93: Overwhelm

There was silence between both groups as they stared each other down. Baraggan's forces had a higher quantity but the forces of Tsuki Butai had better quality, especially with Dryae right behind them.

Baraggan's forces were no longer as eager to fight, most of them at least. There were a few who still believed that they could win the battle easily or at least win the battle and survive themselves.

One of those was Nnoitra, an Espada in another lifetime. Seeing that over half of Ren's forces were women, made him sure that Ren was just a pushover that they could take down in a moment.

'Hehe. With so few capable fighters, we can take these guys down in a second. Although the big one is a bit intimidating, We can always try to win it over to our side.

Why hasn't Baraggan given the order to attack?'

Many of the members on Baraggan's side also thought similarly. Even if they did not look down on the women, they looked down on their numbers. They also believed that their king who had everything could offer whatever Ren was offering Dryae and more.

Baraggan's focus was not on Dryae. It was instead on Ren. And only one thought was going through his head.

'I can't sense his reiatsu at all!'

Baraggan had never heard of the concept of stronger beings unable to have their reiatsu sensed so he thought that it must have been a secret technique of Ren's. Any being should have been able to have their reiatsu measured due to them always releasing a small amount. But Baraggan was unable to sense a glimmer. Still, he felt some danger.

'I need to capture him alive. Whether it is a technique or a special item, it will be useful for my plans later on.'

"Who are you?" the skeletal figure asked while pointing at Ren. The shinigami smiled back and introduced himself in the best way he knew how.

"I am the new ruler of Hueco Mundo, Ren Igarashi. I am in command of the elite Moon Corps as well. You can call me boss if you submit."

(So tired of trying to use Japanese. English will do unless the name is already translated for whatever work I am using.)

Baraggan would have snorted at the answer if he did not sense something was off about Ren. Baraggan summoned his large axe to his left hand before pointing it at Ren.

"You dare to claim my domain? Speak! Why should I not use your head to decorate my throne?"

Ren summoned Slaupnir in his right hand and the Firestorm blade in his left when he saw Baraggan's actions. He did not mind a fight between leaders but wanted to keep Baraggan alive. The old man had his uses.

'Like being the leader for any idiots that might rebel in the future. I don't wanna have to find out who the next rebel leader is if I keep the obvious one alive.'

"I don't mind killing you but I am trying to keep as many of the Hollows alive as possible. I was hoping that you could surrender to me."

Baraggan actually laughed at this. There was no one who could truly make this prideful Hollow surrender. He was the God-king of Hueco Mundo after all.

"Ha. Do you think you can make me and my kingdom a subordinate of yours? I shall give you a chance then. Do these 2 things, my kingdom shall be yours. If you fail, your kingdom shall be mine."

Already knowing that Baraggan was up to some tricks, Ren nodded and gestured for the old lich to go on.

"First, you must make it rain within Hueco Mundo. Then you must defeat me and my strongest 4 members all at once and by yourself. That means that Hollow of yours is not allowed to help. You have 1 week to complete the first task, shinigami."

Hearing these conditions, all the former officers of the 8th division wanted to laugh out loud. 2 of them actually did. The other members of the Espada were not sure why they were laughing and had grave looks on their faces.

All of them had come to respect Ren over the past year. Whether it was through how he treated them, his power, or the way he carried himself, Ren was the ideal leader for the Espada. None of them wanted to see him, or themselves, under the rule of Baraggan.

They knew that Hueco Mundo had never rained since the beginning of time. It was always a clear night sky, no matter the day or time of year. If he truly wanted to make it rain, that would be impossible.

Ren did not even move his body before the crackle of thunder was heard. Clouds formed overhead with lightning streaking between them. 6 bolts fell from the clouds and crashed into granite-like trees that populated Hueco Mundo.

'Are you not entertained!' Ren said to himself. Soon, large amounts of rain began to pour down over the entirety of Hueco Mundo. Not just the spoke where they were standing but the entire realm.

All the Hollows in the realm rose up from underground or wherever they were to see the first rain to ever occur in Hueco Mundo. It only lasted a minute but left everyone stupefied. Baraggan was the most surprised.

He gave Ren the most impossible task that he could think of but the man had completed it in a moment. With no effort.

'No! This must have just been his special ability. Even if he can make it rain, what does that matter? This person must be so weak and wanted to try and scare me away by that display.'

"Nnoitra, Findorr, Yammy, Szayelaporro!"

4 Hollows appeared behind Baraggan. 2 were Adjuchas class Hollows while 2 more were Vasto Lorde. Surprisingly, Szayelaporro was one of the 2 Vasto Lorde.

'He is a Vasto Lorde? But he was ranked 8th or 9th. What kind of fucked up timeline have I walked into?'


Author's Note: For those who don't know, according to the official books, Szayelaporro was actually a Vasto Lorde and was the original rank 0 Espada. But he decided that he had too many violent impulses as so he split himself in two, one of those two being the 'older brother' who was Grimmjow's fraccion. He was then demoted to Privarion Espada until he got stronger again and became the 8th Espada.