Chapter 7: Fighting a Wild Beast

After Xiao Ren decided to fight the Scorpion Tiger, he immediately got up and stop resting to prepare the things he needed like a metal rod before heading deeper in the mountain to go to the place where he steal the crimson vermilion fruit.

As Xiao Ren was heading deeper to the mountain, he encounter some initial low level wild beast to peak low level wild beast, their strength's the same of a body tempering realm in the 1st - 3rd layer. The first wild beast he encounter is a boar type beast named three horned boar with strength of a peak low level or peak of the 3rd layer in human body tempering.

When the three horned boar saw him it immediately charged and attack Xiao Ren with its horns, Xiao Ren didn't dare to meet the boar head on and dodge to the side before smashing the metal rod to the back side of the head of the boar but miss because the boar move it's head that made the metal rod hit its horns.


Sparks flew out after his attack hit the Horns of the Boar, Xiao Ren jump back while feeling his hand trembling which was holding the metal rod "phew, it's good that I didn't use my hand to attack earlier because my fist will get pierced even if I use the Raging Tiger Fist technique" Xiao Ren sighed in relief before dodging again when the boar attack again.

Xiao Ren continued battling the three horned boar for about 10 minutes before he finally managed to kill the three horned boar using the second move of the Raging Tiger Fist "Raging Fist" when the boar showed get slow when he injured it's front feet using the metal rod "hah I finally killed it that was pretty tiring" Xiao Ren said before taking a dagger before taking the most important part of the three horned boar, It's horn before leaving the dead body of the boar. He also want to want to take its corpse but decided against it because he will get slow if he take its full body that's why he just decided to take it's horned because it can be sell to the city.

As Xiao Ren continued to head deeper he also continue to encounter low level wild beast and fight them, Xiao Ren men another 3 wild beast but he only managed to kill one and the other 2 escape and that he can't chase after the two because those to move fast. In those three beast the one he kill is another three horned boar while the two that escape are panther type beast and snake type beast.

After Xiao Ren take the horn of the three horned boar he killed, he started to rest because he got tired after consecutive battle. when Xiao Ren finished resting he continue on his way to fight the intermediate mid level Scorpion Tiger. When Xiao Ren arrived near the place where he last saw the scorpion tiger he became more cautious because he will be fighting a intermediate mid level wild beast.

Xiao Ren hide in the bushes and quietly arrived at the back of the Scorpion Tiger and launch another sneak attack to it like last time but now he use the Raging Fist instead of the Roaring Fist


"ROARRR!!!" the Scorpion Tiger awakened by the sudden attack and roar and turned angrily to see who attack him and saw the human who attack him and when the Scorpion Tiger saw who it is, it became angry because it remembered this person because it also used sneak attack at him a few weeks back then and stole the fruit it's been guarding and now it attack him again.

"ROARR!" the Scorpion Tiger roared again before pouncing to Xiao Ren and open its mouth to bite Xiao Ren. When Xiao Ren saw the Scorpion Tiger attacking his expression turned serious and dodge to the left side when the tiger jump to bite him before using his full strength to smash the metal rod to it's right side.

Xiao Ren continue to dodge the tiger's attack before attacking with the rod or sometimes using the Raging Tiger Fist when he finds an opportunity to attack, the battle continued for about 20 minutes but Xiao Ren still didn't kill the Scorpion Tiger and didn't even seriously injuring it, he only managed to make a wound in the surface but the wound is not deep "Damn, this things skin is really tough, my arm is starting to get numb" Xiao Ren said while staring at the Scorpion Tiger.

Xiao Ren's appearance now is dirty with a few claws marks wound and blood to his shirt he appeared miserable with his shirt tattered from fighting but he didn't have a serious injury.

Xiao Ren saw that the Tiger pounce to him again and he dodge, but the tiger is also using it's scorpion tail to attack and he parried it using the metal rod "Clang!" the sound of the metal clashing resounded to the area.

Xiao Ren's rod fly out at his hand but he didn't panicked and use the force to get close to the tiger and unsheathed the dagger at his waist before piercing at the tiger's neck with all his strength.

"haaah... haaah... haaah finally I won hahaha fuck that was really tiresome it is good that it didn't run from me because I won't be able to chase after it haaah haaah... and maybe it was really angry to me that it won't even run hahah haaah" Xiao Ren said with a laugh while still panting heavily before taking deep breath.

After resting for a while Xiao take the tail and fangs of the Scorpion Tiger before leaving to go home because it was already afternoon. Xiao Ren got home after walking for 40 minutes and go to his room to wash himself and change clothes before eating with his father, mother and Xiao Xi.

When they finish eating Xiao Ren go back to his room to meditate before he slowly slept.


The next day Xiao Ren continue to go deeper the mountain to fight to some wild beast to improve his experience in fighting, as Xiao Ren was training in the mountain he also sometime found a rank 1 medicinal herb guarded by some low level or mid level wild beast and fight them and kill them if he can or just steal the medicine herb before running when he can't beat the wild beast guarding the medicinal herb.

This training continued for a whole week and in this week there was a time Xiao Ren curse his luck because he encounter a high level wild beast and since he knows that he can't defeat it he run away with all his might but still get injured, but luckily the injury was not serious and in when he got home that day he was bombarded with questions why did he go deep in the mountain and got reprimanded by her mother.

After that day he met the high level wild beast he became more cautious when he go to fight wild beast and he also sometimes just train and consume the elixir he got from the stone crystal.

"haaah, I'm feeling that I an getting a breakthrough in the next few days or weeks, It looks like what I did was correct but I want to breakthrough in a week hayss" Xiao Ren said with a sigh after consuming the red elixir and thought that there is only a week before the test start. Then Xiao Ren decided to give Xiao Xi the remaining 2 drops of elixir to use when he heard yesterday that Xiao Xi breakthrough to 3rd layer of body tempering and thought that the little lass would also turn 13 next week.

Then Xiao Ren continued to train and when afternoon came he go home and called Xiao Xi before giving her the elixir for her to use and also tell her to consume one after 3 days duration.