
Xianne didn't sleep the night, thinking what will happen to her tomorrow. How will it take place? Even Cressida was preparing. And she has no match for that magician. She can just magically trick people to want her and then she'd win. 

"Xianne, don't worry about it." Xavion said. Holding her hand as he hands her her favorite milk. 

"How can I? I'm against Cressida! I wouldn't win for sure." Xianne said, sipping on her milk. 

"You'll win." He said confidently. 

"And who are you so sure about that?" Xianne raised her eyebrow. 

"I just know. And I know my people." He said giving her a soft smile. 

"Xavion." She started. 

"I can sense your troubled with something else." Xavion said looking serious. "Is it the alpha prince?" He 

joked, but it was effective to put a smile on Xianne's face, but it evaporated quickly as it formed.