Chapter 22 | Silver Hair

The sound of bombs and screaming. The mirror in my room broke into pieces as it fell on the cold shaking floor. I rushed down to my parents' room and sought comfort, only to find my mother weeping, my older sister and younger brother huddled in her arms.

"Xianne, are the gammas outside?" she asked her head tilted upwards to meet my height. Their faces were covered in light. My siblings' small frames hid in between her arms.

My eyebrows furrowed, why was she asking me about the gammas?

"Mommy! Is there a war?" Lexi looked up at her.

"They said the Gysinges have attacked the kingdom." She tried to hide the fear in her voice, but Lexi only cried and buried his face on Mother's chest.

"Don't they eat children?" Raksha asked, her body quivering in fear.

"I do not want to be eaten!" Lexi, my younger brother, and I cried simultaneously.