Chapter Three! (R-18+ Scenes)

(A.N: R-18+ SCENE STARTS HERE!) (Malia's Pov)

(A.N: Also, I did a lot of 'research' so enjoy.)

I'm somewhere in between half asleep and half awake, my eyes were still closed, when I felt his body wrap around me from behind. Our legs instinctively entwined as one of his arms slips around my waist and pulls me in even closer, as if a mere centimetre of space was too much for him. His arm relaxes but stays in place while his head finds its natural position on the pillow next to mine. Our breathing falls in sync and a few peaceful minutes pass.

Eventually he shifts slightly and I felt light kisses land along my jawline.

"Good morning my love, did you sleep well?" He whispered into my ear, his fingertips having gently brushed the stray hairs from my face.

I barely moved but I smiled lazily at him, enjoying his soft, husky voice in my ear and the touch of his skin on mine.

"It's almost time to get up." He adds with a hint of amusement in his tone. I squirm leisurely in his arms, pressing myself against him, goosebumps began to cover my body despite the proximity of his warmth.

"Feeling a bit lazy huh?" He asked as his hand slowly glided from my waist, over my hip, to my butt where he gently squeezed, making my back arch slightly.

"Mmmm." I mumbled, the grin on my lips growing bigger when I felt his stiffening cock twitch against me.

He laughs and let's out a playful growl as he nips at my neck, the very same place where he marked me as his mate. His fingers began trailing lightly up my spine before moving to my breast, and then my nipple. Catching it between his thumb and forefinger, he pinches it sharply, bringing it to a peak before releasing it and firmly cupping my breast. The breath I was taking catches and turns into a soft moan, I can feel the ache starting to grow between my legs again and the need to touch him intensifies.

I turned to face him and finally opened my eyes to meet his own. I scan his face, watching his reactions as I slid one hand into his hair while the other slowly roamed down his body, my nails lightly raking his skin before I reach my destination. I close my fingers around his shaft, stroking it rhythmically, spreading the beads of precum as they leaked from his tip. I feel him grow beneath my touch and his breathes become increasingly uneven as he presses his lips to my ear and groans; "I need to be inside you."

Our warm breaths mingled in the small space between us before he aggressively pressed his lips to mine, where his tongue desperately, seeked out my own. Pulling me against his body, he hooks one of my knees over his hip and slides his stiff rod right between my wet folds. Slowly, he rocked his hips, letting the head of his rod tease my sensitive clit, and soon I'm unable to stop my nails from clawing at his back or the small whimpers that escaped into his mouth as I returned his kisses. Tightening his grip on my thigh, he easily eased himself into me due to the long size of his rod, and then we both stilled for a moment, savouring the sensation of him stretching me out.

Soon I began circling my hips, increasing the friction of his steady thrusts as they massaged that certain spot deep inside me, making me pulse around his shaft and soon, I was close. Somehow knowing that I was close, he slows his pace, keeping me right on the edge just a little longer.

"Look at me." He suddenly demands. "I want to watch you." I gave him what he wanted and met his gaze, where he immediately began driving himself deep into me, going faster and deeper with each thrust.

"Now, cum for me" He growled, his eyes glowed a deep crimson red.

My body responded to his command and I let my climax take over. My body began writhing against his, all while his eyes still held mine as my moans grew louder, mixing in with his own low throaty groans. I soon felt him tense for a moment, before his own orgasm shuddered through him, his final thrusts having been making sure he released every last drop of cum deep inside of me before he slowly relaxed.

Neither of us moved straight away, our sensitive bodies were not yet ready to break the connection. Our tangled limbs held us together as we enjoyed the last ripples of intense pleasure before he finally pulled out of me, our lustful sounds now replaced with low, sated murmurs. He closes his arms around me, one hand bringing my head to his chest, while the other pulled me closer. I listened to his racing heartbeat begin to calm down, while my breathing gradually returned to normal and I smiled another one of those lazy smiles as I feel his cum begin to coat my thighs. Keeping me pressed against himself, he rolled onto him back, sighing as he lean down to kiss the top of my head. My eyes drift closed and his own soon followed, all thoughts of leaving our comfortable haven now completely forgotten.

(A.N: That's the end of the 18+ scene, tell me what you thought about it, I'm genuinely curious.)

