Chapter Two! (R-18+ Scene)


Pure excruciating pain.

My bones cracked, my muscles strained, my mind pounded. It was all so much, but I knew couldn't black out, I had to endure, if I did, the mental rewards would be monumental. So there I sat, groaning in pain while I writhed like an animal.


I couldn't hold it in anymore, I screamed as I felt adrenaline begin to pump throughout my body. My heart began to pound, my lungs began to heave, my blood began to flow. Then it all changed, a heat began to engulf me as the boxers I had on ripped apart due to my size increasing dramatically.

As my body began to grow, my arms and legs bulked in muscles as my bones elongated, my face began to elongate as well as my skin ripped apart to reveal black fur.

Then all of a sudden...I felt free.

I just stood there, at some point having gotten to my feet not realizing it, and then I felt it, a deep rumbling in my chest. I couldn't help it, I let that rumble become a terrifyingly mighty roar that shook the very ground I stood on. I could feel it, the ground trembling, the trees shaking, the air vibrating, it was all so...exhilarating.

By the time I let my roar die down, I knew that I had to go, hunters still stationed in Beacon Hills would definitely come to check this out. So not bothering to even check my appearance, I dropped on all fours and took off deeper into the forest.

As I ran, the world around me slowed down to a stop, letting me see a bird flying through the forest as the moon shined magnificently down upon it, I could smell the earthly scent of nature around me, I could hear the slow heart beats of every animal hidden from sight, I could even feel the very air currents flowing off of me as I sped through the forest.

It was all so...beautiful.

While I admired my surroundings, I quickly came across a road where I had to literally jump over a car that was barreling down the street at great speeds. I couldn't help but growl in annoyance at the stupidity of some people, that person was lucky I wasn't some crazy werewolf who had no problems with killing a human. That's when I suddenly realized that I had no problem with killing a human now, it seemed that giving myself the mentality of a warrior and hunter was a good idea. Sooner or later I'd have to kill someone, fortunately not so soon yet.

After running for a good 30 minutes, I came to a stop near a cave where I immediately picked up on a weird scent. Looking at the cave, I immediately recognized it as Malia's den that was shown on the show, this was immediately proven when I heard a low growl emanate from inside the cave along with a pair of glowing blue eyes that belonged to a certain Coyote.

(A.N: Image here.)

Getting over my slight surprise from how badass/scary Malia looked in the darkness, I immediately stood up on my hind legs and growled right back at her, making sure to make my eyes glow as well.

(A.N: Image here, but remember, mc doesn't know how he looks yet.)

Let's just say, Malia was a kitten compared to me.

Almost instantaneously, Malia's glowing blue eyes faded away before she dropped to the ground, her head and tail hanging low to show her submissiveness to me. Looking over her Coyote form, I couldn't help but admire it. Her fur was fluffy and the patterns on it were slightly mesmerizing, she looked beautiful.

Still standing on my hind legs, I slowly made my way to her lowered form and took in her scent, which was oddly switching between two different scents. At first she smelled like a storm in the night, but then she smelled extremely bittersweet with a chocolaty scent. That's when it hit me, but just to make sure I was right, I gave a low suggestive growl, basically telling her to present herself to me.

Again, almost instantaneously, Malia got to her feet and turned around, presenting her behind to me, her tail wagging from side to side, making the chocolaty bittersweet scent a lot stronger then before.

My animal instincts immediately began to act up when Malia's scent grew stronger, practically screaming at me to claim her as mine. Fortunately for me, I made sure to give myself complete control over said instincts, don't want any accidents now do we?

Anyways, as much as I wanted to follow my instincts about claiming Malia, first I wanted her to be in her human form. Why? Well why not? I wanted to claim her human form first before her animal side, plus, I wanted some eye candy while I thought of what to do with her.

Malia's sudden whining brought me out of my thoughts, it seemed like she was getting impatient. Mentally smirking, I drew in a breath and gave another low growl, but this one was a command rather then a suggestion; to turn back into her human form.

Malia immediately went rigid, and then she began to tremble as her body quickly blurred before her human form appeared in the coyote's place. I couldn't help but be envious of her, her transformation was painless unlike mine.

"W-What? I...I'm human again? But...but how?" Malia's small quiet voice brought my attention back to her, and as soon as my eyes landed on her, I couldn't help but lick my chops. Why? Well because Malia was currently naked, and her entire backside was pointed towards me, meaning her firm bubble butt was on full display to me.

(A.N: Image here.)

Seeing her wet cunt leaking, broke something in me, I just couldn't help myself anymore.

Moving close to her, my clawed hands found themselves tracing across her hips before going up her smooth toned stomach to her breasts. This was when I pulled her up against my chest and buried my snout into her smooth neck and took in as much of her scent as I could while also making sure to memorize it.

(A.N: R-18+ Scene starts here.)

Malia for her part simply froze for a brief second before she began to relax, the chocolaty bittersweet scent returning full force. Thinking of claiming her in my Lycan form was tempting, but I'd rather claim her in my human form first. So with that, I willed myself to return into my human form, and it wasn't long before I felt myself shrink in size but without the pain this time around.

