For her sake?


There was an uncomfortable silence in the living room.

Ana was staring at Aaron, with a serious expression on her face.

Aaron and Sabastian were stiff like rocks.

They were looking at Ana with a strange gaze.

Sabastian was the first one to break this silence.

"How did you figure it out, Ana? I have never told you about Aaron." Sabastian said with a complicated gaze in his eyes.

Hearing Sabastian, Ana scoffed.

"I 'ave known you zince you vere three. You 'ave no friendz and you vould rather die than make one, I'm zpecial vecause I'm stuvvorn you vastard. You 'ad a great wall that no one could get passed vy other than your family and me. F**k it vas zo 'ard for me, do you know that? Just go vack and recall, 'ow you opened up to me and 'ow I vecame your vest friend. Vhy dont you also think avout, vhy you never leave your manor and go to shchool? Does anything you recall ring any vell?" Said Ana looking at Sabastian.

"I waz really zhocked vhen that Prince girl zuddenly vecame your friend. From vhat I 'ave 'eard from aunt Urzula, zhe is not just a 'friend' vut a 'vest friend'? zhe iz zomeone like me, a piece of your 'zoul' as you zay. A perzon vho is dear to you, zomeone vho you vill do anything for, a reazon to live on. A zuicidal zon of a *beep* *beeep beep beep* vho's obzezzed with the zword and alwayz in 'is own world thinking vho knows what, like you? Making a friend on firzt meeting? Tsk, zuppose I believe that but you deciding to leave your houze, change shchool to a different country and live alone without the zupport of the 'eilige family? Do you take me for an idiot! vait, I am an idiot but I'm an intelligent idiot perzon. Still, vho do you think I'm???" Ana said getting up pacing back and forth occasionally pointing at Sabastian and swearing/cursing at him.

"You told me about your pazt life, though I didn't believe much at the beginning. later, I vas convinced by you. Your vehaviourz and all the knowledge, you 'ave zhared vith me. It vas crazy, vut I vas convinced. I thought a lot avout vhen aunt Urzula zaid that you're now 'chummy chummy' with this fiancee of yourz. That's vhy after calling you that day, I started my own inveztigation and ovzerved you and your 'friendz' for a few dayz in zecret a few months ago. Then all the zhit has been shtirring up in the tribe and me deciding to leave f*ck thinking avout all of that makez my head hurt." Ana holding her head plopped back to where she was sitting before.

Sabastian was in a daze looking at Ana, his expression was funny. He was looking like his brain got fried, a system malfunction or something.

Aaron was shocked at first then listened to Ana seriously.

Aaron found tidbits of Sabastian's life through Ana.

Sabastian did tell Nyx about his life so far, but he left some bits out of the story he told Nyx. Aaron can guess why he did that, he probably didn't want Aaron/Nyx to worry or feel sorry for him.

Aaron turned to Sabastian to ask him.

"You told her about us?" Aaron said staring at Sabastian.

Sabastian getting out from his dazed state looking at Ana turned to Aaron.

Sabastian knows his best friend too well.

Aaron probably wanted to ask him about 'everything' that Ana just said only part of.

But Aaron didn't. instead, he asked him something else.

"Yes, this girl here beat the shit out of me, abused me, tortured me and many things a man should not experience or hear about. In the end, she broke past the barrier that I have set up and conquered me. She genuinely reached out to me and I took that warm hand-"

Ana interrupted Sabastian's cheesy, cringe-worthy dialogue.

"Oii! The f*ck is thiz! You mother *beep beep beep* that was zo cringing, it made me zhiver in dizgust. Don't do that pleaze Mr 'eilige, those f*cking linez almost made me empty out everything I 'ave eaten at the reztaurant. Ewwww just arrrghh! Can't you explain to 'im properly? F*ck!!!" Ana said feeling disgusted.

Sabastian then told Aaron everything about how he met Ana and how they became friends.

Sabastian also revealed everything to Aaron that he didn't say before.

Aaron was overwhelmed by learning everything about Sabastian.

These two best friends have something in common between them.

They always sugarcoat the painful and darkest chapters of their life.

But unlike Aaron who puts everything in a box and tries to suppress and ignores himself, Sabastian is conscious of his own self and takes time to move on.

The three of them talked about themselves in the living room for hours until dinner.

They didn't notice how time flew by when talking about themselves.

Ana became friends with Aaron, and since she knows about their past life? Aaron revealed to her about Nyx and Aaron sharing the same soul. A single soul operating two different personalities and bodies.

The three then went to have dinner at the same place they had breakfast and lunch today.


In the clubhouse.

Ian was alone, punching and kicking on a sandbag.

Two ripped sandbags were on the floor to the side.

Ian was topless, wearing only a short. His hands were wrapped up with white boxing wraps, which had traces of blood on them.

His whole upper body was full of sweat, beads of sweat dripped down to the floor from his chin.

Ian punched and punched over and over, there was a scene in his mind constantly repeating.

Every time he remembers the scene he punches hard on to the sandbag.

Ian ignored the pain from his hands and kept on punching over and over.

{Stop! Please, I beg you to stop!!! Let her go! Dont do this}

{What? Why should I stop? You two have to pay for what you two did to me, right?}

{Just let her go, please!! You can beat me up or do whatever you want!!! Kill me! Just let her go, I beg you!!! I will do anything, just let her go!}

{Hahaha, watch how I will pay you back for what you two did to me. I lost everything! All my money and support from my family, my place at the team EVERYTHING!!!}

{Since I have lost everything, I want you to lose everything you have. Hahahahaha! She is your everything, right Ian? So live knowing that everything that's happening is all because of you. Hahahahaha}

*Thaang booong*

Ian punched the Sandbag hard enough to send it flying a few meters across the room.

He plopped down on to the ground like a broken puppet without its strings.

Tears were coming out of his eyes, as he lay back on the floor staring at the ceiling.

"It hurts." Ian muttered.

He unwrapped the boxing wraps from his hands.

His knuckles were bloody and bruised.

Ian stared at his bloody bruised hands for a few moments.

"It hurts."

"Aaaaaaarrrrgghhhhhh, IT HUUUUUUURRRRTTTTSSS!!!" Ian screamed in pain.

The pain didn't come from his hands. Instead, it came from his soul.

Ian screamed and cried laying there at the floor of the training grounds.

There was a voice inside his head constantly repeating like a broken record.

{Ian, please live on for my sake.}