Chapter Five!

(Scott's pov)

On the way back to Malia's cave, I had stopped by a Burger King and bought a bunch of different burgers, but it seemed that I had created an addict. Why? Well, let's just say Malia liked The Baconator.... quite a lot.

(A.N: I was eating one when writing this, don't judge! 😂)

"Alpha, what are we going to do after we get my stuff from my cave?" Malia suddenly asked me after eating her 4th Baconator, which I myself was enjoying my second one as well. Washing it all down with a drink of my Sprite, I responded with; "Well, I was thinking of going out to find you're family, I could tell you were out there for a long time so they're probably worried sick about you." I of course knew that her mom and sister were gone, but she didn't know that, so I said all this to make her open up to me. Malia was one of the very few people I wanted to avoid using my hypnosis on, why? Because she was one of my favorite characters out of the bunch and for a bunch of different reasons, but the thing I liked most about her, was that she always kept it real with whoever she was with at the time, I'd like to do the same with her. Plus she's one of my mates now, so both my human and wolf side refused to do her any harm, be it physically, emotionally, or even mentally.

Malia seemed to freeze at the mention of her family, and our connection was soon flooded with a feeling of guilt, grief, and depression. Those very feelings also made me freeze for a moment, but I had enough sense in me to stop and park the car on the side of the road before we had an accident. Though I doubt we'd be hurt, both because of our physiology and the natural bulk of the h1 hummer.

"Malia." I called to her, she refused to look at me but I could tell tears were beginning to fall down her rosey cheeks. Putting a finger under her chin, I gently made her look at me, only to see that her eyes were glowing a deep beautiful blue as tears fell from them.

(A.N: Image here!)

"Talk to me babe, what's the matter?" I asked her, and the way her face morphed into one of pure sadness made my heart break with regret of asking her about her family.

"I...I killed my family." Was the only thing she said before she forcefully looked away from me, afraid of what my reaction would be.

"How?" I asked, making sure no emotions were being broadcasted through our connection while simultaneously keeping my face void of them. Malia kept quiet for a short while, but soon she responded with; "I was 9 when it happened, me and my mom were arguing over... something, I can't remember what it was about, but I got so angry that the last thing I told them before we crashed, was that I wished that they were all dead. By the end of it all, they died and I became a coyote and lived the rest of my life in the woods." When she finished her short story, she was full on crying and our connection was once again flooded with her guilt and grief. I simply sat there, letting her get her emotions out, and after 5 minutes of hearing her quiet sobs and sniffles, I flooded our connection with all the love and affection I could muster and watched as her facial expression changed into one of shock.

"Malia, you remember what I said to you earlier today?" I asked as I lifted her chin, which prompted her to lightly nod as she locked eyes with me.

"Well I'll say it again, no matter what you did or what you will do, you're mine, and I refuse to let this change my mind." Malia simply went wide eyed before she practically hugged the life out of me as she smashed her lips onto mine.

"I love you." She suddenly said after we separated, which genuinely surprised me, I thought she wouldn't say those words until we were a good month into our relationship, but damn! I was not expecting that.

"Scott?" She called out to me nervously, snapping me out of my shocked state. Flooding our connection with my genuine emotions of love and happiness, I brought Malia into another passionate kiss.

"I love you too." I responded back after we once again separated, which brought one of the biggest smiles I'd ever seen to her face. I could only laugh and hold her close to me as she herself also held me close.

After a while, I told her to sit back in the passenger seat and soon we were once again driving out to our original destination before we got sidetracked.

(A.N: Ok, here I'll be changing a bit of Malia's stepfather's background, so if you don't like it then oh well, I ain't changing it.)

"So you've told me about your mom and baby sister, what about your dad?" I asked after a while, but this time I got a whole different reaction then I did the first time. Our connection was soon flooded with hate and disgust, but I knew it wasn't directed at me, but at her father.

"That man is NOT my father!" She suddenly yelled, but she quickly reigned in her emotions when she realized she had yelled at me. "Scott I'm sorry, I didn't-" I cut her off by raising a hand, I would've kissed her but I'm driving, so I couldn't.

"Calm yourself my love, I know you didn't mean it. So what happened with him?" I continued, truthfully not bothered at all by her sudden outburst. Malia simply let out a relieved sigh and responded with; "He was the reason why we were out so late that night. Him and my mom got into this big fight and he ended up slapping her across the face, my mom didn't like that so she left him, taking me and my sister with her."


"Do you remember what the fight was about?" I asked, this was way different then in cannon, so this could mean other things were different as well. I knew some things wouldn't be the same as in the show, but I was talking about the future, not the past.

Malia answered with; "I don't remember, but I knew mom wasn't ever going back, so said so herself before she sped off with us in the back." Malia once again had tears rolling down her face but she quickly reigned them in, I could only hold her hand and flood our connection with my love and affection, along with soothing her with my words.

After a while of me just comforting her, we finally made it back to her cave. Apparently the cave wasn't that far from a road, that's how Rafael was able to find Malia's cave so easily in the show.

"And this was where I slept, it isn't much but it was my home." She told me with a light smile, and I could only smile back before pulling her into a kiss due to cuteness.

"So what'd you left behind?" I asked her, prompting her to look back at her cave with a light blush before going in. Not a minute later, she came back out with a small pink blanket and a small purple parka jacket. I could only smile at her embarrassed expression before pulling her close and said; "So this was what you left behind? Not bad, maybe you can still pull it off." I joked, causing her to groan and burry her head into my chest, I could only lightly laugh at her embarrassment.

"Do you think we can go to one more place before we leave?" She suddenly asked me after a short while, and I had a certain feeling where she was referring to. Nodding my head, she soon began to lead me through the forest, and not about 15 minutes later, we came across the scene of a turned over car that was practically stripped of everything it had, leaving nothing but it's frame. " this-" She didn't let me finish as she continued to walk towards the old trashed car with a face void of emotions, but our connection was anything but void of them.

"Hey mom, hey sis, I know it's been a while since my last visit, but I came here to say goodbye... for good this time." She suddenly began talking aloud, and I could only close my eyes and let her have this moment for herself. As time went on, Malia told her mom and sister all about her life, even introducing me to her family, which made me smile. By the end of it all, she was nothing more then a crying mess as she tried to say her goodbyes.

Before she could really say it though, I walked up to her and grabbed her shoulder and lightly pulled her to me, but that was all she need to turn around and hug me with all she had. I could only kiss the top of her forehead and hug her back, but as my eyes landed on the car behind her, an idea popped into my head.

"Malia?" I called out to her, she slowly looked up to me with tear filled eyes, which really broke my heart, but I pushed on.

"How would you like to see them again?"


A.N: Hello comrades! I hope you enjoyed! Also, feel free to tell me how this chapter was, I'm always open to constructive criticism. Till next time, bye-bye! 😁✌