The 'eerie feeling'.

Sabastian woke up today with an eerie feeling.

He doesn't know why, but he feels weird and has a terrible feeling that something bad will happen today to him.

Trying to shrug the negative feelings away, he went to the bathroom to freshen up.

While in the shower, Sabastian started to think about everything that happened last night.

Last night, Aaron recruited Terry Smith.

They talked for hours about 'Nameless' and it's purpose also about Terry's role in the organization.

Terry's role is pretty much is about managing the dirty and dark side of the underworld.

So basically, what Aaron planned out is gobble up Trinity Crown and create another underworld organization. With the resources and assets from Trinity Crown, it will be fairly easy for them to do it.

But will take a couple of years to completely dominate Star City like Trinity Crown.

Aaron wants to put Terry in charge of that organization.

So the whole night was spent on talking about their future with mostly Terry and 'Nameless' being the focus of the talk.

Sabastian finished brushing teeth, shook his head to stop thinking about what happened last night.

Sabastian rinses his mouth and washed his face before he left the bathroom.

Seeing that Aaron is still asleep, Sabastian quietly went towards his wardrobe.

Picking his tracksuit, he stealthily left the room.

Quickly changing into the tracksuit, he left his apartment to do his morning workout.


Two hours later,

Sabastian's eerie feeling from the morning currently is so strong, that he felt like something bad will happen to him right now.

His gut feeling is never wrong.

He was constantly on the lookout, being paranoid all of a sudden.

He felt like someone was watching him.

But he can't seem to find anyone, who might be watching him.

Is he being too paranoid?

What's wrong with him today?

Why is he feeling scared and afraid?

He really tried to shake the negative feeling off from him but the more he tries to shake it off, the stronger it becomes.

He decided to end his morning exercise and go back to his apartment.

Sabastian is scared AF, and he doesn't even know why?

Scared for his own life, Sabastian made a run for his apartment.

Panting hard and out his breath Sabastian arrived in front of his apartment.

He was just about to go inside, suddenly Sabastian heard a cute voice.


Hearing the voice, his already pale face become white as a sheet.

The cute voice for him sounded like the voice of a haunted witch.

Now, Sabastian understood why he felt so much negative feelings today.

It was a sign!

Yea, a sign.

That he is f**ked, today!

He wants to run but he can't now, he should've never left the apartment today.

He felt like crying!

No, Sabastian is literally crying.

His eyes started to become moist.

"Oi, Bastiii!!" The haunting voice once more entered his ears.

*booooom* (thunderstruck #sfx)

Sabastian's mind was refusing to believe that 'she' is here!

Finally, Sabastian decided to give himself up to fate.

Sabastian turned around with a forced smile plastered on his face.

Holding back his tears, Sabastian needs to act like he is not crying or else it will be another dark mark in his life.

"Ana! How come you're here in Country O? And how did you find me?" Forcing a smile on his face, Sabastian looked at the beautiful girl in front of him.

A beautiful girl with black and bloody balayage hair, her pale-rosy complexion with an oval face had a cute narrow small nose, her left eye is deep blue and right eye jade green, those dazzling beautiful eyes were looking at Sabastian with mischief.

She was wearing a tight navy blue jeans, with a black t-shirt saying 'STFU ReT*Rd' underneath a navy blue woollen parka long sleeve coat.

"Iz that 'ow you greet your vezt friend?" Ana said looking at Sabastian in disgust.

"No, ello? No, ow are you? 'ave I veen fine? No, concern?" Said Ana suddenly grabbing Sabastian's collar.

"You, vastard!! 'ow dare you, treat your vezt friend like this!!!" Anna screamed as loud as she could, butting her head with Sabastian.

"Ana, I can explain!" Sabastian said.

He immediately regretted saying that.

"Vhat do you need to explain to me? You, virgin ret*rd! You make it zound like I'm your girlfriend or zomething. Wait? Are you two-timing? 'ow dare you, you horny ret*rd!!!" Ana screamed once more.

