Chapter Four! (R-18+ Scenes)

(A.N: Sorry for the late update, I had to deal with that situation I was talking about a while ago. Anyways, enjoy!)

(Scott's pov)

"Feeling refreshed babe?" I asked Malia with a light smirk, my eyes leisurely roaming her wet naked body as she dried it with a warm towel. Her eyes brightened with excitement as one of the most adorable smiles grew on her face.

(A.N: Image here! Sorry, Malia is my favorite waifu at the moment, also, sorry for the poor quality of it. 😂)

"Yeah! It feel so good to be clean! I mean I took baths in the rivers but this.... this just feels great!" She happily laughed with excitement as she played with her now short hair, hair I cut with the experienced hair dresser.

"Oh! Can we go back? I need to pick up some things I left there." She asked me, her nervousness unconsciously being broadcasted through our mental connection. I could only smile at her before going up to her and giving her a passionate kiss on the lips.

"Of course love, just let me deal with some things and we'll head right over." I kissed her one more time before creating some clothes for her, smiling as I watched her eyes go wide with an awed expression.

(A.N: Image here)

"Get changed and we'll leave when I get back, love you." I told her before leaving the room with a smirk, her eyes were still wide as she stared at the clothes in her eyes.

Making my way downstairs, I stopped in the living-room and created a chocolate bar that would give me the ability to customize anything I wanted however I wanted. Sort of like that manga called: 'World Customize Creator'.

Downing the chocolate bar, I was soon enchanting the whole house with a health, stamina, spiritual regeneration effects and multiple physical strengthening effects, followed by multiple resistances to all kinds of magic and physical attacks. The reason for this was because the show didn't really expand much on the magic side of things, so I'd rather be more careful then sorry.

As soon as I hit confirm, the whole house thrummed with magic, and soon I felt my body soon strengthen itself. I could tell Malia felt it too because I could hear her yelp with surprise.

Chuckling to myself, I stuck out a hand and created a gummy bear that would give me the ability to create hundreds of different magical barriers. Soon I was once again setting up multiple protection barriers with all kinds of buff effects.

Yeah, I was probably being paranoid but you never know, especially with a person like Kate Argent out there.

"Alpha! Something's wrong, I feel... was that you?" Malia asked me as she jumped down the stairs, I could only laugh as she almost busted her ass but embraced her when she made it to me.

"Yes it was me, but this is all temporary, or at least until we find a suitable place to really call our home. Some place away from hunters and all the other nasties out there." I told her, wrapping my arms around her waist as she automatically wrapped her around my neck. I was about to kiss her until I heard a loud bang upstairs, reminding me that Melissa was new to the whole magic thing, so she was probably freaking out a bit at the power flowing through her.

"That's my mother, let me talk with her and then we'll leave. I'll introduce you two when we get back." I kissed her once more before heading upstairs, smiling when I heard Malia jumping and running around to test her new capabilities.

Focusing on my hearing, I heard Melissa quickly moving around the room, probably putting on some clothes. I occasionally heard her harshly whispering to herself things like; "I can't believe I did all of that." or "What is wrong with me?! He's my son!" to even "But it... it all felt so good." This of course made me lightly smirk, but I was actually surprised by her resilience, even after what happened earlier today.

Finally at her door, I lightly knocked on it and said; "Hey mama, I know it's probably super awkward between us right now, but would you please open the door so we can talk?" It was quiet for a moment, but with my super hearing I heard Melissa lightly whispering to herself.

"Should I let him in? He said he loved me... but he's my son, it's wrong. But why does it feel so... right?"

I couldn't help but smile at that last comment, so with another knock on her door I said; "Listen, I know what we did earlier was wrong, but I also know we both liked what we did. If you can just give me a chance, maybe we can... expand... more on that aspect of our relationship."

Almost immediately, I heard her heart beat quicken when I said that we both liked it, and I knew then and there that she wanted more. So with a smirk, I erected a time bubble around her room and myself that sped up time, an hour in the bubble was a second outside of it.

Knocking one last time, this time I said; "I'm coming in, so please don't freak out." I only got silence in return, so without further delay, I did what I said.

(A.N: 18+ Scene starts here!) (Third pov)

The very first thing he saw when he fully opened the door, was a barely dressed Melissa with her back turned to him. The only thing she had on was a pair of black panties and a loosely buttoned up white shirt, where only one of her shoulders was left uncovered. The room was completely dark, so her alluring figure was the only thing he could see, well, the only thing he wanted to see, he was completely mesmerized by her.

Slowly, he walked up to her and let one of his hands land on her uncovered skin, causing her to lightly flinch when she felt her excitement quickly grow.

"Why?" She suddenly asked him, her breath becoming hitched as Scott put another hand on her waist.

"Why what?" He asked back, gently pulling her to his chest in order to hug her from behind, causing her to unconsciously lean her head back onto his shoulder.

"Why do I feel this way? You're my son, I can't be having these feelings for you, so why do I feel this way?" She clarified, opening her neck to him when he began lightly kissing her neck and jawline. She began to pant and quietly mewl when his hands began roaming her body, from her waist to her neck.

"It's because your my mate." He whispered into her ear, his low deep voice rumbled her to her core.

"Mate?" She asked him, slowly beginning to push her lower half into his.

"Yeah, after I got bit, I came across someone like myself and he told me all about being what I am. A mate is basically a soulmate, your destined person, and you, Melissa, are one of my mates." He told her, all while grinding his hardening cock against her panty clad ass.