"SCOTT! Breakfast is ready!"

Or so I thought.

With an annoyed growl, I moved to tear apart the asshole who ruined our morning but was immediately stopped by my mate.

"Easy now, no need to get angry, let me handle this." He calmly told me, a gentle smile having grown on his face as he looked into my eyes. Without another word, he lazily got up and somehow made a pair of pants appear out of nowhere. After putting them on, he turned to me and gave me a chaste kiss before telling me he'd be back soon and to just wait for him for a bit.

As soon as the door closed behind him, I couldn't help but immediately look around the room. The place was a lot bigger then my den, especially the bed, it was so much better then a pile of grass and leaves.

Thinking about my cave reminded me about what happened last night.

I had just returned from visiting my mom and sister, and was getting ready to turn in for the night, but suddenly, I smelt one of the most alluring scents I'd ever came across my entire life. Figuring it wouldn't do any bad to see where the scent led to, I got up and walked to the entrance of my cave, only to come face to face with one of the largest wolves I'd ever seen. Matter a fact, it was the only wolf I'd ever seen since wolves didn't exactly live here in Beacon Hills.

Not knowing what to do, I did what my basic instincts always told me what to do, protect my territory.

Oh if only it were that simple, as soon as I growled at him, he turned around and flipped the whole situation in his favor. He made me his mate that very night, after practically pounding me into the ground.


Now that was a something I didn't know I would be having so early in my life, but look at me now. My mate's cum leaking from my core as I laid down on his bed. Feeling all the love and fondness he felt for me through our new mental connection, my eyes grew heavy, and soon I felt myself fall into sleep.


(Scott's pov) (A.N: Tell me if I should continue this style of writing or just stick with Scott's pov whenever the lemons start?)

"What's up mama!" I cheerily greeted her as I made my way downstairs and coming face to back with my beautiful mother who was currently once again moving about in the kitchen placing dishes down left and right.

"Scott my love, please help me get my things together I'm close to running late for work." She hastily told me, not even aware of what she had just called me. It seemed like the hypnosis was working, and pretty soon, she'd be ripe for the taking. Looking down at her body, I saw that some of her clothes were a bit tighter then usual, meaning I could practically see the outline of her bodacious body.

"Life is like a coin."

As soon as those words left my mouth, Melissa immediately froze, accidentally dropping the plate of eggs she had on hand which shattered on the floor. Oops, well, it doesn't matter I'll fix it with my time manipulation when I'm done.

"Melissa, everytime I decide to physically touch you, your lust, love, and pleasure you have for me will double in size. The longer I have physical contact with you, the more the effects intensify. This will continue until I fill your precious pussy with my cum, and everytime I do fill you with cum, you'll experience the ultimate high of lust, love, and pleasure all at once. Also, you won't mind at all that I get together with multiple girls in the future, in fact, you'll feel extremely happy that I'm getting together with so many of them. You also won't mind them living with us because you'll love them just as much as you'll love me. Am I understood?"

Melissa nodded her head, prompting me to smirk. I was probably going a bit overboard with this hypnosis thing but, I can't be to careful now, or I'll end up having yandere going around killing all my lovers.

"Good, when I snap my fingers, you'll return to your senses and feel as if nothing just happened." With that said, I waved a hand at the shattered remains of the plate of food from before and a time bubble surrounded it. Soon the plate was fixed and I put it back in my mother's hands.

Before I snapped my fingers though, I surrounded the whole kitchen in a time bubble that sped up time inside. An hour in here would be a 30 seconds outside, this would of course give me enough time to immensely increase the affection Melissa has for me.

So without another thought, I gathered her things and snapped my fingers, immediately snapping my mother out of her trance. For a second, she just stood there, but with a shake of her head she moved on and put the plate down on the table.

"I got your things together mama." I told her as I placed her bag and other things on the counter kitchen. Melissa turned to me and gave me one of the most sweetest smiles I'd ever seen on her face, a smile that not even the original Scott has seen.

"Thank you so much sweetie, now c'mon and help me put the rest of the food down so we can eat." She told me, quickly grabbing more plates full of food to put on the table. But not a minute later, she froze. She slowly looked over to me and finally realized I looked so much different then from yesterday, smiling at her, I responded with; "Listen mama, I have to tell you something important about myself."

