Ren made his way into the first division's barracks while releasing a large amount of bloodlust and killing intent.

The normal shinigami were unable to withstand the pressure of his mere angry presence without him releasing his reiatsu. Some of the weaker shinigami had even fainted under Ren's pressure.

Chojiro confronted Ren when the man had walked halfway towards Yamamoto's office. Chojiro did not have his usual indifferent and stoic look on his face but instead a small smile.

'I had always thought that you were lazy during your time as an officer and lieutenant. Once you became a captain, I thought you had become heartless.

But when a few of your officers died under such circumstances, you have come here to get answers. You truly care for those who have died and are still alive.

Most others lose their rationality and would have gone on a rampage but you are far worse. Your anger has not become storm but a fine blade that seems like it can cut through anything that stands in your way, even me.'

Chojiro gave a slight bow before he stood up and spoke.

"The Captain-Commander is waiting for you. Not just him but several other important figures."

Chojiro stopped speaking and turned around as he started walking. Ren followed him silently until Chojiro stopped his steps after about 10 feet.

Chojiro turned and aid with a sincere voice,

"Ren-Dono. I suggest you hold in that anger while in their presence. You can let it leak through your words but your current presence may have others believe you are trying to rebel."

Ren was surprised by Chojiro's words and actions. Every other time they had met, there were silent sparks between the pair. But it seemed like this time, Chojiro was on his side.

Ren suppressed his killing intent and bloodlust before giving Chojiro one of the cocky smiles he had on his face when he was not serious.

"Old aman Chojiro is worried about me? The sun is surely rising in the west today."

Chojiro let out a small chuckle but did not comment as he continued toward Yamamoto's office and Ren followed behind him silently.

It took the pair 20 minutes to reach the room. Chojiro entered without knocking so Ren followed him in as well.

Inside the room were 9 individuals besides Ren and Chojiro.

1 was the current head of the Kuchiki clan, Byakuya's great grand father, and the current captain of the 6th division, Shikasu Kuchiki.

Across from him was the current head of the Shihoin clan, Yoruichi's father, and the current leader of the Onmitsukido, Yorin Shohoin.

Besides each of them were the current clan heads of the other two major noble families of Tsunayashiro Clan and the Ishikawa Clan.

Further down was the current leader of the Kido Corps, Umenyiora. Sitting across from him was the captain of the 2nd division who had also suffered heavy losses and even almost lost his wife, Jun Kyoraku. He already had a meeting with Yamamoto that day and had only learned about what happened moments before Ren walked in the room.

The last sitting besides them were individuals that Ren did not personally recognize but knew who they were from their clothing.

'The Central 46? Just how far up does this scheme go?!'

The last person and the one sitting in the center was Yamamoto.

"Good. Now that Ren and Chojiro are here, we can begin.

We have had suspicions that the recent riots in the Nest, the increase of quincy activity, and the release of several spirits from Hell, that several of the minor noble factions have joined together to try and topple the current hierarchy of Soul Society.

With the recent proof we have gotten from the Onmitsukido and the ambush of the members of the 2nd and 8th divisions, we are now sure that this plot is real.

We are now gathered to vote on a matter, the 11 people in this room.

We have all 4 clan heads with two holding high positions in the military so they will each have two votes.

Everyone else will have a single vote. Whichever decision gets the majority of votes is how we shall act.

The decision is, whether we should suppress the minor clans until they have no more thoughts of rebellion or if we should exterminate them.

Take your time and think over your decision."

Ren was puzzled. This was supposed to be the more lawless Soul Society. Even if the offenders were nobles, they had attacked the military and at least 2 other noble clans.

"Which of the minor clans are rebelling?" asked Captain Kuchiki.

Several others nodded wanting to know the answer but Ren could not understand.

'Why does it matter? If the Gotei 13, Kido Corps, and Onmitsukido all launch an attack on them, not even a division full of trained shinigami could survive.'

This could be Ren's main weakness. Although he was smart and powerful, he did not understand politics.

The others were not asking out of fear of the power of the minor noble clans but fear of losing resources that only those clans could produce for them.

"They are the Inma, Cubaniro, and Leo clans."

Hearing their names, the other nobles looked on in disdain.

"Just them? Then I vote for us to simply get rid of them."

"Same here."

"I agree as well."

Soon out of the 13 votes, 6 had already gone to exterminating the minor clans once the 4 major nobles voted.

The others hesitated though. Even if the nobles were to vote, they would not face public backlash. At most, others would say they just supported the idea.

But the next person to vote for extermination would have to bear the title of 'Mass Murderer '. No one wanted to bare that so no one else voted.

Seeing all of them being so squeamish, Ren was thoroughly disappointed in the people in the room.

With no one else voting, Ren raised his hand.

"I already hold the title of 'Perverted', 'Cruel', and 'Merciless'. What is one more title for me.

Let's kill those bastards who dared to lay a hand on my officers!"


Author's Note: This was written in my bathtub on my phone so there might be a few spelling mistakes