67 wait for the next update

"Hello?" She looked around. Her eyes turned to slits as she sharpened her vision, her ears perked up and tail still as she scanned the area. When she heard heavy footsteps.

Following the sound, she near it and with her good timing and reflexes, she jumped on it, while elongating her claw.

She groaned, opening her eyes she met a handsome man with a bare warm chest.

"What are you doing?" His manly voice echoed through Clovia's perked ears.

"Y-you--w-were..." Clovia lost her words, staring at his dark eyes.

"I see you're a cat." His eyes carelessly moved on her body, with a present smirk.

"You don;'t suppose you're in Felidae kingdom, what's a bird doing here?"

"Actually, I'm an eagle."

"You're an- EAGLE!? Are you spying on us?"

"Technically, yes."

'Wow, why so honest?' Clovia wondered.

"Why are you here?"


"Yeah, I think so. I should report you--"