhiteGlint211, bob billion, nightrise, Fredirk Andresson, Curtis1122, guillaume lebouleur, Bookreader, Ero SyntaxError, OneTrackMind, TTV.Banzzノトバンスス 12 and Mahmound Hritani for supporting me on Patreon.)

One of the Grand Alliance kingdoms is the Kalah kingdom in the capital city of the Kalah kingdom royal castle. A light shines brightly in the main hall, and five teenagers suddenly appear unconsciously lying on the ground.

"HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!! What?.. ....I'm alive? Sigh…..thank god." (Ryu) He got up and looked around, noticing that he was not at the fortress city anymore but in the audience room of Kalah kingdom. He then took a jewellery object from his pocket and saw that the artefact was shining beautifully before and was now dull and colourless. "So this artefact saves us from death." (Ryu) He put the artefact back in his pocket and turned toward Yukari, who was next to him.

"Hey, Yu. Wake up." (Ryu) He gently shakes her.

"Hmmm, you're so cute, my sweet kittens." (Yukari) She mumbles in her sleep, then rubs her eyes like she is waking up in the morning.

"Ryu?" (Yukari) She slowly got up and looked around. "What happens? Aren't we just at the fortress city a second ago? (Yukari) She realises her current situation. And then other teenagers started waking up.

"Bro…what happen?" (Takeda)

"Is everyone alright? Anyone hurt anywhere?" (Ryu)

"I'm good." (Nomura)

"Mmm, nothing here." (Kosuke)

"I'm fine." (Maria)

"I'm, I'm also fine." (Suzu)

"Oh, and mmmm. Suzu-chan, I'm sorry for the way I acted earlier. Please forgive me." (Ryu) He bowed his head.

"N N NNNnnn No, please raise your head. Ryu-san did nothing wrong! I was just surprised that all!" (Suzu) She waves her hands and shakes her head while her face is tomato red.

"WHO GOES THERE!!" (????) A full plate middle age man with ten elite guards behind him busts through a double door.

"Gren-san!" (Ryu)

"Children!? What you all doing here!?" (Gren) Gren was relieved that it wasn't an enemy that suddenly infiltrated, but he was confused about why the heroes were in front of him since they suppose to be in the far north at the Gao's empire border.

"It the Gaon's prince...….what terrifying man. We lost the battle." (Ryu) He took out the damaged artefact and show to Gren.

"What!? The Holy Protection is damaged? Which means you die?" (Gren) The other heroes heard what Gren said, took out their artefacts, and expected they were all damaged.

"All of us...die?" (Yukari) She looks at others' artefacts.

"But how? I am pretty sure we have those Gano bastard corners." (Nomura)

"The last thing I remember was a bright light." (Kosuke) Takeda, Maria and Suzu nod.

"We all got killed by a nuclear bomb. " (Ryu) The heroes were stunned when they heard a nuclear bomb, but Gren and his men were confused by the new word.

"No way...they have Nuke!!!???" (Nomura)

"There were only Golem forces we were fighting, and after we breakthrough the fortress gate, we found an empty city and warehouse full of food. And what you do when achieving victory and find a large amount of food of the castle you conquer." (Ryu)

"Burn it!" (Nomura)

"Not you, dumbass! He means most people would start the victory feast. Which made us the big juicily target to nuke. " (Yukari)

"Sorry, Children, but what are Nuke or Nuclear bombs?" (Gren)

"A weapon of mass destruction and created in my world. It is so powerful it wipes out a large city in a second." (Ryu)

"Wait!? That means!?" (Gren) His face turns pale white with shaking hands.

"All 2 million of Grand Alliance are dead. And the Gaon empire only lost an empty city." (Ryu)

"DAMMNNNN THOSEE GAONNNNNNNNNNN DOOOGGGGSSS!!" (Gren) He yells in frustration because it took nearly ten years to train 2 million elite soldiers and nearly empty all of the kingdom's funds combined. The mass Elite army was supposed to be the key to winning the war; instead, everything was wasted.

