Peaceful nature???

Aurora was looking for Aaron.

She looked around the camp and asked Erisviel and Ian but didn't find him anywhere.

He was not in trouble as she asked him where he was, but he only just replied with 'hmm'.

So where ever Aaron is right now, Aurora guessed from that reply he must be in deep thought.

She tried to look around for Nyx but also found she was nowhere to be seen.

Which means Nyx is either with Aaron or both of them were in some corner deep in thought, thinking about who knows what.

Finally, she found both of them near the waterfall inside the forest.

It was a bit too far from the camp Aurora thought frowning.

Nyx and Aaron both were sitting on a boulder they were deep in thought, the area was peaceful and relaxing. The sounds of nature could be heard from the area, like the sound of the waterfall and the birds etc etc.

She took a sit on a nearby boulder, the boulder was right beside the one Nyx and Aaron was sitting.

Both Nyx and Aaron's eyes were closed, they were sitting cross-legged on the boulder in peace. It looked like they were meditating.

"I like this area, it's beautiful, relaxing and peaceful. It helps me block out all the distraction of the mind and soothe my mind." Nyx said eyes closed, the sound of the waterfall was not loud so Aurora could hear her perfectly.

"I used to find these kinds of places in my past life. It always helped me relax and have peace in my mind. You should meditate too, it will help you surely." Aaron said to Aurora before going silent back to meditating.

Aurora thought for a moment and decided to meditate just like them.

Soon, she found out it really was relaxing and peaceful. No wonder, Aaron and Nyx were here and blocking out her telepathic calls.

An hour later, Aaron spoke up making Aurora snap out of her state of tranquillity, peace and harmony with nature.

She saw Aaron looking at her, he looked quite serious.

"There are too many secrets our family holds. And knowing our parents, they will not tell us anything. Our family is different than the people in the Prince mansion. Unlike Rodney and others, our parents trust us. They keep their distance from us and let us grow by ourselves, they trust us enough to give us freedom. What do you think sister? Will our parents tell us anything, if we go ask them about the Bloods, the prince, the sacred 23 noble families and clans?" Aaron asked Aurora, he has been thinking about lots of things. There are too many mysteries regarding the 23 sacred families and clans. While investigating the Bloods and the Princes, he found out too many mysteries that he can't help but feel somehow they are connected to one another.

The murder of the Prince couple, the disappearance of an entire branch family, the freak accident of some branch leaders, the tragic accident that made a genius orphan and got him kicked out of his family, the assassination of the Blood patriarch and his family.

There is a phantom signature all over those events screaming 'It's us/It's me'

Whether it was a doing of a single organization, family, clan, a group of people or someone?

Whatever it is, Aaron damn well can tell, he and his sister along with his friends will be wrapped up in some serious s*it in the future.

It seems like fate.

He knows 'fate' very well that fate is one son of a *i*ch that loves chaos and entertainment.

Aurora after listening to Aaron thought for a few minutes then said.

"No, our parents will not tell anything for now. If we go ask them, they will tell us that it is too early for us to know. Dad will probably say something like after finishing high school they will tell us about everything there is to know about the 23 sacred families and clans, Mum probably will slowly reveal to us as we grow but it will take too much time. Were you so busy thinking about all of this?" Aurora asked frowning.

"Not really, these thoughts came to me after having a peaceful meditation session. So why were you looking for us?" Shrugging Aaron said to Aurora, he really was not thinking about all of that. Aaron was really enjoying nature here and was meditating.

"It was nothing, I was just worried after not seeing you for long." Aurora said.

Aaron smiled hearing his sister, he teased her saying 'worry-wart' which made Aurora released a bit of murderous intent to wipe the grin on his face.

"Tell me, what you have been doing with Timothy? You still haven't told me what you two were up to." Changing the topic Aurora asked, both Timothy and Aaron both have been working together for a while. All Aaron told her was they will soon run out of money, thats it. With all the loot she picked up from the first outing, it was enough to go on for a year. But Aaron has been complaining that it's not enough?

What the F*c* were they doing? That they run out of money? There were more than a couple of millions of dollars worth of diamonds and golds as well as jewellery. Did they burn all of them in fire or something?

Sighing, Aaron told Aurora what Timothy and he has been doing all this time.

"The Clubhouse that we hang out, we bought them. We also bought a place for our base, it's in a remote area outside of the city. We also bought many things for us, equipment and tools for me and stuff. You know it's not easy to set up an organization in the dark, sis. We have been through many channels that Timothy was familiar with to get stuff that could land us in prison no matter our age or get us killed. So we had to burn money like crazy."

Listening to Aaron, she found out what the two was up to.

He went on to explain the things he bought and gave her a detailed report of those things and their cost.

Hearing all of that, Aurora's head begun to ache.

It really is not easy to set up something from scratch.

She was a queen before, who inherited the throne after her father's death.

So everything was ready-made given to her in a silver platter.

Starting something from scratch is a pain in the arse for damn sure.

Suddenly, a loud bang was heard from somewhere nearby.

Startled the three of them became alert and guarded.

Aaron, Nyx and Aurora looked at each other and said at the same time.

"Let's go see what's going on."