C10: Friends

The sun rose and nothing was amiss. The wives picked up their husbands left to sleep in the plaza and they were setting up their shops like an ordinary day.

Fran and Yulia lie in their beds, their eyes closed but not asleep. The moment the sun rose, they jerk from their beds and out the door.

They went back to the warehouse from last night but there was no sign of him. They tried the plaza with the same result.

"I'm telling the Mayor if we don't find him in an hour." Yulia was restless with worry.

"Agreed." Fran looked calm but was feeling the same way. It's just that worrying would be (fruitless) in resolving the issue.

"How about we check the quarters?" Fran said.

Yulia nodded and they went to his room. They were about to open the door when it swung open. Adan stood there, both parties clearly shocked.


No one spoke for what felt like an unbearably long time, each harbouring thoughts of their own.

"Why don't you come in." Adan said first.

Yulia sat on the bed while Fran took the seat next to it.

"Where did you go?" Yulia asked.

Adan was caught in surprise with her question. "I-in the forest." He said.

"For the whole night?"

"I went back when it was already dusk." He felt like a child getting scolded for staying up late.

"I'm sorry." He managed to say.

Yulia sighed as an answer. All the worry in her heart dissipated the moment he saw him. She merely let out her frustration on him.

"My turn." Fran said, all eyes turning to her. "What are you?"

She asked the question Adan expected. "I am half beastkin, half human."

"All those years, I was wondering why my grandfather treated me like I didn't exist. Turns out, all he saw me was the son of that woman. The woman who killed his son."

"You not going home for 7 years," Yulia said. "Was it because of this?"

Adan's head sunk. "That year was when my father died. Someone brought his body from the woods, all mangled up. That time I thought he got attacked by some beasts. You got news like that from time to time after all. Maybe my grandfather knew then. After that, my mother disappeared without a word and I was forced out by my grandfather."

"I thought that I didn't need him. I could live even without him.

"And you have." Fran said. "You wanted to show him that."

"Yes." Adan said, no happiness in his voice. "But all I got was this curse awakening."

"It's not a curse." Yulia said, her dazed look refocused on him. "It's not a curse."

"Beastkin can transform because of their bloodline." she continued. "Pure Beastkin can transform at will but spend most of the time in beast form. You only inherited half of their blood so I reckon you turn to a beast the moment you lose control."

"But I —," his eyes widened like a lightbulb switched on. "The liquor."

The two women both nodded, looking at him almost to say, 'That's what you get.' Not consoling and slightly criticizing.

They looked at each other and a smile forming on their faces. It was amusing how they went along really well. Although Adan knew Yulia for awhile, he had never thought he would tell her his past. Something that he has not come to terms himself. Fran was a stranger to both of them, thought everyone like that for that matter. However, she felt a comfort she had never experienced with anyone. Like she can be herself with them and they would accept her as is.

Even without saying, an unknowing bond formed between them.


After half a day of preparation, their battalion made their way back to the capital. The journey went smoothly and they were back to the capital in 4 days.

In three days time, Adan and Yulia was also going back to the Academy, a fact they completely forgot. If not for the Lord calling them for some final regards, this would have completely slipped their minds.

Adan hastily bought a few things as there would be little to no chance of going out. Also the Academy sits at the far back of the kingdom surrounded by wide spans of trees, isolating the place. It is a great hassle to go back to the city centre just because you forgot something.

The army provides almost everything you'll need that's why Adan was on a hurry to buy a lot of stuff.

Yulia on the other hand was in no hurry. She was picky on a lot of things and thus buys a lot of things she uses. She just bought a new armour and was in no need of anything. With a skewer she bought from a stall, she watched as Adan scamper around.

After a day of running around, they set out. They need to go now to arrive on time as it takes a day to get to the Academy. They used Yulia's contract beast as transportation. As it was a Fire Lizard, it was convenient for them.

"Why can't you be useful?" Adan chided his beast.

The raven on his shoulder merely turned its head almost to say it was preposterous for him to ask him to do such physical labor. Adan could only sigh in resignation.

"We'll go ahead, Fran." Yulia said. "I already told my Mom about it so you can just go ahead and visit."

"Thank you. Take care."

Fran waved them goodbye as they disappeared in the horizon. It would be better to attend the Academy to learn more about this new world but money makes the world go round. As it stands, that's what she doesn't have. She would have privileges as a soldier but Fran knows the cons.

She made her way to Dragon's Breath. The restaurant was still closed but the door was open and she let herself in. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach as she called out.

"Yes!" A voice from inside replied. A fairly tall woman came out with the same dark brown hair as Yulia.

"You must be Fran." Her voice jolly and welcoming. "I'm Irina. Yulie already told me. You here for the job right?"

Fran nodded in reply.

"Good. I'll show you around." And she went back again.

Irina did a little tour of the whole place. Past the reception table is the kitchen. Going to the back are two more buildings. One is the workshop of Yulia's father, Ivan, and the other is the storage of food.

"You already know the shop at the second floor... that's pretty much it." Irina said. "Your job is to assist us in the preparing, cooking and waiting. It sounds a lot but it's not that busy so there's plenty of time to rest."

Fran nodded in reply. "Then I'll clean first."

Irina felt good about Fran. She doesn't talk much but seems hard working and honest. Irina is a good judge of character and was more than happy to hire Fran.