The neighbours finally came out of their apartments and were looking at the commotion caused by Ana and Sabastian, well mostly Ana.

Seeing, the commotion Sabastian quickly went inside his apartment grabbing Ana's hand.

Inside the apartment after locking the door.

Sabastian brought Ana to the living room and said.

"Did you really have to do that? Now they all will think I'm a rich horny playboy! Hell, they wouldn't even care about my age now!!!" Sabastian said looking vexed.

"Yep, I can't 'ave you take a girlfriend, vefore I take one for myzelf firzt." Ana said shrugging her shoulders.

"zo, 'ow are you for real though? FYI, I'm moving in vith you. I dont 'ave any vhere elze to go."

Sabastian frowned hearing Ana.

"Why? No, what exactly you mean by you dont have anywhere else to go?" Sabastian asked in confusion, it's not like he ever understood her properly but this seems serious and he is genuinely puzzled by what she meant.

Ana looked at the confused best friend of hers.

Sighing, she gave a smile to Sabastian and explained to him properly what she meant.

"The Ah'shif vants me to ztudy under 'er. zhe vants to teach me the Rivazez of the tribe, so in the future, I can truly ve a part of the tribe. The council zeez me az a threat, az I'm an outzider to the tribe. The council thinkz that the Ah'shif vants me to marry 'er zon and guide 'er zon in the future as 'iz wife and zecond-in-command in the tribe. After all, I'm a geniuz, the Ah'shif zeez me as an azzet to the tribe." Ana told Sabastian about how the council of the Tevittar tribe, wants to get rid of her and the chief of the tribe wants to use her for the tribe.

(A/N: Ah'shif = Tribe leader, Rivazez = Rules and politics of the tribe.)

"zo I azked the Ah'shif to honour my parentz and 'er promize to my parentz, the Tevittar alvayz honour their promizez so zhe let me leave from the protection of the Tevittar tribe. Aunt Urzula vanted me to adopt but I declined, cause I dont vant to vecome your sister. Vho knows in the future I might vecome your wife?" Ana said to Sabastian, he mischievously licked her lips looking at Sabastian with lust-filled eyes.

Sabastian paled upon hearing the last part, his face contorted in fear and disgust.

Sabastian even felt that Ana is violating him with her eyes?

(A/N: and yes, Ana is really imagining Sabastian naked. She is extremely lewd. PS: I know it's confusing but because Ana was raised in the Tevittar tribe she has an accent.)

"Anyvay, your mother is shponzoring me. zo from now on, I will alzo be attending Carzon starting next year of shchool." Ana said to Sabastian.

(A/N: Ana can't say the letter S very well it sounds like Z or hard S like 'shhh')

Suddenly, a tired voice resounded in the room, complaining.

"Argh! I feel so tired my whole body is sore, especially my lower body it feels so painful. We were at it all night, we shouldn't do that in the future. What do you think?" Aaron said coming to the living room, staring at Sabastian then turning to look at the beautiful girl who had a stunned expression on her face.

"Oh, we have a guest?" Aaron said turning back to Sabastian.

Ana, coming out of her stupified state shouted pointing at Sabastian.

"Aha! I knew it. You really are gay, huh! zo thatz vhy my naked vody doesn't ztimulate you, cause you dont feel any attraction towards girlz, huh! You vastard, You zhould have told me. I let you touch my boobs!!! Hell, I let you zee my naked vody, I tried zo hard to zeduce you, you gay ass vastard." Ana screamed as loud as she could, pointing at Sabastian with her middle finger, feeling angry at the sudden revelation?

"Wait, what the actual f**k???" Aaron was stunned hearing the mysterious girl.

"My goddess, Ana!!!" Sabastian felt like wanting to kill the b**ch in front of him, but she is his best friend.

'On, second thought? Can someone please tell me, how to get away after murdering your best friend, please.' Sabastian said in his mind.