66 wait for update

"WE'RE STILL TALKINGGG! ALRIGHT? TALKINGGG! WHY-AH!" She said frustrated, holding her waist and scratching her head. "Seriously! I needed this talk!" Then her eyes went to meet the clock. It was already midnight, and she's not feeling sleepy yet. 

"Aish!!!" She said and drank the milk as she finished it in one go. 

"Yum!" She said, licking her lips, and went to the closet where she rinsed her mouth and freshen up. 

Xavion finally walks out of the bathroom, his hair dry and in his new pajamas. His eyes searched the room to look for Xianne when she's sleeping on her bed, facing him. 

Walking towards her, he bends one knee and stroke her face carefully. 

"You don't have to worry, Xianne. I'm not titled as an alpha prince for nothing." Xavion whispered to her sleeping figure. 

"Xianne?" Xavion asked, as he saw a small smile escaped on her lips. "Are you asleep?" He asked and waved his hand in front of her. But her eyes are still close.