Ren released a large amount of reiatsu and focused it on Akito. The amount of reiatsu forced Akito to his knees. The pressure on his body was so heavy that Akito could not even look at Ren due to how much pressure was being emitted.

Suzuka jumped in front of Akito and released her own reiatsu to counter Ren's. Akito could finally feel the pressure ease off of him. He wiped his head and felt how much sweat had accumulated due to what Ren had done to him.

"Captain! Please seek justi..." but he was silenced when Suzuka turned her head at him and gave Akito a look that could kill.

"Be silent! You have already disgraced the 11th division enough. Whether it was losing or being a sore loser and attacking foes after the battle was over, you have lost all face for our division.

So I suggest that you remain silent before you have to worry about 3 instead of just two captains wanting your head."

'Two?' Akito thought before he looked over and saw Captain Unohana with a fierce look on her face. He had completely forgotten about her.

Unohana was the referee and was supposed to keep the match fair. If someone committed such an act and end up killing or injuring the other party unfairly, then it would reflect badly on her.

Akito decided to take Suzuka's advice and remain silent. That did not stop him from feeling fury in his heart at the humiliation.

Suzuka nodded her head before turning to Unohana. She wanted to put out the small fire that had yet to grow before focusing on the storm that was heading her way.

"Captain Unohana. I apologize for my lieutenant's actions. He had acted out of line and endangered the members of the 11th division as well as assaulted your honor. I will make sure that I give him the appropriate punishment."

Unohana gave one of those smiles that were obviously forced and fake as she replied to Suzuka.

"Oh. And what might that punishment be, Captain Suzuka?"

Suzuka did not expect Unohana to ask for the punishment in front of all the captains. If she had not brought it up, Suzuka could have given a much lighter punishment or none at all when they returned to the division. But now, this matter needed to be answered immediately.

"Please do not get ahead of me, Captain Unohana. It was my members whose lives were endangered due to her underqualified officer acting out of line."

"Oh, of course, Captain Ren. This matter concerns not only my face and honor but also the face and honor of you, your division, and the health of your members. You must definitely want an answer for this."

The pair of captains were agreeing with each other and making the matter bigger and bigger. Suzuka only had one chance to give a punishment that would satisfy both of the offended parties.

"Akito shall be removed from his position as the lieutenant and shall place him in the custody of the detention unit for 100 years. Is that satisfying for the both of you?"

Ren and Unohana looked at each other for 20 seconds as if they were having a silent conversation before they turned to Suzuka and nodded their heads. Suzuka let out a sigh of relief since she was unwilling to lose a valuable member of her squad for even longer.

Akito also thought that the punishment he got was light with what he had done. Although he was unwilling to be separated from his zanpakuto for 100 years, he knew that he should not try to fight it since this was his best option.

"Good. I shall call for the Onmitsukidō to take him to the nest and take away his zanpakuto if there is nothing else."

Unohana but Ren held up his hand signaling for Suzuka to not leave yet.

"Is there anything that concerns you, Captain Ren?"

"There is one thing. I think that... the title of Kenpachi has been in the 11th division for too long. If the owner of the title was worthy, I would not have said anything.

But with the way that members are acting under her command after just half a year, I must say that it brings into question your ability to lead."

The air was silent. No one could say anything because this was a direct provocation. To say that the current Kenpachi was unworthy of the title, was pretty much a declaration of war.

"Oh. And might I ask who do you think is more worthy of the title of Kenpachi?"

Although she asked the question calmly, anyone could hear the rage that was lying within every word. Ren acted as if he did not hear it though.

"Of course... it should be the captain of the strongest division. The strongest captain obviously leads the strongest division."

Suzuka no longer held in her rage as her reiatsu began leaking out wildly while her killing intent was directed at Ren.

"You dare to challenge me for the title of Kenpachi!? You do not even have possession of your zanpakuto! But you think that you can kill me?! Haha. I have never heard of anything so funny!"

Ren tilted his head to the side as if he was puzzled by the question.

"Who said... I only have one zanpakuto?"