C11: Summons

"Irina?" Fran called out. The restaurant was now closed and they were only tidying up.

"What is it?" She answered, still focused on wiping the plates.

"C-can I, umm, can I move in the restaurant?"

Irina was confused. "Why would—" she looked up and saw Fran with hands on her back. With her head turned away, her red ears was in full view.

A smile escaped Irina. "Why not move into our house?"

Fran turned to her in surprise. "No, no. I prefer it here."

"I insist. It's cold in the evening and there's nothing to sleep on. Besides, we have a spare room in the house."

She knew Fran wanted to but was only shy to do so.

"How can you trust me when you barely know me?" Her face in full curiosity.

"I trust my guts." Irina stood up and rest her hand on Fran's shoulder. "And it says you are kind and trustworthy."

Fran looked straight to her eyes. "I'm not sure about kind but you can trust me."

"And honest."

Fran couldn't help but smile. She liked this warm feeling.


Now that her accommodations are covered, Fran headed back to the garrison.

"I don't understand." Juno came out of her shadow and climbed on hanged on her shoulder. "The garrison in the castle is a suitable abode; why would you want to move out?"

"Because," Fran didn't slow her pace. "living there would tie me to the army. Even if I say I'm not a soldier, people will still treat me like one. A soldier is just another word for a puppet."

With their contract, Juno felt the deep unsettling feeling inside her and didn't further ask.

Fran went straight to the Lord's office and told him of her decision. Unexpectedly, the Lord said nothing about moving out. Fran thought that he would at least show hesitation but who would have thought he would agree readily.

"Instead," the Lord said. "you would answer to my summons."

Fran hesitated for a bit but left with no choice. "Until when?" You should know the clauses of the contract you're getting into.

The quill in his hand stopped. "We'll see."

"Based on what?"

He looked like he wanted to say something but don't know what. "Come back when I'm not busy."

"Which is when exactly?"

"I'll call for you, alright?" He sounded a bit annoyed and Fran left him.

Alone, the Lord let out a mixture of sigh and laugh.

The two proceeded to their old room. There was almost nothing to pack. She wrapped the clothes she wore when she first came in a cloth. The jeans and jacket were now in tatters and bloodstained, it is now a memento of her old world.

She still wears her old shirt as an inside garment and the rest were all from Yulia. Luckily they were quite similar in frame.

"Let's go." Fran led them out the room.

These days, Juno hides his wings and looks just like any other rabbit out there. He climbed on her shoulder and nestled there.

They were just about to exit the castle gates when a cry from a distance made her stop.

"Wait!" A young soldier dressed in armor too big for him came running. He placed his hand on his chest trying to catch his breathe.

"The emperor has summoned for you." He finally said.

"Me? Are you sure?" Fran looked at Juno but all she got was a shrug from the rabbit.

"Yes. He has sent for Fran of Ascec from the Lord's regiment."

She wanted to protest but could only sigh. He was only following orders.

"Lead the way."

Fran didn't bother hiding Juno as he only looked liked an ordinary rabbit. Nothing suspicious looking.

They passed the garden and numerous corridors before finally reaching a giant door.

The soldier put his right arm on his chest in salute then left. Without a word.

Fran had never heard anything about the emperor and didn't know what to expect. She pulled Juno in her arms and proceeded to knock.

It was a big room. Carpet covered the whole floor with various drapes hanged between the tall windows.

The emperor sat at the end. No crown was on his head but his aura makes you see one; aside from his expensive silk clothes. It shined like new compared to Fran's lackluster tunic. He was relaxed with his ankles crossed and body leaned back.

Not sure how to act, Fran greeted like a soldier.

"You called for me, your majesty."

The emperor saw her as a soldier and took it as the expected greeting.

"Yes. Come closer." He motioned with his hand.

Fran took a few steps. She stopped at the end of the steps with the emperor looking down on her. There was still quite a distance but enough to see each other's faces. Fran saw a man with smooth features of a young man. If not for the stubble making him older than he seems. And somehow oddly familiar?

"You look quite pretty. Is that why he fancies you?" The emperor spoke absentmindedly.


"Don't mind me." The emperor straightened in his seat. "I heard that you're leaving the garrison?"

Fran furrowed her brows. How could he know when she literally just told the Lord.

"Don't be surprised. There are always ears listening in the castle."

"And a mouth talking it seems." She made no effort to lower her voice.

The corner of his lips pulled to a smirk.

"That goes hand in hand I'm afraid." he said sounding the exact opposite of apologetic. "Back to the subject, why are you leaving? There are perks in living in the garrison, are there not?"

"I'm not sure why my affairs matter but simply said, I don't want to be a soldier." There was a hint of annoyance in her voice.

Fran would usually act calm and indifferent but Fran was irritated from the beginning. And we have Juno to blame for that.

Or the topic was a landmine to begin with.

The emperor was confused. "Why? Everyone wants to be a soldier. The incentives, not to mention the honor, it is the most vied job in the country."

"And along with the incentives and honor you say is I have to follow everything you say correct?"

"A small price to pay. Is it not also your duty as my subject to follow my orders?"

"I believe in a thing called free will."

"Free will?" The emperor's curiosity was piqued. "What is it?"

"As much as I like to chat with your majesty, I'm afraid it is getting late and I have to go."

He glanced outside and saw it was already dusk. "I haven't realized the sun has set. We will talk again."

Fran cursed under her breath and immediately bowed to leave. If he calls for her, it's not like she has a choice.

The emperor watched her leave as she disappear behind the doors and couldn't help feeling amused.

"Fran of Ascec..." A smile appeared on his face and no one could tell the meaning behind it.