Choosing the gifts

"Young master, these things are horrible" The women commented with disgust. They swallowed with their eyes closed to avoid tasting the food.

"Roar !!!" The beasts roared unsatisfied. They didn't like the things that Liu Yang brought them to eat.

"Haha… This is really bad. The taste of this food only improves if I buy from the upper floors." Liu Yang explained.

Before returning to his mansion, Liu Yang bought several types of snacks at the shopping mall. From the first floor to the third floor, he didn't go upstairs because he was lazy and didn't want to show noble status.

This type of snack, Liu Yang had already prepared for his group to eat, but the way he does it, the snack was much better and with better ingredients. The ingredients used by the shopping mall were of low quality, at least the snacks made for the commoners.