"Curse that fucking bastard! Ever since he arrived, the Empire has been getting stronger and stronger every second. God damn monster!" (Gren)

"Sorry, Gren-san. We fail you." (Ryu)

"No….It is not your fault. We underestimate them too much. We also confirm the theory that the Gaon's prince is an outworlder like you all." (Gren)

"Yes. That weapon is definitely from our world. Just how did he create such a deadly weapon?" (Ryu)

"Can't you all do the same?" (Gren)

"We are just a student from peacetime. We don't even know how to make a standard weapon in our own world." (Kosuke)

"I see...…don't worry, you all go take rest. I must alert all the Grand Alliance Council." (Gren) He turns around and leaves with haste.

"Hero-sama! Let us help you to tour the mansion." (Guard 1) 10 guards come to escort the Heroes back to their mansion. The Heroes were tired and frustrated from their first campaign, so it was nice to treat them as VIPs. They can't wait to relax and forget what happened today.

As the heroes finally reach the mansion. The ten guards excuse themselves and go back to other duties. The Heroes enter the villa, and suddenly three beautiful ladies rush toward them, specifically one person.

"Yukari-oneesama!!" (????) A Young blonde adult leaps toward Yukari, who smiles with open arms.

"Aahhh, my kittens." (Yukari) Two girls kiss passionately. Everyone hears erotic moran. Yukari raises her knee against the Blonde girl's secret garden and starts grid her. Takeda and Kosuke gulp at the sight of lesbians kissing and moaning. They both have many lovers, but they never tire of watching Yukari make out with other girls. Ryu, on the other hand, smiles and shakes his head.

"Yukari-sama." (????) Two mature beauties look at Yukari with puppy dog eyes. One was a red-shoulder-length beauty knight, and the other was long black hair, but her ears were pointy but not long. That is because she was decanted of a long-extinct race known as Elf.

The Red hair moves behind Yukari and presses her huge blossom against the back of Yukari's head while groping her ass.

"Sara-sama. It not fair to hog Yukari-sam to yourself." (The red hair) She slips her hand into Yukari's skirt.

"Hmph, I'm the princess of Kalah Kingdom. Of course, I come first in terms of Yukari-oneesama's affection." (Sara) She continues to enjoy her kissing.

"Sara-sama, I like would a turn." (Black hair)

"Oh, alright. I can't say no to Jane." (Sara) She let go of Yukari and kissed Jane. "Yukari-oneesama, I'll go warm your bed." (Sara) She winks, blows a kiss, and walks off. The red knight retrieved her hand with a warm fluid on it, and then she happily licked it like sweet candy.

"Mmmm…Delicious. Yukari-sama. I will be waiting with her highness. Also...… (She moves closer to Yukari's ear and whispers)....I'm not wearing anything since I heard you return." (Red hair knight) She deeply kisses her and follows Sara. As She walked off, Yukari stared at her ass and spotted something dripping down her thigh. She licks her lips and thinks about what to do with her kitten tonight but is suddenly interrupted by a soft, warm twin mount sandwiching her head.

"Yukari-sama, I'm glad you are safe." (Jane) She hugs her with all her might. Yukari hugged back, and the two kissed.

"Tch! Get a room, you damn lesbian!" (Nomura)

Yukari feels intense envy coming to Nomura. She ends the kiss and turns to give him a wicked smile. "Ohh? Look, someone is a little jealous just I have a lover, and someone doesn't." (Yukari)

"Hmph! Those slut only care about our hero status! One day, I will find my fated one!" (Nomura) He says it proudly.

"Lol! Yeah, right! I saw you were hitting doze of girls, but they all rejected you because you a creep and the fact you a tiny dick....Unlike my JANE!!" (Yukari) She flips Jane's long skirt and shows everyone Jane's bugle black pantie. Jane quickly covers her skirt with a full red beet face. Everyone was surprised that Jane was a futanari. They thought that Yukari was lesbian and never thought she ok Jane being part male as well.

