Aether. (Part 2)


The machine in front of the group started making noise.

Soon, sparks of electricity could be seen behind the tempered glass.

Aaron turned his head to a monitor beside him.

{Convertion rate: 100%

Electricity : 2%

Purity rate: 0.00%

Aether: 0.00%

'ACB' Element Durability: 100%

Aether Converter Machine Durability: 100%

Danger: Green, 0.00%.

Power: 5%, Green.}

'So far everything is going fine.' Aaron thought.

Soon, the little sparks became larger and were more constant than before.

"The Aether isn't gathered, Aaron," Sabastian said looking at the machine in front of him.

He briefly looked at the monitor and saw there wasn't any sign of Aether yet.

"It's only 25% of electricity, the machine just started to use one-quarter of its power too. So wait a bit." Aaron said looking at the monitor.

Sparks were dancing inside the box, behind the tempered glass.

It became much more intense than before.

The sound coming from the machine also got a bit louder.

Soon, something incredible happened.

{Aether: 0.05℅.}

Seeing the change in number, Sabastian and Aurora were shocked.

Then they got excited.

Aaron started grinning like a mad man.


"Aaron, that doesn't sound good." Aurora said pointing at the machine.

The Aether converter machine was making loud disturbing sounds.

Aaron checked on the monitor and saw the danger level was high.

It's in orange and 70%.

But the durability of the element he created was climbing after it decreased some time ago.

Thinking of something, Aaron decided to gamble.

It's either do or die.

Something that he didn't plan was happening right now.

Call him an idiot or a mad scientist but Aaron knew that if he didn't take the chance he will regret it rest of his life.

Putting everyone in danger, inside the workshop. Aaron turned off the safety feature of the machine.

There was no limit now, the element Aaron created was greedily taking in the Aether.

Aaron put the power on the machine to 100%.

Danger meter was 'red' on the monitor but Aaron ignored it.

The machine was making loud sounds, the sounds were much louder than before.

The lights in the workshop were flickering.

"Aaron, what's happening," Sabastian said turning to Aaron.

Then he looked at the computer and saw all the danger popups.

Instead of stopping it, Aaron even put the safety feature off!

"What the f*ck, Aaron!!!" Sabastian cursed looking at Aaron.

A loud sound came from the machine, cracks were appearing on the tempered glass.

Nothing could be seen behind the glass, as it was so bright inside.

"Aaron, what the f*ck did you do?!!" Aurora yelled at Aaron.

But Aaron was staring at the machine in front of him.

{Convertion rate: 100%

Electricity: 100%

Purity rate: 38%

Aether: 100%

'ACB' Element Durability: 136%

Aether Converter Machine Durability: 17%

Danger: Red.

Power: 143%, Red.}

The power on the machine was increasing, and the durability was decreasing.

The element Aaron created was being tempered by Aether.

"Aaron, if this explodes we will die, no, the whole city will be wiped out," Sabastian yelled at Aaron.

But Aaron started laughing.


"Aaron, we will die, stop the machine!!!" Sabastian yelled once more.

Everyone at the room had a tense expression on their face.

They were thinking that Aaron completely lost his mind.

Erisviel tried to do something but she couldn't do anything, it's beyond her control.

The machine couldn't be stopped by the computer.

"Aaron, we will die!!!" All of them shouted but Aaron laughed even louder and said.

"I know, Hahahaha!"

"It's official, Aaron became crazy or some evil spirit might have possessed this bastard!!!" Ian shouted.

Everyone was quite angry and were panicking.

"Hahaha! Just trust me, please. Have faith!!!" Aaron laughed hysterically like a mad man.

Everyone gritting their teeth and clenching jaws cursed at Aaron.

After everything happened, are they all going to die now just like this?

The lights exploded and the sound from the machine was getting louder.

Suddenly, a bright light assaulted their eyes.

Everyone thought this is it, that's how they died.

They are dead now for sure.

A b**tard son of a *beep* killed them all.

A loud banging sound was heard? The disturbing noise from the machine was gradually decreasing at a fast rate.

But the bright light was still enveloping everyone.

The bright white light, slowly then started to change colour.

White to pink, the light slowly started to dim down.

Pink to yellow.

Everyone could barely open their eyes now, still, the light was pretty bright.

Yellow to orange, the noise from the machine decreased quite a lot.

It's now bearable and not a headache-inducing noise at least.

Orange to red.

Red to purple, the light has dimmed down significantly.

Now they can see the machine clearly, it was smoking.

Purple to blue, the sound died down almost. It's so low that barely anyone could hear it.

The blue light was beautiful.

It was mesmerising, somehow looking at the light felt like they were in peace.

It was quite soothing.

Blue light then changed to green.

The light dimmed down to the point they could now see clearly inside the box.

The tempered glass was shattered.

Inside the box, the 'sphere ring' was still in place on the place holder.

But they can now see that the light was coming from inside the 'sphere ring'.

The light was now pulsating and fading between blue to green.

It was really beautiful.

"I stopped it at the right moment, I see." Aaron muttered.

Since it was so silent at the workshop, everyone was able to hear Aaron.

Hearing Aaron, everyone wanted to beat the s*it out of Aaron.

But that can wait, for now, they were gonna let Aaron do his thing.

Aaron took a spherical hollow glass container from the table near him then started walking towards the machine.

Now, at close within hands reach. Aaron could see the beautiful Aether energy inside the 'spherical ring'.

It looks like a pulsating led light.

Aaron also could see the colour of the metal element that he created changed to pitch black.

The spherical ring was enveloped in some kind of shield made from the Aether.

Aaron then twisted the glass container on his hand.

The glass container separated into two half.

Then Aaron carefully put the 'Aether Sphere' inside the spherical glass container.

Now holding the glass container on hand, Aaron grinned.

Inside the glass container, the 'Aether sphere' was pulsating and changing colours between Blue and Green.

Turning back Aaron stood in front of Aurora and Sabastian.

"The purity of the 'Aether' is 30%ish I think." Sabastian commented looking at the 'Aether'.

"Pure 100% Aether is light blue and light green. Instead of pulsating, it should have been half blue and green. What's wrong with this?" Aurora commented furrowing her brows.

"I don't know, but I think the 'Aether' is much denser than it should have been in 30%-ish. Isn't that right?" Even Aaron was confused by this.

He never saw a pulsating Aether, Aether has a fixed patterned colour.

This is something entirely new, Aaron never saw something like this or heard of.

Zulkernyn who was at the back stood in front of Aaron to look at the 'Aether'.

Staring at the beautiful Aether, Zulkernyn said.

"Can I hold it?"

"Yes, here." Nodding Aaron gave the glass container to Zulkernyn.

Zulkernyn taking, the 'Aether' from Aaron.

Started walking back to where he stood before.

Seeing Zulkernyn act like that, Aaron got a sickening feeling in his stomach.

Zulkernyn standing further away from Aaron turned his head to face the rest of the gang, who were looking at him in confusion.

Giving a smile to everyone, Zulkernyn said.

"Guys, Aaron is all yours."

Hearing Zulkernyn, Aaron felt a chill ran down his spine.

He turned around to face the gang behind him.

Aurora, Erisviel, Ana, Sabastian, Ian were staring at him with smiles plastered on their face.

"Guys, I'm sorry, please! I know I did wrong, but forgive me, please!!!" Aaron started begging for his life.

"Haha." Aurora.

"Haha." Sabastian.

"Haha." Erisviel

"Haha." Ana.

"Haha." Ian.

All of them faked a monotone laugh.

Sweat started to form around Aaron's forehead.

Chuckling, Aaron muttered.

"I'm in danger!"