Betting on the Gacha Machine

Before making his attempt at the gacha machine, Liu Yang asked the maids about the machine.

The maids said that each attempt costs fifty silver coins and the items that come out of the machine are worth at least thirty silver coins. Besides, the greater the rarity of the item, the greater its value.

The rarities were Common, Uncommon, Rare, Super Rare, and Ultra Rare. These were the five classifications of the items on the gacha machine.

In the shopping mall, there were two hundred and forty machines, sixty on each floor from the third. That is, on the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth floor have gacha machines.

The difference between them was in the items given by the machine.

The machine on the third floor had 80% to show a common item, 5% to drop an uncommon item, 0.0001 to show a rare item, 0.00000001% to show a super rare item, 0.00000000001 to show an ultra rare item. And each attempt costs fifty silver coins.