Maria and Suzu look away with a red face. Takeda and Kosuke looked a bit disgusted. Ryu had a normal look, and Nomura was shocked, but he was not disgusted but some reason, he felt tinkly. The heroes know that in this world, there a third gender known as Futanari. They are not common and not rare. They may look male or female but have both working sex organs. Most people accept the third gender, but the Church of the west deems it as heresy.

"Fufufufu. Just to let you imagine. She loves fucking me in a doggy style." (Yukari)

"YUKARI!!" (Jane)

"Oh, sorry. Guess I went too far. Sorry, love." (Yukari)

"Sigh....I forgive you." (Jane) She kisses Yuakri's forehead and turns toward the other heroes. "You all must be hungry. Allow me to prepare a meal for you all." (Jane) She bows and walks toward the kitchen.

"Well, that show is over. Let's get our equipment to Kenshi for maintenance. After that, you can rest or do whatever you guys do." (Ryu)

"Tch...that coward. He just sits here while we risk our lives on the battlefield. (Takeda)

"It can't be helped. His combat stats are nearly zero. He will drag us down if we bring him with us. Plus, Kenshi is the best blacksmith we got." (Ryu) He, Maria and Suzu made their way toward the forge.

"But for some reason...I have a bad feeling about him." (Yukari)

"What? Is he gay like you? (Nomura)

"YOU'RE GAY!" (Yukari) She kicks his butt.

"What the hell!?" (Nomura) He glares back at her.


At the forge, a skinny young man was sitting on a chair, reading a bunch of books.

This boy is none other than the eighth hero, Kenshi. When he was summoned to this world, he, unfortunately, had a low status and no combat Skill, but a trade Skill known as a blacksmith. So everyone thought that it would be best if he focused on him being a none combated blacksmith.

Kenshi heard the door open and saw the heroes enter the forge. "Ryu-san, Everyone, why you're all here?" (Kenshi) He looks surprised.

"It was a trap." (Ryu)

"What! What happen!?" (Kenshi) Then Ryu explains everything to Kenshi.

"Oh my God...…they have nukes. Look like I need to create a strong portable barrier." (Kenshi) He quickly packs all the books which are on the table and floor.

"Oh, before you start, is it possible to maintain our equipment first?" (Ryu)

"Sure! I am glad to be of use since I can't fight with you all." (Kenshi) He smiles.

"Thanks. Even though you are not fighting with us, you are a valuable member of the team." (Ryu) He put all his gear on the table.

"Umm, Thank you." (Suzu) She put her stuff down.

"Thank you." (Maria)

"Thanks." (Kosuke)

"Thanks, man." (Nomura) Yukari and Takeda put their gears on the table without showing gratitude. Kenshi notices that these two don't like him, so he stays silent.

"Right, why don't we check our status? We kill so many Golem today." (Ryu) Everyone nods in agreement, and then Ryu walks over to the Status stone tablet at the cone of the room. He put his hand on the Tablet, and then a hologram with pop up.

Name: Ryu Shouyu

Skill: Job: Swordmaster

Allow the skill holder to become from novice to master of the sword.

Heath: 7100

Mana: 2000

Level: 32

Strength: 167

Speed: 124

Endurance: 78

Wisdom: 85

Luck: 109

"Mm! from Level 26 to 32. I jump a lot from this war." (Ryu) He nods with satisfaction.

"Oh! My turn." (Takeda) He presses his hand on the Tablet.

Name: Takeda Hongo

Skill: job: Guardian

Allow the Skill holder to become an expert defender known as Guardian. The Skills holder will gain two times on health and endurance. Increase taunt by 60%

Heath: 8000

Mana: 900

Level 25

Strength: 98

Speed: 51

Endurance: 130

Wisdom: 100

Luck: 40

"Not bad, three levels for me." (Takeda) Next is Suzu and Maria's turn.

