The last of the Hassan (Part 1)

Aurora, Nyx and Aaron the three went to check where the sound came from.

It was clearly a gunshot they have heard, there was no mistake about it.

The three of them were curious about what's going on but did not forget to be vigilant and cautious.

Soon, they arrived where the sound came from.

They saw five people surrounding a young boy, from his appearance he was about 13-14 years old.

He was wearing a dark blue t-shirt and ¾ quarter black jeans. His long dark hair was tied in a ponytail but it was dishevelled.

He was panting hard and was clutching on to his left upper arm which was bleeding.

The five people surrounding the boy were wearing masks and were in all black. they encircled the boy, so he could not run away from them.

All of if the five shady looking people were panting and were looking at the boy with anger.

The three of them Aurora, Aaron and Nyx were watching them in silence from afar.

One of the guys spoke looking at the boy in front of him.

"So the last of the Hassan is like this? A weak boy who cannot fight at all? It's such a big disappointment isn't it guys, a disgrace to the assassin lineage."

Another spoke up, right after the guy who spoke first.

"It really is a big disappointment."

"Tell us the location of the library, only you know about the location as you are the last of the Hassan." Another guy shouted in anger, his nose was bleeding so he was holding on to his nose.

"Didn't you guys hear what I said before, I said I dont know." The boy shouted in rage to the people surrounding him.

The first guy clicking his tongue said "Very well, then prepare to die, boy!"

He signalled the others to make a move after listening to his answer.

Since he won't talk there's no way they can find out about the location of the library.

This boy would rather die than to give them the location.

A guy lunged towards the boy with a knife.

The boy quickly dodged the knife and kicked him on the side.

Just as he knocked the guy a bit further another charged towards him.

Looking at the fight the three of them Aurora, Aaron and Nyx know that the boy will definitely lose.

"Should I go help him?" Aurora asked turning to face Aaron.

Aaron looking at the sparkling eyes of his sister knew no matter what he says, she will go and help the poor guy out.

Sighing, Aaron twisted the handle of his cane and pulled it.

With 'click' sound the handle popped out showing a blade.

Aurora looking at his brother's cane, which turned into a knife was at awe seeing the sudden transformation.

"In essence, it is a sword and its sheath was designed in such a way as to appear to be a non-assuming cane when the sword is sheathed." Aaron said telling his sister about the romance of his wonderful 'walking stick'.

He sighed once more before giving his beloved 'Victoria' to Aurora who's eyes were screaming 'Gimme the toy! Gimme the toy! I wanna play with it, so gimme the blade!'.

Aurora taking the 'blade' as well as the 'sheath' gave a big hug to Aaron, before running off to say 'Hello!' to the people fighting.

Aurora put the 'blade' back into the 'sheath' making it look like a normal 'walking stick', arrived in front of the people fighting.

She swung the 'walking stick' with all her strength on the back of the head to one of the guys in all black wearing masks.

'Plopped' the guy died immediately after getting hit with her full force on the head.

His head cracked blood was pouring out like a broken dam.

Startled by the sudden and unexpected appearance of a third party, all of them turned to look at the person who arrived.

They saw a beautiful girl with a bloody cane on hand, smiling at them.

It gave them a chill that ran down their spine when they stared at her smile.

The smile looked innocent but the girl was emitting an intense amount of murderous intent, which made them see a vision of their death.

All of them, including the boy, gulped seeing the girl.

The boy finding an opportunity, when he saw his attackers were distracted by the girl, charged towards one of the guys.

He punched right under the rib cage on the right side, where the liver was located.

The guy screamed in pain fell on to his knees.

The boy quickly followed with a roundhouse kick to the back of the head knocking him out unconscious.

Hearing the scream, all of the assassins looked back.

Aurora looking at them clicked her tongue and muttered 'Idiots' under her breath.

She twisted the handle of the cane. Taking out the blade, she thrust the blade right into the back of the neck of, one of the assassins who was looking at the boy ignoring Aurora turning his back to her face.

Killing the guy, she looked at the others.

"Are all of you guys are idiots or something? Cant you all fight properly?" Aurora said in a displeased tone.

She ran toward another guy and kicked that idiot of an assassin with a flying dragon kick, the guy staggered back after being kicked but quickly composed himself.

Aurora then followed up with a few punches and kicks in quick succession, the guy defended all of them but couldn't counter back.

Aurora suddenly made eye contact with the boy who was fighting the other remaining assassin.

Both Aurora and he nodded.

She looked back at the assassin she was fighting and started punching and kicking in quick succession making him stay on the defending end for a few moments before changing targets.

The change was swift and sudden that the two of the remaining assassins were caught off guard.

She quickly grabbed onto the assassin's arm the boy was fighting against with both her hands and propped herself up on his knees and wrapped both her legs around his arm then flipped him onto his back with his arm held between her legs, twisting the arm breaking it, she quickly got up and placed her knee on his throat with enough force she killed him.

She got up and looked back at the boy who also finished his fight with the person she was fighting before.

She looked around and saw a guy who was unconscious, frowning she said to the boy.

"That guy is still alive."

Hearing the girl in front of him, he looked at where she was staring and remembered that he knocked out one of them.

He went towards the guy and killed him by breaking his neck.

He then stared at the girl with wariness in his eyes.

Aaron and Nyx soon came out from the forest and stood beside Aurora.

"Can you please, not put my beloved on to the ground, geez!"

He went and took out the 'blade' from one of the dead assassins back of the head and took the 'sheath' from the ground.

He wiped the blood that his beloved 'Victoria' was covered in, on the clothes of the now-dead with a hole his neck assassin, then put the 'blade' onto the 'sheath'. The weapon once again took the appearance of a cane, Aaron then walked with it and stood beside Aurora.

The boy looked at the three in front of him. Two beautiful girls and a beautiful young boy? Were talking to each other about what a mess they made here.

He frowned and said looking at them with wariness.

"Why did you help me?"

The girl who fought alongside him said giving him a friendly smile.

"Why not?"