I could tell Melissa was freaked out a bit, but she refrained from doing anything rash and simply nodded her head.

"Ok, I know you're freaking out but please believe what I'm about to say, a week ago I was walking through the forest, and out of nowhere a wolf bit me, and yes I know there aren't wolves here in Beacon Hills but it's the truth, and the results of that bite has just made themselves known to me. I know it's a lot to take in but please believe me, I'm still me, not some raging monster who wants to kill anything like in the movies. Please believe me." I 'begged' her, trying my best to look scared to get her to feel sorry for me, and it worked like a charm. Without saying a thing, Melissa slowly walked up to me and placed a hand on my cheek, and she immediately pulled back when she felt herself grow horny.

Pretending to be hurt by her actions, I moved to go upstairs but was immediately stopped by a hand on my wrist. Looking back, I saw Melissa with a conflicted expression on her face, but after a while she just pulled me into a tight hug, her face burying itself into my bare chest.

I felt her occasionally tremble here and there, but I knew that it wasn't due to fear of me, but the ever increasing lust, love, and pleasure she felt from touching me. So with a hidden smirk, I strongly wrapped her now smaller body into a tight hug, making sure to put as much of myself onto as possible.

After a short while, Melissa's breathing became ragged as she unconsciously began lightly biting one of my pectorals as her body began to heat up due to her ever increase lust and pleasure. Her love for me was just solidifying the fact that I wasn't dangerous to her and that I was really telling the truth.

(A.N: This one is a lite 18+ scene, so don't expect much, enjoy!)

Growing a bit bold, I light pushed Melissa back only to immediately flip her around and pull her into me.

"S-Scott?" She called to me confused, only to loudly moan when she felt one of my hands roughly cup one of her breasts while the other held her close. Her own hands immediately found themselves pulling on my pants as her breath became even more ragged and her face going lightly red due to her excitement.

"I'm sorry mama, but after turning into whatever I am now, I've felt things I couldn't before, like my undying love I've always felt for you. And now that I have you in my grasp, I refuse to let you go." I whispered into her ear, making her writhe against me. She unconsciously began to push herself towards my lower half, where I could tell she felt my growing erection on her ass.

Without another word, I lightly peppered kisses across her neck and jawline, causing her to gasp and moan under my influence. I soon let go of her breast and move that hand down her body, deliberately going slow to increase the effects I'm having on her.

When I finally reached the hem of her pants, she was practically nothing more then a mewling mess, but she still somehow stopped my hand from going further.

"N-No....W-We can't do-" I immediately cut her off by smashing my lips into her own, which immediately cut off any protests from her. I could tell she just gave up after a while of kissing because she began to kiss back and her ass began to press even more onto my crotch. With no more obstacles in the way, I snaked my hand all the way down to her now drenched folds and lightly ran some fingers over her entrance.

Almost instantly, Melissa moaned loudly before she literally squirted all over my hand before body sagged onto mine. As her head loosely fell, I couldn't help but grin like an idiot as I held her now unconscious form up.

(A.N: 18+ scene ends here, for now.)

Picking her up bridal style, I mentally made the time bubble go away before making my way upstairs to place her in her bed. Taking my time undressing her, I couldn't help but admire her bodacious body, she had all the right curves in all the right places, even for a woman her age, she looked extremely sexy in the nude.

Putting the covers over her naked body and placing her now wet clothes in the dirty clothes pile, I made my way downstairs and sat down in the living-room couch.

Raising a hand, I created a pill that would give me the ability to create body doubles made out of shadows of whoever I wanted. The body doubles would have all the original's memories, emotions, and kinks, of course those body doubles would be extremely loyal to me and me alone so I won't need to worry about them going off and doing there own thing to plot against me or doing something similar of that kind of situation.

Swallowing the pill, I once again felt the now familiar pain in my head and soon, another Melissa was standing before me in her nurse getup.

"Ready?" I asked her, Melissa simply smiled and walked off to grab 'her' things. Before she left, she came back to me and gave me a loving kiss with tongue and all before she left with a sway to her hips.

Smirking like an idiot once more, I got up and made my way upstairs to once again have my fun with Malia.

Things were only just getting started.


A.N: Hope you liked it, the next chapter will be posted an hour later, till next time my friends. Bye-bye! 😝✌