Name: Suzu

Skill: Job: Support Mage

The Skill holder can use supportive Magic, which includes Barrier, Buff and debuff magic.

Level 20

Heath: 960

Mana: 6000

Strength: 10

Speed: 40

Endurance: 17

Wisdom: 104

Luck: 98

Name: Maria

Skill: Job: Life Mage

The Skill holders will be able to use Life Magic, such as Heal, cure and revival magic.

Level 22

Heath: 890

Mana: 7500

Strength: 10

Speed: 30

Endurance: 30

Wisdom: 125

Luck: 101

"Mm! Both Suzu-chan and Maria got two levels" (Ryu) Yukari and Nomura are up next.

Name: Yukari

Skill: Job: Master Hunter

Allow the Skill holder to become from novice hunter to Master Hunter

Level 29

Heath: 3200

Mana: 2000

Strength: 110

Speed: 130

Endurance: 89

Wisdom: 76

Luck: 129

"Five level up." (Yukari) She looks happy with the result.

Name: Nomura

Skill: Destruction Mage

Allow the Skill holder to use Destruction-type Magic.

Level 30

Heath: 700

Mana: 9000

Strength: 8

Speed: 78

Endurance: 22

Wisdom: 150

Luck: 110

"Hell yeah!! 6 levels, Bitches!" (Nomura)

"Look like everyone levelled up nicely. Well, I'm going to bed. I'll see you all later. Thanks again, Kenshi." (Ryu) He left the forge.

"Thank you very much, Kenshi-san." (Suzu) She left

"Thanks again." (Maria) She smiled and waved, then went to catch up with Suzu.

"Hmph…..Ryu might think you are part of the team. But you're not. You are nothing but a weak leech. Your entire existent disgust me." (Takeda) He and Yukari give a cold gaze and leave.

"Aaaaa, Don't worry, dude, those guys are Ryu's royal servants. They only bark but no bite. Anyway, take care of my stuff first since....you know...… I'm the strongest person here. See you later, dude." (Nomura) He patted his shoulder and left.

Now that everyone the forge except Kenshi. Kenshi was silently standing at the same spot, looking at the entrance where his classmate had left.

"Weak, huh?" (Kenshi) He looks at the Tablet and puts his hand on it then a widow pops up.

Name: Kenshi

Skill: Job: Blacksmith

The Skill holder will be able to gain basic knowledge of a blacksmith.

Level 8

Heath: 200

Mana: 19

Strength: 10

Speed: 4

Endurance: 20

Wisdom: 2

Luck: 5

He took his hand off, and the Status window disappeared.

"Status." (Kenshi) When he says the word, another status window pops up.

Name: Kenshi

Skill: Cheat System

Allow the Skill holder to have a system-like ability. The Cheat System comes with four Skills: Skill Roulette, All the trade Jobs, Inventory and 2x Status passive buff.

Trade Job: Blacksmith, Cook, Alchemist, Artefactcarfter, Engineer, farmer, architecture, merchant.

Skill: Inventory.

Allow the Skill holder to store Items in private subspace. The subspace size is unlimited.

Skill: Skill Roulette.

The Skill holder will have ten skill slots and spin a roulette to obtain a random skill. The Skill holder can only spin the roulette once a week. The Skill that has been randomly acquired can be overwritten if the Skill holder wishes.

· Skill: Regressor: Allow the Skill holder to return back to any time when he dies without losing any memory. (Regressed: 3)

· Skill: Disguise: Allow the Skill holder to change appearance and Status to others.

· Skill: Status absorbs: Allow the Skill holder to steal other Status and add to the Skill holder. This Skill only works on anyone who is weaker than a Skill holder.

· Skill:

· Skill:

· Skill:

· Skill:

· Skill:

· Skill:

· Skill:

Level 50

Heath: 20000 X2: 40000

Mana: 60000 X2: 120000

Strength: 269 X2: 538

Speed: 178 X2: 356

Endurance: 347 X2: 694

Wisdom: 298 X2: 596

Luck: 369 X2: 738