Aether. (Part 1)

"Aaron, we all are busy. I know you want to show off your new creation but we don't have time for it, so please! Don't call us for stupid reasons." Erisviel said behalf of everyone.

Aaron called everyone to his mountainside workshop.

They are in the workshop full of gadgets and equipment.

It's quite messy in here, looking around everyone saw half-finished equipment and gadgets littering everywhere.

The workshop looked like some mad scientist's lair.

"But this is very important! We are going to witness a historical moment here."

Pointing at the giant machine, in front of them Aaron said.

"This thing was feeding on all of our funds. Now it is time for us to reap what we sowed. It's harvesting time!"

"I have been working on this for years! I had all the knowledge and theories right, but what I lacked was the necessary equipment and funds for my dream to come true. Now the time has come, my dream would finally come true!!! I'm so f*cking emotional right now."

"With this machine here today, I, Aaron Christopher Blood, will harness the natural universal element Aether!!!"

Aaron declared sounding dignified and grand.

Everyone was silent, except for Aurora and Sabastian.

Aurora when she heard her brother saying that he will harness Aether? The ice cream on her hand fell to the ground.

Sabastian startled, lost balanced and was about to fall on the ground when Zulkernyn saved him from falling.

"D-Did you just say, Aether?" Sabastian asked Aaron stuttering.

"Yes, you heard it right. It is Aether!" Aaron nodded loftily sounding serious and proud.

"It's impossible!" Sabastian said, not believing Aaron.

"Yeah, Sabastian is right. It's Impossible." Aurora also nodded in accord what Sabastian said.

"It's not impossible but difficult." Aaron shook his head and looked down on these two ignorant mortals.

"It's impossible because Aether can only be manipulated through 'Mana' and this world doesn't have magic. So it's impossible to use Aether without 'Mana', Aaron." Sabastian shook his head, remembering the laws of magic and restrictions of the omniverse.

"According to universal laws, Aether can only be contained in a magical or a suitable vessel that has an affinity with Aether. And there is only two way to use Aether-" Sabastian was reminding Aaron of the 'Aether Constraint' when Aaron interrupted Sabastian and corrected him.

"Did you forget what 'Darkness' said? There is a third way to harness Aether. So correcting you, According to universal Laws, Aether can only be contained in a magical or a 'SUITABLE' vessel that has an affinity with Aether. And there is only three way to harness the natural universal element Aether."

Raising a finger, Aaron continued his lecture.

"One, the most basic and common way to do it, is through 'Mana'. Mana is the essence of the universe, the gods refer Aether as the breath of the universe. Aether is similar to Mana, but mana is not an element but Aether is. Mana is the source of magic and the essence of the universe, but Aether is a natural raw element, an energy source. "

"Two, the second is simply not so common method but quite rare. The remains of magical creature dense with 'Mana' and unique metals such as Mithril, Gordril, Dracorium, Adamantine, Orichalcum etc, attract Aether and houses Aether."

"I know, that you think it's impossible because there is no magic and no magical materials like mithril and others in this universe. But you see, the element that I created, yes, it's shi*ty compare to the most common of magical metals. Still, it's something that can house Aether. It doesn't have the natural ability to attract Aether but it's a 'SUITABLE' vessel/container for Aether."

"Aether is everywhere, it's in us, it's in the water, in the fire, in this table right here, in the air, it's everywhere. We can't see it but it's everywhere."

Aaron said looking at Sabastian and Aurora.

"I don't know what you guys are talking about but I kind of get it but also don't. So what is the third way, then?" Ian said standing in the corner.

He may not know anything about 'real' magic but as a fantasy fan, He kind of understand what Aaron is trying to explain.

But looking at the three of them Ian can tell it's not something simple like what he is trying to imagine.

Turning to Ian, Aaron smiled brightly as ever.

He then pointed at the light bulb up above.

Everyone stared at the light bulb.

Except for Aaron, everyone was confused.

"What is it?" Zulkernyn asked not understanding what Aaron is trying to tell them by pointing at the light bulb.

"The third method sounds simple but is the most difficult and hardest method, that's why this method was lost in magical universes when everyone started to use 'Mana' to manipulate Aether. I asked a God once, how many universes know about this method. He replied saying a handful of them but almost all of them are magical universes. Only two non-magical universes in existence knew about this method but he told me those universes are going through a reboot, so it will be lost once more. Anyway, this third method is-" Aaron did a dramatic pause, which made Erisviel throw a wrench in Aaron's direction.

Everyone rolled their eyes, at Aaron.

"Conversion! The third method is the conversion of other elements to Aether."

"Lightning!!!" Aurora shouted in surprise finally understanding what Aaron meant previously by pointing at the light bulb.

"Yes, Aether is raw energy. Electricity has Aether, but Aether in electricity is passive. So through conversion, I can harness the Aether in electricity."

Sabastian was in shock after hearing Aaron.

He is not as smart as Aaron, in magical theories and such. Still, he is from a magical universe, so he once studied magical theories back then in school in his previous life.

Hell! He was a king, so he had to learn a few things about magic and science.

Remembering something, he learned back in his previous world, Sabastian asked Aaron with a serious face.

"That machine there? It will convert electricity into Aether?

"Yes." Aaron replied.

"What's the conversion rate?" Sabastian asked Aaron staring at the machine in front of him.


Sabastian and Aurora were dumbfounded hearing Aaron.

Aurora also knew a bit about magical theories, her previous world civilisation unlike Aaron and Sabastian's, completely relied on Magic.

It was severely underdeveloped than the world, Sabastian and Aarons were from.

Still, the gods occasionally parted knowledge.

So Aurora knows how much of an impressive feat Aaron pulled off by creating a machine that has a 100% conversion rate.

Aurora stutteringly asked.

"Wh-what ab-bout the purity rate?"

Aurora was still in shock! Her mind was screaming, it was impossible but her brother is claiming it's possible.

She doesn't know what to believe anymore.

Aaron shook his head replying, "I don't know, right now will be the first time I'm actually going to start this damn thing."

Taking out a runic symbol patterned 'ring' from his pocket, Aaron turned to Sabastian.

"This thing will house Aether, looks cool, isn't it?"

The 'ring' on Aaron's hand looks ordinary but isn't ordinary at all.

This 'ring' is made out of the element that he created.

Sabastian staring at the 'ring' sighed.

"You really! I'm speechless. This? How the f*ck were you able to create an element like this!"

"Using ancient alchemy and modern science, constantly reconstructing and deconstructing, synthesizing the elements, matter conversion and transmutation. With so much pain in the ass, I was barely able to create this thing. If not for this world is in the modern era? I never would have been able to create this. You can say, I got lucky in a sense too."

Aaron opened the 'ring' on his hand.

The ordinary-looking ring turned into a foldable 'astrological sphere' looking ring.

Aaron then walked towards the machine and opened up the tempered glass door on the machine.

Putting the 'sphere ring' in a small place holder, Aaron closed up the tempered glass door and stood beside Sabastian.

Holding a remote on his hand Aaron said.

"Ladies and gentlemen, now witness the moment where I, Aaron Christopher Blood, harness the power of Aether."

After loudly declaring, Aaron pressed the button.

"We are going to die." Sabastian said staring at the machine that just started.

"Haha!" Aaron laughed hearing Sabastian.