Feeling me shrink in size, Malia immediately turned her head to look at me but I immediately took it as I chance to smash my lips into hers. I could tell Malia had no idea what she was doing so I simply parted from her and made my eyes glow red, causing her to whimper and drop to all fours, her ass fully presented to me.

Smirking a bit, I grabbed hold of my now throbbing rod and lightly rubbed it across her wet cunt, making her shiver and convulse as the sensitivity of the pleasure got to her. Feeling myself growing hotter and hotter, I lined myself up and plunged as far as I could into her tight cunt. Almost instantaneously, Malia let a loud moan as she clawed at the ground, her body trembling with pleasure and pain. As for me, I found myself completely void of all thought and simply enjoying the immense pleasure I felt from being inside such a wildly beautiful woman. That's until I found myself pulling out from her wet bleeding pussy and immediately slamming right back into her, using her wide hips as handle bars to pull her back into me.

And so, for a good 30 minutes, I took her from behind and made sure to pound her into the ground until she was nothing more then just a whimpering mess. It wasn't long after that, that I felt myself reaching the limit, and it seemed like Malia knew as well because she grabbed hold of my wrists, which I had moved to the sides of her shoulders to go deeper into her, and began pushing back into me, stimulating the pleasure we were both feeling at the moment. With the actions she was taking and the moans and growls she was giving me, it wasn't long before I buried my entire length into her sacred place and flooded it with my seed. Arching her back, Malia let out an animalistic growl as she came on my pumping rod, her claws having came out and began digging into my wrists. Fortunately for me, she didn't even break the skin to make me bleed.

Feeling myself finally finish cumming inside of her, I slowly pulled out and heard her cunt let go of my rod with a sloppy pop.

Malia laid there for a good while just catching her breath, her sweaty body trembling from pleasure as it rubbed up against mine, her eyes unfocused as she looked at the ground, and mind completely melted as she laid her head on the ground. To think we had only just me and literally had sex for 30 minutes, and this was the result? Oh this was going to be good.

Briefly touching her body with one of my hands immediately made her flinch and whimper away from me due to her over sensitive body. Smirking a bit, I rubbed my hands across her back to bring her back to reality and relax her body. Why? Because we were just starting.

After 5 minutes of doing this, Malia was soon whimpering into my hand as I rubbed it across her jawline and cheek. Her face was flush, her body was sweaty, and her mind could only think of one thing; me.

Or that's what my minor telepathy was telling me at least.

Feeling that she had calmed down enough, I pulled my hand away, much to the dismay of our adorable were-coyote, and flipped her onto her back. Malia gave me a confused look before she looked down to see my still rock hard cock pressing against her cunt again. This seemed to trigger her because her eyes immediately began to glow as she looked back up to me. Amused by her sudden change in mood, I gave a slight smile and made my eyes glow as well.

Malia's hands suddenly shot up to the back of my head and pulled me down to her, of course I let her do this, and she smashed her lips onto mine. I had made sure to kiss her the whole time I fucked her from behind to show her how to kiss, it seemed like it worked because she was trying to shove her tongue down my throat. Feeling myself smile against her lips, I let out low growl and kissed back, making sure I took charge to show her I was the dominate one here, not her.

Rubbing my rod across her slit immediately began to make Malia growl out in pleasure, but before I thrusted in, I decided to do something which was probably considered stupid by other people. I let my 'wolf side' take over, and the change was immediate, I felt myself become more in tune with my instincts, and soon I found myself pounding into Malia once more. Malia's loud moans were muffled by my neck, which she had decided to bury her head into the moment I rammed into her. I could hear and feel her taking in as much of my scent as she could as her legs having unconsciously wrapped around my waist and her arms around my neck.

Then she said something that made my wolf side grow wild and my decision of making her mine was reinforced;

"Alpha...give me more Alpha...I want to feel more of you!" Her soft sultry voice echoed into my ear, and let's just say, I ended up fucking her for a good hour before I began to feel myself reaching my limit, Malia's aluring moans having helped with pushing me to the limit due to them being so close to my ear.

Like before, Malia somehow sensed that I was close and she began to kiss at my neck, licking and even sucking on it occasionally, adding more pleasure into the mix. Then she said something else that solidified my decision in making her mine and mine alone.

"Please Alpha...claim me...make me yours...I want to bear your pups!" She breathlessly whispered into my ear, and claim her I did, but not in the manner you thought it was.

I felt my wolf immediately respond to her request, my mouth bulking with terrifyingly sharp teeth which soon found themselves sinking into the flesh of her left shoulder while I felt Malia's own sharp teeth sink into my right shoulder somehow. Before I could question how she tore into my flesh so easy, at that exact moment, I felt a new set of emotions run through me, emotions that were not my own.

Fear, sadness, confusion, despair, lust, love, pleasure, hate, and most of all, undying devotion directed towards me.

Then I felt something else rush into me, and I soon found myself growing stronger by the second, and then it was over, or at least I thought.

