Lewd and perverted, Ana.

Aaron was stupified hearing the beautiful girl.

'What even the fuck!!!' Aaron said out loud in his mind.

Aurora was startled by it and jolted awake from asleep.

'What's wrong? Why are you shouting so early in the morning on a freaking Sunday, Aaron!!!' Aurora angrily yelled at Aaron through their telepathic channel.

'I'll tell you later, and I'm sorry.' Said Aaron to Aurora.

Shaking his head, Aaron turned to Sabastian.

Sabastian was clutching his hair with both hands, grinding his jaws and gritting teeth.

"So who's she? And what the actual f**k! Listen up girl, this boy here is NOT GAY! You hear that I'm straight AF." Aaron asked Sabastian, who the girl is then pointing at himself, he strongly emphasised on the words 'NOT GAY' to the girl.

"'Then, vhy did you say and I quote 'Argh! I feel so tired my vhole vody is zore, ezpecially my lover vody it feelz so painful. Ve vere at it all night, ve zhouldn't do that in the future. Vhat do you think?' Anyone vill azzume that you two are a couple from vhat you zaid." Ana said looking at Aaron, no, sizing up Aaron.

Aaron only felt uncomfortable by her looks but didn't say anything.

"Anastasia Dimitrova Petrova." Ana said, introducing herself to Aaron.

Aaron raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"So, you're the crazy friend of this idiot?" Aaron said, remembering Sabastian once told him before that he has a crazy best friend.

"Aaron Christopher Blood, he called you crazy and a bi*tch, you know." Aaron said introducing himself to Ana, then pointing at the idiot-Sabastian.

"Vell, 'e is not wrong. I'm crazy and vitchy." Said Ana, shrugging her shoulders.

"You have a weird accent. Have you eaten anything? Cause I'm damn hungry, why don't we go grab some food?" Aaron said looking at Ana, then he turned to Sabastian signaling with his hands that he is hungry.

"I am, this idiot doezn't care. Tsk, are you not gonna treat your guezt? I 'avent ate anything zince yezterday." Ana complained to Sabastian.

Sabastian sighing told Aaron and Ana that he is not in any mood to make any breakfast, so they should go outside and eat breakfast in a restaurant or something.

Aaron and Ana, too hungry to care just followed behind Sabastian to a nearby restaurant.


In the next couple of hours,

The three after filling up their stomachs hung around the neighbourhood and talked mostly about Ana to Aaron.

Aaron found out that Ana is actually a nice and good person to hang around. It's just she is a bit let's just say, weird and very hyperactive, yeah!

She is abnormally chatty, and her mouth is totally unfiltered.

And she doesn't hesitate to question or ask anything she doesn't understand no matter how weird or uncomfortable it is.

Not only that, but she also says anything that comes to her mind no matter how trivial, weird or fleeting the thought is.

And, most importantly.


She is a very, VERY LEWD person.

It's not weird to say that in her mind most of her thoughts are full of sex.

Yep, SEX.

Well, she really is something.

What an eccentric person.

It's not like she's a horny witch or anything.

It's only her thoughts are a bit too lewd.

A bit is an understatement though.

And there's also a valid reason why she always thinks about lewd stuff and SEX.

When Aaron found out about it, he was stunned and was in a daze for a whole minute.

Ana is actually a successful and famous novelist.

So, what kind of books she writes?

That is an interesting question.

Recalling back to the moment Aaron asked Ana what kind of books she writes.


Going back in time, half an hour ago.

Aaron: What kind of books do you write then?

Sabastian: She writes mostly about romance.

Aaron: Oh, that's nice. My favourite genre is romance too. Any recommendations? I just finished reading this novel, I was reading. So I'm currently out of books to read.

Sabastian was looking at Ana who had a mischievous smile plastered on her face.

Sabastian was signalling and was shaking his head to Ana, telling Ana with his eyes 'don't corrupt him!'.

But Ana ignored Sabastian and said to Aaron.

Ana: Okay, vut firzt you 'ave to promize me that you vill definitely read my vook. I mean, no matter vhat you must finizh reading the vook I recommend. Promize me! That you vill finizh it no matter vhat.

Ana said staring into Aaron's innocent eyes.

Aaron had a bad feeling but he quickly ignored it, what can a mere romance book do to him?

Aaron: Okay, no matter what I promise that I will finish the book that you recommend. So gimme a good one, okay?

Ana grinning like a cheshire cat nodded and told Aaron the name of her most selling, popular and famous book.

Aaron took note of the name and said once more to Ana that he will finish it, definitely.

5 minutes later,

There was a look of horror in Aaron's eyes.

He was looking at Ana, pointing at her while trying to find words to say to her.

Aaron: I-I don't want to read these kinds of books!!!

Ana: vut you promized!

Aaron: But you never told me it's an erotic romance novel!

Sabastian puts his hands on Aaron's shoulders.

Sabastian: Aro! You promised, and you don't break promises. So suck it up and read the damn book!!!

For the past three years, Sabastian had to read Ana's drafts and all the stories she wrote with a pinch of salt and pepper.

It was really, hellishly torturous to read all that *cough cough* scenes.

He couldn't skip it cause Ana always quizzed him. If he doesn't read and answers her quizzes properly, haha, let's just say girls are scary!

Looking at Aaron, he finally saw a comrade! Who Sabastian can relate and sympathise with.

He, Sabastian will not let this opportunity go. He doesn't want to suffer alone, it's sad but in truth, he wants Aaron to go through the same thing he had gone through for three years.

Call him a cruel or whatever he just doesn't want to suffer this fate alone.

Aaron cursed his rotten luck under his breath.

Gritting his teeth, Aaron with heart-rending difficult feelings, reluctantly spat out a few words looking at Sabastian and Ana.

Aaron: Alright, I'll read.

Sabastian: You cant skip those scenes, you must read it thoroughly and engrave those scenes in your mind! Cause Ana will quiz you and if she finds that you didn't read and fail to answer her quizzes? My condolences, brother! Girl's are damn scary creatures.

Aaron glared at the two of them with heated eyes.

Ana: Hahahahahaha!


At Sabastian's apartment.

Ana sitting down at the sofa stared at Aaron and Sabastian with a serious expression on her face.

Sabastian and Aaron, both of them suddenly felt weird.

Sabastian seeing the change in his childhood best friend?

He stared at Ana strangely.

Aaron also found it weird, the sudden change in Ana's aura and mood really baffled him.

"What is it?" Said Sabastian.

Ana ignoring Sabastian focused her gaze on Aaron.

"Zo, Aaron. Vho are you? Really, Vho are you to Bastian Roseno' Grayback." Said Ana making the two, Sabastian and Aaron flinch at the mention of that name.

Bastian Roseno'Grayback.

It was Sabastian's name in his previous life.