Chapter One! (Small R-18+ Scene)

(A.N: Yup, already.)

Feeling the last of the original Scott's memories along with snippets of the future settle in, I quickly got up and made my way to my bathroom. That's when I finally came face to face with my new crooked mug, I'd have to fix that later.

Quickly throwing some water on my face and brushing my teeth, I threw on a normal white t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants. Just as I was about to go downstairs, an idea hit me.

"I'll be down in a minute mom! Give me a sec!" I yelled out my door, followed by holding a hand out in front of me and creating another pill. This time, the pill's effect would give me the ability to hypnotize anyone with my voice, eyes, and mind via minor telepathy.

Why am I giving myself this ability? To make things more interesting of course. I could do a lot with hypnotism, hypnotizing a woman into changing her perception was just one of it's many uses.


Wiping the smirk from my face, I quickly swallowed the pill and sat myself against my door in order to block it just in case dear old mom decides to come upstairs and I'm still a bit out of it.

Almost immediately, a searing pain erupted in my eyes, throat, and mind. What came after that, was knowledge on how to use my new hypnosis ability along with the minor telepathy that came with it. Let's just say, next time I decide to get an upgrade, I'm bringing a lot of water with me.

"Ugh." I couldn't help but groan out as I felt my throat dry, my eyes burn, and my brain beat with a minor headache. Fortunately for me, those pains quickly went away with a glass of regular water I had created. Getting up, I had caught a glimpse of my appearance in the mirror, what I saw made my stop for a second.

(A.N: Image here!)

Holy crap! Silver eyes look badass! Again, fortunately for me, the silver faded away and revealed dark brown eyes. Thinking about my ability quickly made the silver return, meaning the silver was just a byproduct of the hypnosis ability.

"Scott! Do you want breakfast or not?!" The stern voice of my mother dragged me from my thoughts, quickly getting up, I went downstairs. As I walked, I couldn't help but frown at the condition of my body, just making my way downstairs was enough for me to be slightly out of breath. Then again, Scott had asthma and couldn't do jack shit without needing his inhaler. I'd have to fix all of that after I deal with Melissa.

"Sorry mama! I went to sleep late last night." I apologized to her as I made it inside the kitchen, where I found one of the most beautiful milfs out there in the multiverse. She stood at about 5ft 6in tall, or to be more specific, 167.6cm in height. Her natural black curly hair tied up in a loose pony tail as two curly bangs cascaded down the sides of her face. She was currently wearing her nurse outfit, though she had yet to put on the shirt and was currently wearing a loose white long sleeved shirt instead.

(A.N: Image here!)

She flawlessly moved about in the kitchen, putting plates of food here and there as she also got her things ready at the same time. Feeling a smirk growing on my face, I quickly wiped it away and helped her out by setting up the plates and getting some of her things together for her. By the time we finished, the table was full of food, while Melissa had everything ready and only needed to put on her nurse shirt and finish eating, then she'd be on her way to work.

"Thanks Scott, that made things a lot easier for me." She happily said a she pecked me on the cheek before she sat down to eat.

"Mom? Can you look at me for a sec?" I asked her as I stepped beside her. Almost as soon as she looked at my face, she was captivated by my silver eyes. Before she could question me about said eyes, she was already hypnotized, which made her pause for a brief moment before her express became void of emotions and her eyes dulled.

"Melissa, can you hear me?" I asked her.

"Yes...I hear you." She robotically answered me with no emotion at all. Feeling her fall deeper and deeper under my control, I decided to finally test out what I could do with her.

"Melissa, from now on, you will fully and wholeheartedly trust in me, to the point where you can even entrust your very life to me. Whenever you're feeling upset or vulnerable, you will take comfort in hearing or saying my name, you will feel completely safe and relaxed in my presence, and feel extremely happy when talking to me. You will never question me because you trust me so much, you will never deny me because you trust me so much, and you will never betray me because you trust ME so much. Am I understood?" I asked her calmly, which prompted her to nod in confirmation.

"Whenever you hear the phrase, 'Life is like a coin' you will return to this hypnotic state. Now, when I snap my fingers, you will return to your normal self and forget everything I just said to you and forget that I hypnotized you, but, you will subconsciously remember and follow the orders I've given you before, am I understood?" I asked again, this time nervously, I was a bit excited and nervous of the outcome. Nodding in confirmation once again, I simply raised a hand and snapped my fingers, finally breaking Melissa of her trance like state.

"Scott? Are you gonna eat sweety?" She asked me with a big happy smile, confirming to me that the hypnosis was working.

"Mom, I'm going out a bit later, so don't freak if I show up a bit late tonight okay?" I told her as I sat down to finally begin eating, which prompted her to look at me with a beautiful smile and simply nod in acceptance. As if a teenager staying out so late a night was normal. I noticed that her shoulders didn't look as tense as before, and her relaxed and happy demeanor seemed more genuine, meaning that she was completely relaxed in my presence.

Feeling a shiver of excitement go down my spine as I stared at her body, which I couldn't see much due to the baggy nurse getup, but seeing a bit of her cleavage made me want to push a little more then I wanted to, but I couldn't help myself.


