Chapter Six!

(Scott's Pov!)

"How would you like to see them again?" I asked the were-coyote in front of me, and almost instantly, our connection was flooded with the emotions of hope, fear, and disbelief.

With wide eyes, Malia couldn't help but ask with disbelief; "Y-You can do that?"

"I can do more then that.... I can even bring them back to life if you wanted me to.... but there are some conditions that have to be met before I do that." I told her honestly, which prompted her to look up at me, her eyes were glowing blue as tears streamed down her cute rosey cheeks. Though, something peculiar happened that made me pause for a moment. Just for a second, I saw her eyes flash a crimson red.

"What are the conditions?!? Tell me! I'll do anything for them..... so please..... please tell me!" She desperately begged me with eyes so filled with guilt, it broke my heart, but at the same time, a sudden burst of anger rose within me. Anger not directed at her, but at that shitty Desert Wolf for making my Malia this way. If I ever see that little rat scurrying around my territory, I'll make sure to break her mind and make her my bitch.

Making sure my anger was properly tucked away for later use, I gently cupped Malia's cheeks with both of my hands and made her look into my eyes before I firmly but lovingly told her; "Malia my love, don't you EVER beg me for anything else again in your life, you are my mate, my eternal partner, and I would do anything just to make you smile, even if it meant I'd have to go against the gods themselves to do it." Malia simply stared into my now glowing red eyes before she smashed her lips onto mine, and our connection was soon flooded with all kinds of emotions, emotions so strong it took me a minute to figure out what was what.

(A.N: This was cringe as h*ll to write. 😂)

When we finally separated, Malia's cheeks were now somewhat red and puffy, but the content and happy smile on her face made it all the more worth it. Giving her one more chaste kiss, I lightly pushed her away before I stuck my hand out in front of me and created two volleyball sized golden spheres made of pure light.

One of the spheres would give me the ability to bring anyone I want back to life with no consequences whatsoever, unfortunately I'd have to make an empty vessel for the soul to bind itself to it....but now that I think about it, I should probably keep this ability a secret, don't want random people coming up to me and begging me to bring their loved ones back, to much chaos will ensue.

(A.N: Should I bring back some people from the dead or no? If yes, then who should I bring back?)

Anyways, the second sphere would give me the necessary senses needed for me to talk, see, and even touch anything related to the afterlife such as ghosts, spirits, poltergeists, etc.

"Beautiful." I heard Malia quietly mutter, but I ignored it in favor of pushing both spheres into my chest at once, and almost instantaneously both knowledge and power were being poured into me. All the while my senses were being put through a grinder, it felt as if everything was dialed up to 10 and then literally breaking the limit and going further beyond. (A.n: You're a legend if you know where that's from.)

"Scott?" Malia's voice sounded like a grenade going off next to my ears, I couldn't help but let out a low growl as I held my head in pain. Seeing that I was in pain, Malia instantly shot to my side.

"Scott?! What's wrong?!" She shouted out in fear, her hands immediately going to my head to make me look into her eyes. I could tell she was going to say something else so I just shut her up by smashing my lips onto her's, both alleviating and soothing my senses immensely.

After a short while, I pulled away from Malia and looked at the crashed car, and lo and behold, there they were, both mother and daughter hand in hand both looking quite differently from what I thought.

(A.N: I'm going to be changing how they look, and I'm going to be making Kylie's new physical form a little older then Malia's. Why? Bc I found this pic I want to use and bc I'm a degenerate lol! If u don't like it, then u already know what to do, bounce on out of here. As for those who are worried about her mental age, don't worry, her mental age shall match her physical age, 17, and yes, I'm making her a year older then Malia. Anyways, back to the fic!)

"Hello there." I gently greeted them, and from the look of pure shock from the mother alone, I knew that my new abilities worked just fine.

"S-Scott?" Malia worriedly called out to me. Seeing the worry in her eyes, I couldn't help but smile and pull her into a tight hug before lightly kissing her luscious lips.

"I see them." I whispered into her ear, and our connection was soon flooded with the feeling of worry, nervousness and fear, but I quickly delt with those by engulfing Malia in a tight hug and saying; "Calm yourself luv, from the look on their faces, they look just as scared and as nervous as you, so just relax and watch the show."

Malia could only nod as I pulled her towards her ghostly mother and sister, and when we finally got to them, Evelyn had grabbed hold of her oldest daughter and positioned her right behind herself, making it clear that she was wary of me. Her eyes kept darting from me to Malia, who was currently nervously looking at me for any kind of reaction, since I was the only one who could see them at the moment.

"I'm sure you're both quite confused at the moment, so I'll make this as simple as possible for you." I told them. "I can bring you back to the land of the living, but you have to be willing to return."

"What'll you get out of this?" Kylie was the first to question as she stepped from behind her mother. Evelyn quickly pulled her ghostly daughter back behind her, but the damage had already been done. "The love of your sister." I honestly told them, shocking them both rather greatly. Malia for her part grew embarrassed for some reason, but she kept her gaze firmly on him.

"Why are you doing this?" This time it was Evelyn who spoke.

"Because I love your daughter, and I will do anything to bring her happiness. Even if it means I have to break the rules of the world to bring a couple of souls back from the dead." I told them, feeling Malia tighten her grip on me as she realized the real magnitude of what I was doing. Both Evelyn and Kylie stared at each other for a moment before nodding. "We want to come back." They both said at the same time, determination evident in their tone. "Good, let's get this started so we can get you back together again. " I said before snapping my fingers, a blinding light suddenly flashed across the forest. When the light died down, two VERY naked women stood out in the open. Their expressions stuck in complete shock as they realized what had happened.

(A.N: Images Here.)

"Mom? Kylie?" Malia's trembling voice broke them from their state of shock. The first to move was Evelyn herself, having tackled Malia into a bone crushing hug. Malia instantly hugged back as a sorrow filled sob escaped from her lips. It was then Kylie herself joined in the hug, all three women crying and sobbing with unimaginable relief. I silently stepped away after conjuring some clothes. Allowing them to have their moment.

(A.N: Sorry I'm late my comrades, life has been kicking my shit in until recently. Expect more from me. See you soon~ 🫡