Ren was eating like a Shonen protagonist. His body was starving since he had not had a meal in the past week and his body grew by a great deal as well. Ren who was originally 178 centimeters tall had grown to 230 centimeters in height.

With such a large growth spurt, it was surprising that Ren did not starve to death. Tier, Kisuke, and Yoruichi watched in amazement as Ren ate all of the food placed before him in a short amount of time.

Isane was finally allowed to leave when Ren woke up so the woman hurried to take off and return to the 4th division while Yushiro, Yoruichi's brother, had gotten tired of watching over Ren after the first day and had not been seen since then.

Ren set down his chopsticks and bowl with a satisfied look on his face. Seeing the 3 of them looking at him with concerned looks, he knew he could not put off answering their unasked questions.

"I was dealing with Khorne, my zanpakuto spirit. It not only hid my second zanpakuto spirit but also was very limiting of what I could do. He wouldn't let me use kido and always complained about how I acted.

So I decided that I was tired. Long story short, I had a battle to the death with my zanpakuto spirit which was the reason for my wounds. And as you can see that I am still alive, you can tell who was the winner. I have absorbed some of the zanpakuto's abilities but also lost some. That is also the reason for these physical changes."

Kisuke and Yoruichi looked very interested in hearing about the zanpakuto spirit and inheriting its powers. Tier just seemed to relax when she heard that Ren was no longer in danger and would not be in danger anymore.

No longer worried about Ren, Tier stood up.

"Since you are fine, I will take my leave. I have been away from the division and unsure if Shin and Emilou have destroyed it.

We also need to do more administration work since we need more members and to filter through the graduates of the Academy.

I will await your return and have a large pile of paperwork waiting for your signature when you return."

With that, Tier left without looking back. Ren felt a little upset with her leaving so quickly but when he remembered that she stayed by his side for an entire week, that cloud in his heart disappeared very fast.

Just when Ren was about to ask for more food, he saw Yoruichi and Kisuke each have a bowl in their hands that held some delicious looking and smelling food. Each of the pair had a friendly smile on their face but their eyes told a different story.

Ren sighed and took the bribes before motioning for them to ask whatever they wanted to ask.

"You have absorbed your zanpakuto? Does that mean you are partially a zanpakuto?"

"Did you absorb all the abilities as they are or did some of them change?"

"Do you still have bankai? Or are you always in bankai?"

"What about your second spirit? I only heard about the one ability when you battled Captain Kenpachi but nothing else?"

"Oh, yeah! Your second zanpakuto is in permanent shikai, right?"

Kisuke asked all the questions he had in mind without giving Ren a chance to answer one before he asked the next.

Kisuke was more interested in Ren's zanpakutos while Yoruichi admired Ren's body. She looked him up and down and was feeling up his body while she was eating. It was easy to tell that the woman had a bit of a muscle fetish.

"Not sure.

I think it is more like a permanent bankai.

Some of them changed.

I do have a second spirit and it is always in shikai."

Ren held up the jade bead bracelet on his right hand for Kisuke to see. Kisuke grabbed Ren's arm and began to closely examine Dryae since it seemed like she was not a true zanpakuto since she was not attached to the asauchi.

Yoruichi seemed to get her fill with feeling Ren up so she sat on the side and looked closely at Ren and Kisuke. Her mind could not help but wonder.

'I wonder what Kisuke would look like with muscles.'

But as soon as she imagined the droopy looking man with large muscles, her mind vomited.

'No, no. He is fine the way he is.'

"Teacher. The best way to get your body in perfect condition is to workout. And the best workout is a good spar!"

'So that is what she wanted.'

Ren did not mind though. He agreed to the spar and passed Dryae to Kisuke so the man could study it as he pleased. He was not afraid of Kisuke doing anything dangerous with Dryae so he let him hold her while he sparred with Yoruichi.

The pair went out to the training grounds where the main clan members, guards, and a several members of the Feng clan were present. When they all saw their next clan head walking in with a man they did not recognize, they could not help but take a second look.

Ren jumped into the arena along with Yoruichi.

"We will do this one on one. I will not use any of my abilities except for this one that I can't turn off. I will also use no kido and will be limited to hakuda and hoho.

You can use whatever you want to try your best to beat me. You will win if you land 3 solid hits on me."

The people who were watching were offended by the man who looked down on the next clan head so much. None of them recognized Ren due to his physical and hairstyle change as well as his lack of shinigami robes.

Yoruichi was not offended but thought that her teacher was being even harsher. She had never landed a hit before when working with Kisuke but he expected her to land 3 with his new, more powerful frame?

'At least he is not using his sword,' were the only words of comfort she could give to herself.


Author's Note:

Support me if you want. Or don't. I'm still gonna be writing: https://ko-fi.com/boredasura