"Life is like a coin." I said aloud, immediately making Melissa stop whatever she was doing, which was placing down her drink. Licking my lips, I pushed myself back in the chair to make some room in front of me and pulled down both my pants and boxers. What I saw finally made me understand why Alison, Kira, and Malia were so hung up about Scott, the boy had 6 inch long dong with a 3 inch girth.

Looking back up at my 'mother', I couldn't help but stare at her pouty lips.

"Melissa, I want you to drop to hands and knees and suck my dick under the table, but suck it like it belongs to your one true lover." Almost instantly, Melissa pushed her chair back and dropped to her hands and knees, and slowly crawled over to my hardening cock, making her look like a predator on the hunt.

Without a single word spoken, she took my cock into her delicate hands and began to stroke it, causing it to become more and more erect before finally, it was at full mast. Feeling her smooth hands on my cock, I couldn't help but shiver at how carefully she teased it, giving it a blow of air here and there and occasionally giving it a big wet kiss every now and then.

Having had enough of the teasing, I firmly grabbed hold of her head and forced her to take my cock in her mouth. Almost as if expecting it, she took my whole cock with no hesitation and sucked as hard as she could, making me weak in the knees as she simultaneously swirled her tongue around the tip. It wasn't long before she began to bob her head back and forth on my length as she used her tongue to lick whatever pre-cum that came out of my tip.

Feeling the things she was doing to me, I grew a bit brave, so I once again grabbed hold of the back of her head and began thrust down her throat at a slow pace. She immediately began to gag and cough, but she toughed through it and didn't complain once. Feeling myself nearing my limit, I sped up my thrusts, which made her suck even harder.

It wasn't long before I buried my entire cock down her throat and deposited all of my cum there. Surprisingly, she happily swallowed all of it and finally let go of my cock with a loud pop, as if my cock was a lollipop to her. Licking the cum that leaked from the sides of her mouth, she gave my cock a final wet kiss before backing away and sitting back in her chair with a small smile, as if she just didn't give her son a blowjob.

Sitting there while catching my breath, relishing the now faint feeling of a woman's mouth on my cock, I couldn't help but grin at the power I now had over her, it was an exhilarating feeling of just thinking of the things I could make her do, but I quickly restrained myself. To much of a good thing could be fatal, so I'll try not to go overboard with this new ability of mine.

(A.N: Pfft! Don't count on it. Also, the 18+ scene ends here, for now.)

The moment I made that statement in my head, another idea hit me right in the face. So grinning like a loon, I decided to change a couple of the orders I've given her before.

"Melissa, forget all the orders I've given you before this point in time. From this moment forward, you'll not only wholeheartedly believe that I am your most trusted person in this entire world, you'll also begin to slowly develop an insanely strong feeling of love towards me, and as more time passes, you'll stop caring about the fact that we're related by blood and just decide to become mine and mine alone. Am I understood?" I asked her, prompting her to nod once again in confirmation. Feeling myself grinning like an idiot, I quickly put my pants and boxers back on and snapped my fingers, giving Melissa back her free will.

While I was eating, Melissa just sat there for a second, seemingly staring at me for a bit before she smiled and returned to eating as if nothing in the world was wrong. Looks like I didn't need to worry about her remembering me hypnotizing her.

This did put a smile on my face.


"Okay, bye I'm off!" Melissa cheerily waved at me as she finally drove down the street off towards the hospital to start her morning shift.

Closing the door behind me with a slight sigh, I quickly ran upstairs and put some shoes on, I was going to be giving myself an upgrade today, but not here, way to many witnesses here near the house.


Not 20 minutes later, I was leaning my bike against one of the many trees in front if the burnt down ruins of The Hale House.

(A.N: Image here!)

Looking around, I couldn't help but feel sorry for all those who died here because of those dumbass hunters. I'll have to deal with Kate the moment she gets into Beacon Hills, because there's no way I'm letting a psycho lady like her run around my new home.

Stepping into the house, the first thing I did was take out the laptop hidden in the stairs and turned it on. As soon as it booted up, I created a USB stick with a capacity of 1TB and plugged it in. It wasn't long before the Hale's Bestiary was being downloaded into the USB for later use.

As the download continued, I couldn't help but check the old dusty place out. 1 spacious bedroom with it's own bathroom upstairs, 10 medium-sized rooms, 5 on the first floor and the other five on the second floor, 5 bathrooms spread throughout the house, a large kitchen and living-room, a huge ass attic and basement. I couldn't help but admit that the place held a lot of potential, if I could somehow make this place my own, I could change it up a bit with my ability and make it my base of operations or a den for my pack, either way, I'll have to beef up the security around here, don't want a repeat of what happened to the people before me.

Going back to the laptop, I saw that it still needed a lot more time, so I decided to speed it up a bit.

Sitting on the stairs, I held out a hand with the palm up, and created a Snickers bar that would give me the ability to manipulate time as I please as well as knowledge of how to use said ability. Pretty over powered, but who doesn't want to manipulate time?