An extremely pleasant electrical current rushed through me as I returned to my senses, but soon that pleasant electrical current turned into a torrent of electrical pleasure.

"Mine...mine...MINE!" I soon found myself repeating as I pounded harder into Malia, who had turned into nothing more then a mewling mess trying her damned best to have as much physical contact as she could with me, and quite frankly, I wanted a lot more physical contact with her as well.

Oh fuck it, I'd think about what happened later, I just want to focus all my attention on her right now.

With that, I just continued to make love to her and soon buried myself deep into her tight canal and came hard, hard enough to literally make me roar into the night sky, fortunately I wasn't alone because Malia also let out a loud roar as she came with me.

With a loud huff, I ended up falling on top of her sweaty form, panting for obvious reasons and definitely not caring about me still being inside of her. Malia just growled in a somehow loving manner as she buried her head into the crook of my neck and just took in my scent, her arms having wrapped around my neck while mines wrapped around her torso, both of us just wanting to have the other close.

That had escalated so quickly, but I don't regret it at all, in fact, I'm pretty happy that this happened. It saves me the trouble of having to seduce her later on, now she's all mine, and I'll make sure it stays that way.


When did I become so possessive? Did changing my physiology really change me that much? Well, I suppose now that I've literally claimed Malia as mine, it's obvious that I do become possessive of her.

I'll have to go through the Hale's bestiary later on, to see what are the pros and cons of having a...mate right?

Unfortunately for me, before I could think more on the matter, Malia's soft whimpering drew my attention. Looking at her, I saw that she had fallen asleep and she had began to unconsciously draw me in closer for more warmth. Smiling at her adorableness, I conjured up a soft fluffy blanket and covered the both of us.

I don't know what this claiming thing did to us, but I sure as hell don't dislike it, in fact, I like it a lot.

Anyways, now that I'm back to the present, I couldn't help but let out a low growl as Malia shifted around, causing our still connected lower halves to conjure up some more pleasure.

Shivering at how her lower half seemed to suck me in even more, I slowly sat up with Malia still wrapped around my torso. Throughout the whole thing, Malia continued to shift around, increasing the sensitivity down below. Fortunately for me, I was still deeply buried in her, so with one quick motion, I moved her slightly off my rod before letting go and watching as she immediately slammed back down on said rod, causing her to immediately wake up and let out a loud beastly growl.

"Can't fall asleep on me yet babe, we need to get going." I softly told her, making sure to use one of my hands to rub it across her cheek, which she quickly tried to bury herself into. Looking up at the sky for a brief moment, I realized that it was probably past midnight.

So again, after practically railing Malia one more time, I slowly pulled out of the panting sweaty Malia and conjured up a loose black shirt and put it over her. It would do for now and I really needed to get home before Melissa gets even more worried then what she probably is.

(A.N: The R-18+ scene ends here.)

"Alpha...what happens now?" Malia asked me, reminding me that I have yet to introduce myself.

"Call me Scott, and now we go home." I told her, watching as her eyes widen in surprise before gave me a big smile and hugged my side tightly. Smiling at the cuteness that Malia was currently radiating, I hugged her back and gave her a chaste kiss on the lips before lightly pushing her away.

"Stand back a bit, I'm going to transform." I told her after she gave me a confused look. Nodding at me, Malia stepped back but watched me intently. Smiling once more, this time I willed myself to transform into another form of mine.

Once again, my bones cracked, my muscles strained, and my mind pounded, it was all so excruciating but a hell of a lot more manageable then before. Then one again, I felt free, but I didn't need to howl to the rest of the world this time around.

(A.N: Image here.)

Malia simply stared at my massive form, a blush having grown on her face as she stared at me with wide eyes.

"Beautiful." She whispered, but I could hear it loud and clear, I couldn't help but puff out my chest a bit. Using my telepathy, I told her to get on, and when she did, the child like smile on her face was undeniably adorable. After telling her to hang on tight, I took off into the night, wind blowing through my fur as I went faster and faster. Malia simply howled with excitement as she enjoyed the ride.

Unfortunately, some good things must end.

When I made it home, Melissa was passed out on the couch, so after putting Malia into my room, I carried my mother to her room and tucked her in. Before I left, I gave her a slightly longer then necessary kiss on the lips, which I found her unconsciously kissing back, and then left, turning the lights out as I did.

Getting up to my room, I found Malia completely passed out on my bed with a small smile on her lips. Smiling at her sleeping form, I had finally got into bed, still completely naked from my transformation, and pulled her close to me before wrapping us in the blankets and finally going to bed.

I'd deal with all the drama tomorrow, maybe I'd even get to fuck my mother tomorrow before she leaves for work. Maybe a threesome with Malia?

Maybe, but for now, sleep.


A.N: Hope you enjoyed, and I know that the relationship with Malia was a bit rushed, but considering that she responds more to her animal side rather then her human side, I decided to take advantage of that and make Malia apart of the growing harem early on. Anyways, till next time! 👋