Chapter 6: 6th layer Body Tempering Realm

Xiao Ren walked for about 15 minutes before he arrived at the Thousand Medicine Garden. The place is even though it is called garden it was a two story building and not really a garden. After Xiao Ren entered there is no thousand medicine staff who greet him, but he was not bothered by it and check to see if he can find a rank 2 medicine herb that he can afford to buy. As Xiao Ren was walking deeper he was starting smell a different scent that came from the medicine plant that was being check by other customers.

"Hmmm, this Thousand Medicine Garden really has many good medicine herb" Xiao Ren said when she smell the scent that came from the medicine herbs before continuing to search for a Rank 2 medicine herb. As Xiao Ren was searching for a rank 2 medicine herbs he ask about it's price to one of the staff of Thousand Medicine Garden and got an answer that the rank 2 medicine has different in price based on the quality of the medicine herb, the quality of the medicine herb can be see by how old the herb is before it was harvested, low quality rank 2 medicine herb is price for 2 silver coins, the mid quality is 3 and the high quality is 4 silver coins.

When Xiao Ren heard the price he knows that he can only but a low quality rank 2 medicine herb because he still need the other 1 silver coin to pay for what Xiao Xi ordered in the Candie's and Sweet's, after searching in the shelve of a low quality rank 2 medicine herb he pick a a grass that look like a flame, it is called Sun Flame Grass and it can be found to a top of a mountain that is exposed in the sun most of the time.

Xiao Ren picked it because it's property is like the Crimson Vermilion Fruit they are both to a yang energy. After paying 2 silver coins for the Sun Flame Grass Xiao Ren saw that he was only left with one silver coin and that he can't afford to buy anymore left the Thousand Medicine Garden to go back to Candie's and Sweet's to see Xiao Xi.

Xiao Ren was walking for about 20 minutes before he arrived to the Candie's and Sweet's, when he open the door of the shop and go in to find where Xiao Xi is, after looking around for a few seconds he was dumbfounded by what he saw. Well Xiao Ren was not the only one who was dumbfounded by the scene, because the 2 other customers who was also eating was staring at Xiao Xi who was eating cake, In the table where Xiao Xi is located he saw almost 30 plate in the table.

While Xiao Ren was dumbfounded by what he saw, Xiao Xi who was eating cake or many cakes saw him before he called him while waving her hands with a fork "Big Brother Xiao Ren here, why are you just standing there? If you don't go here I will eat it all" when Xiao Ren heard what Xiao Xi said his lips started to twitching while saying inwardly 'Didn't you already eat it all there was almost nothing in the plate on your table' Xiao Ren then walk towards Xiao Xi while thinking where did all that cake she ate go, because he can't believe that a 12 year old little girl eat almost 30 plates of cake.

When Xiao Ren arrived in the table he pulled the chair before he sat on it while still watching her little sister eat. Then the waitress that greet them in the morning came to his side before saying with a smile "young master this is the bill that young miss has ordered, do you still wish to buy another one?"

Xiao Ren turned to look at the waitress and said "no, it's okay now" before taking the bill, when Xiao Ren saw the bill he felt like crying because the total price is 60 copper coins. After Xiao Xi finished eating the cakes, Xiao Ren paid the bill before the two go out.

Xiao Ren was walking with Xiao Xi around the city, but his heart was still crying because 60 copper coins was used just like that, and think that if he just use it to buy even a rank 1 medicine herb, but he just can't get angry at his little sister because he truly love her and want to make her happy. Xiao Xi was rubbing her little tummy before she said with a smile on her cute pretty face "hmmm, that was really delicious I'm full, I'm full"

As Xiao Ren heard her voice he got out of his thinking and his lips started to twitch again and said "well you finished 30 plates of cake if that still didn't make you full, I really don't know what's going on" when Xiao Xi heard her big brother words she just giggled because she really like it when her big brother spoiled her.

When Xiao Ren and Xiao Xi returned home it was already past afternoon, and saw their mother preparing the food for their dinner. After eating Xiao Ren immediately go to his room and take out the Sun Flame Grass and place it next to the stone crystal. The stone crystal absorb the Sun Flame Grass and after waiting for a while it let out 5 drops of red liquid elixir again, Xiao Ren was delighted to see another 5 drops because he really feel that he profited so much that he almost laugh out loud.

After keeping the 5 drops in the glass bottle, Xiao Ren meditate before he lied on the bed and slowly sleep.


After Xiao Ren wake up next morning he go to his usual training spot to train his body and the second move the Raging Fist, this happened till afternoon and Xiao Ren go home to eat, meditate and sleep. This training schedule continued until the second day and Xiao Ren consume another red liquid elixir and he managed to breakthrough to 6th layer. Three days past since Xiao Ren breakthrough to 6th layer and now he was training the Raging Fist because he felt that he should feel his improvement in strength before he can make another breakthrough "Raging Fist"

"BAAM!!!" Xiao Ren was panting heavily but on his face he was excited because finally he master the second move of the Raging Tiger Fist "hahaha I'm finally at initial mastery hah hah" Xiao Ren said with a laugh but with a heavy breathing. After resting resting for half an hour Xiao Ren continued to train before going home when afternoon came.

A week quickly past and Xiao Ren train to further increase his mastery on the two moves of the Raging Tiger Fist that he can use the first move easily and can use the second move faster than before, but Xiao Ren was troubled because he can't feel anything like he will make a breakthrough to 7th layer. In the past week Xiao Ren consumed another one drop of elixir and he feels that he grow stronger but he can't feel that he will make a breakthrough even if he consume an elixir again this time.

Xiao Ren was thinking if he forgot something that can make him feel the breakthrough and was about to ask his father about it when he remember in his past life memory in a situation like this to make a breakthrough you also need to gain experience in fighting and that experience will help you made a breakthrough.

Xiao Ren decided that he should fight someone to gain experience, but he doesn't know who to ask to fight him because his father was busy and even if he fight his father he doesn't think that it will be called a fight because his father can defeat him with a wave of his hand and Xiao Xi is not a choice because Xiao Xi is only at 2nd layer of body tempering realm when he remember that maybe he should just find a wild beast that he can fight and can run if he needs to run.

After thinking for a while Xiao Ren stand up to go to a wild beast he met when he steal the Crimson Vermilion Fruit, the Scorpion Tiger "that Scorpion Tiger hehe I think I can beat it now unlike last time when I can't even made it injured with my Raging Fist hehehe! you will be my training partner today.