Eating the snickers bar, I quickly hunched over a bit as knowledge of how to use my new ability was downloaded directly into my head. After a few moments, I shook my dizziness away and looked at the laptop. Still downloading huh? Well let's speed time up a bit.

Pointing a finger at it, I created an invisible bubble around the laptop and began to speed time forward. The effect was instantaneous, the download bar was immediately filled up, meaning that my new power worked incredibly well. I'd have to test out a couple more things later on, but this will do for now.

Waving the time bubble away, I pulled out the USB and pocketed it, followed by turning off the laptop and hiding it back in the stairs. After I was done with that, I made my way back outside and went deeper into the woods, leaving behind my bike for a bit.

I continued to walk forward for a good hour before I finally decided stopped, I'd rather not get seen yet, some humans become rather cunning if they found out you weren't human like them. Shaking my head to clear my mind, I took off my shirt and let the midday's sunlight hit my rather unfit body. Don't get me wrong, Scott was incredibly fit for a teenager, but that was after he got bit by Peter and turned into a werewolf. Of course he worked out before he turned, but not a lot due to his asthma, so he was a bit unfit but not in a bad way you can say.

Look it doesn't matter, after taking my shirt off, I wrapped the shirt around the USB to keep it from becoming dirty. Taking my shoes off next and placing them near the shirt, I quickly sat down cross-legged and stook my hand out again. This time around, I created 2 Tootsie rolls, one would get rid off all the bad stuff in my body and fix any damage or deformities, making me healthier then the normal human, and the other would change my mind and body into that of an experienced warrior and seasoned hunter.

Don't worry, this was only the beginning.

Tossing the cure all Tootsie roll into my mouth, I quickly ate it and laid on my back with my limbs spread out. I knew that I could numb the pain, but then how would I learn to endure?

Almost as if it was a sign, my body began heat up as a searing pain began to emerge from within my chest. I felt my body begin to produce a lot of sweat while my muscles began tighten and cramp before becoming loose and repeating the process. I could feel my lungs strain and contract as I struggled to take in air, after 10 minutes of trying to stay awake, I just gave up and passed out.

The next time I woke up, I could see the sun beginning to go down, while a sort of black watery substance layered my body. This must've been all the impurities in my body, I felt like I could fill a bucket if I cleaned this off. Shaking my head at the fact that my new body was apparently rather unhealthy, I snapped my fingers and a big ball of clean water appeared above me. Without another thought, I let the water fall on me to wash away the filth, followed by laughing at how fun it was. After doing it about 2 more times, I produced the second Tootsie roll, which was with my shirt before I tossed water on myself, and popped it right into my mouth.

I once again laid on my back and waited, I didn't even get to last 10 seconds before I passed out due to the immense pain I briefly felt before everything went dark.

The next time I once again opened my eyes, I found myself looking at the star filled night sky. Groggily sitting up, I immediately felt my eyes wildly looking around in order to take in my surroundings, my ears straining to hear everything in the immediate vicinity, my nose trying to sniff out any kind of different smells aside from my own, I felt my body twitch and tense every time I smelt or thought I saw something in the dark. Closing my eyes, I quickly began to reeling myself in, trying my best to calm my nerves.

Not 5 minutes later, I could be seen running across the woods at speeds similar to that of an Olympic athlete, bobbing and weaving through trees with amazing reaction time that no normal person could achieve. I could practically feel my entire body working together in tandem to push me forward, faster and faster as I continued to accelerate. And you want to know what was so great about all of that? I didn't feel winded, like at all. I could literally feel my lungs taking in massive gulps of air and pumping it throughout my body, gulps I knew I couldn't hold before. My chest didn't feel tight and constricted anymore, I could breath, and it was exhilarating.


After a good 20 minutes of running around the forest, I finally stopped near a big pond and literally cannon balled into it. Of course I took a couple of precautions, those precautions taking the form of a magic invisible bubble that would filter the water to keep bad things from going in or clinging to my body, and also the bubble acting as a sort of shield that would protect me against anything physical or magical inside the water.

As I erupted back up to the surface, I couldn't help but look down at myself, whistling at the fact that my sweat pants and boxers were now somewhat tight on me. So getting out of the pond, I took them off and created a full body sized mirror to check myself out, and I once again couldn't help but whistle at how ripped I looked.

(A.N: Image here! I'll let you imagine what his lower half looks like.)

"Damn! I look smokin!" I couldn't help but yell with a giant ass smile as I checked myself out.

Chuckling to myself, I created some new boxers and put them on. I didn't bother creating any other clothes, because what I was going to give myself next was definitely going to tear them apart.

Sitting myself down against a random tree near the pond, I stuck a hand out and created a cup of strawberry milk. Strawberry milk that will change my physiology into that of an Alpha Werewolf, but not just ANY Alpha Werewolf, but a Primordial one, one that was heavily customized.

Let's hope that the changes I made to it will give me the edge I need to not only survive, but also flourish in the supernatural world.

Without further adieu, bottoms up!


A.N: Done! Hope you enjoyed. Also, sorry for the super late update but I don't really have a schedule yet so this might happen sometimes. But don't worry, I won't be droppin this fic anytime soon, I'm actually excited to keep writing. So, until next time! ✌😁