Invite Letter

"Young master, what is this?" Callie asked curiously. She looked at the letter in Liu Yang's hand.

The letter arrived shortly after the group finished seeing the new items.

"This is a letter from the governor. He's inviting us to a party at his mansion. It looks like his birthday is today and the party is going to happen overnight "Liu Yang read the letter.

"Young master, are you going to this party?"

"Yes. The governor gave us this nice mansion, so I have to go to his party as a good show of friendship." Liu Yang commented. He already received a gift from the governor, he should at least go to the party to give the governor a face.

"But young master, weren't we planning to leave the city today?"

"Yes. This is a small change in plans. We will be leaving the city in three days, besides, you will have a little challenge tonight "Liu Yang spoke mysteriously.

"A challenge?" The women were curious to hear Liu Yang's words.