Melissa quickly began to loose touch with reality and only began to focus on what Scott was doing to her. The only thing keeping her from completely falling into her carnal desires was the fact that she was doing this with her son, her own flesh and blood.

"Y-You have m-more then one m-mate?" She barely managed to ask, her mewling becoming moans as Scott continued to kiss and touch her. Scott for his part, simply took in her scent and enjoyed the way Melissa pressed her body onto his body.

"Yeah, it's very rare but it's possible for people like me to have more then one mate." He calmly told her, slowly pulling her towards the bed.

"H-How am I... one of y-your m-mates?" She asked, on the very brink of just letting go and letting her carnal desires take over.

"I don't know, all I know is that I want you and I don't care if we're related by blood." He told her.

"But-" She was cut off by his lips smashing onto hers, and that was when the dam just broke and she immediately kissed him back.

Smiling as he kissed her, Scott quickly pulled away and gently threw her onto the bed, where Melissa quickly began to take off her shirt and panties. Scott followed by taking off his t-shirt, blue jeans, and boxers before jumping in bed next to the hot milf.

Without a word needed, Melissa immediately smashed her lips into his, a hand running through his hair while the other roamed his body. Scott's own hands also roamed her body, both locking onto her hips before he pulled her below him and adjusted himself so he was between her legs. Melissa quickly picked up what he wanted and widened her legs more for him. She watched as he lined up his now 8 inch long, 4 inch wide rod to her practically drenched folds, and she knew then and there this was the moment where everything would change between them.

Scott didn't immediately push in, he simply lined himself up and waited, and not long after Melissa understood what he was doing.

He was asking for permission.

She knew this was wrong, but the love and affection she felt for him was to big for her to ignore. So without another thought, Melissa wrapped her legs around his wait and pulled him in, causing her to let out a throaty moan as she felt him fill her up entirely. Scott could only close his eyes and let out a low rumbling growl that shook the very room and bed, but he found that Melissa didn't even flinch at his animalistic side.

Soon Scott pulled back all the way until his tip was the only thing left in her, right before smashing his entire length right back in. Once again, Melissa let out another moan and soon, the room was echoing with her moans as Scott pile drived into her, making sure his entire length was in her.

Melissa kissed and bit at his neck as her nails dragged across his back, her legs tightening even more as she felt him go into places she didn't even know existed.

Suddenly, Melissa felt him hit a spot that shook her very core, and soon she was cumming harder then she ever had before. But even as she came, Scott continued to slam into her, extremely intensifying the high of her climax which made it so much more pleasurable.

This continued on for a whole hour, where he would continuously ram into even despite her cumming, and at the end of it all, she was nothing more then a sweaty mess.

But that all changed when she finally felt him twitch inside her, she was about to tell him to pull out but stopped when she saw his eyes glow a beautiful blood red.

"Melissa... from now on... you're mine!" He roared aloud before he once again slammed his whole length into her before letting loose his entire load directly into her womb. This was all followed by him letting his wolf teeth out and biting into her shoulder, where she simultaneously not only felt the ultimate climax, but also immense pain. Both forces intensifying the other, it was all to much for her, and soon her entire world went dark.

Scott soon pulled away and slowly pulled out, right before he wiped her blood from his mouth with a rag he created. Creating another rag, he carefully wiped and dressed Melissa's new wound.

(A.N: 18+ Scene ends here, tell me what you think so I can improve. Also, tell me of I should keep this pov or change it.)

(Scott's pov)

After cleaning and dressing her up, I customized her bed to be far more comfortable then it was capable of being and enchanted it to make sleep far more pleasing. As soon as I tucked her in, I suddenly felt the immense feeling of satisfaction coming form the new mental connection I had with her, making me smile with satisfaction myself.

I quickly took a shower and dressing myself with the same clothes as before, but this time I put on a black leather jacket. I know, classic bad boy look but I like it, it's simple but fashionable.

With a last kiss to her forehead, I waved away the time bubble and walked out. The moment I stepped out of the door, I came face to face with Malia, whose face was blank of emotions.

We simply stared at each other for a moment, before she leaned up to me and kissed me on the lips.

"Please don't leave me." She suddenly told me, tears threatening to leave her eyes as she stared at my own. I could only hold her close and kiss her multiple times to sooth her emotions, both dread and sadness being broadcasted through our connection.

"Don't you ever think I will EVER leave you! You're MY mate, you're MY soulmate, you're MINE! I will NEVER let you go, so don't you ever think that again. Am I understood?" I asked her, both my mind and animal instincts flaring with anger at the very idea of leaving her. This seemed to stun her, because she stopped crying and simply held me tight as our connection was filled with relief and immense love, that love being from both of us. It seemed like me claiming her as mine did more then simply connect us and made me immensely possessive of her, but I don't mind, in fact, I rather like that idea.

Kissing her on the lips once more, I asked; "Are you ready?" Malia simply nodded her head and practically glued herself to my arm. Nodding my head, we both made our way outside and that was where I made myself a car.

(A.N: Image here! Sorry my comrades, I don't know much about cars so I went with the simplest one almost everyone knew.)

Malia stared at the massive Hummer in awe before she excitedly laughed and made herself comfortable in the passenger seat. Chuckling to myself, I quickly got in the drivers seat and soon, we were roaring down the street.


A.N: Tell me what you think, till next time my comrades! 😁✌