Chapter Seven!

(Scott's Pov)

"Scott?" Malia's voice drew him from his thoughts. "Yes luv?" I answered back as I turned around, revealing a sight I would forever ingrave into my heart. All three women walking side by side holding hands with Malia right in the middle. The biggest smile ever present on her beautiful face. I couldn't help but get a little giddy as I felt our connection flood with love and adoration.

Before I could ask what they wanted to do next, I was tackled by the freight train that was Malia. I instantly wrapped my arms around her to hold my ground, but I was quickly assaulted with her lips on mine. It wasn't long before we were having a full blown make-out session. If it wasn't for Evelyn's cough that reminded me that we had an audience, I probably would've taken her then and there!

"I love you." Malia instantly said as soon as we seperated, her eyes glowing a familiar crimson red. I couldn't help but smile happily at both of these revelations. "I love you too." I whispered back to her as I gently kissed her once more.

"ANYWAYS! Can we get a move on?! I'm starving!" Kylie suddenly interrupted the moment, making me chuckle with amusement and Malia growl with a little annoyance. It seemed things were definitely getting more interesting.

"Yeah I'm kind of hungry too." Evelyn sheepishly chimed in at the end, confirming our next destination.


(Scott's Pov)

As we drove away from Timmy Chan's, I couldn't help but quietly laugh as all three women tore into their food. Like mother like daughters~

"So, have any of you thought about what you're going to do?" I suddenly asked them, making all three of them temporarily stop.

"I...just want to stay by your side." Malia honestly answered after a slightly tense moment of silence. Evelyn looked conflicted and Kylie looked ready to cry, but before either of them could be overwhelmed by their emotions, I let them feel my own feelings of reassurance and encouragement. Both looked at me in complete shock as they sensed my emotions, but that doubled when they also felt Malia's own reassuring emotions. Before they could question me, I explained the connection between us.

"I don't know if you've noticed yet, but you're not exactly entirely human anymore." I told them, making them both give me confused looks. "I brought you back, but in order for you to permanently stay here, me and Malia became your anchors, so to speak. In doing so, we've become interconnected with a permanent bond."

"Permanent bond?" Evelyn asked in a bland tone as she eyed me suspiciously. "It just means we can feel what the other feels if we so desire it. It also let's us know your general location, so in case you're ever taken or captured, we'll know how to find you." I quickly explained as I turned to face her directly. This seemed to ease her worries, but after a subtle nod from Malia, she calmed down entirely. Kylie seemed oddly quiet after this revelation, so I lightly pressed her. "What do you think about this?"

Kylie remained quiet for a moment, before she answered with; "I don't know what to feel. I just know that I have my sister back, and her boyfriend is the reason why. So I'm trusting him." She simply stated as she looked into my eyes, her hazel brown eyes practically gazing into my soul. "You won't regret it." I assured her, my voice deep and rumbling. Malia stared between me and her sister for a moment before a weird expression grew on her face. It vanished as soon as it appeared, but I caught it.

"I'll make this clear now. It doesn't matter what you decide to do, I'll support you in whatever adventure you want to go to. The world is your oyster while you're with me, so take your time and think about it. We have all the time in the world." I finished that line of conversation off with a statement and a promise. Everyone grew silent after that, deciding that eating was more favorable then continuing the conversation. On the outside it looked as though no one had reacted to what I said, but my telepathy told me otherwise.

Their minds were abuzz, multiple thoughts coming and going at incredible speeds. Fortunately for me, they all seemed to be pretty positive. So in celebration, I decided to shower them with a bit of luxury. With a snap of my fingers, the H1 Hummer became a limousine version of it's counterpart. The backseat expanded to accommodate the new size, surprising the girls greatly as food was tossed everywhere. A simple wave of a finger took care of the mess and instead replaced the mess with a long table that held multiple 5-star meals from across the globe. Multicolored lights flashed across the windows and upbeat music began to play on the speakers. "No more heavy stuff! Now we celebrate your reunion!" I suddenly shouted cheerily, prompting all three women to burst out into a fit of giggles.

They laughed even more delightfully when bubbles began to magically appear out of nowhere. Said bubbles took the forms of all manner of things. From living breathing animals, to fantasy creatures like unicorns and dragons. For the next 3 hours, I simply drove around Beacon Hills, indulging whatever whim the girls wanted.

By the time midnight fell, Malia and her sister were fast asleep in the back. Evelyn and I were the only ones awake, with her being in the passenger seat next to me sipping on a cup of wine.

"Why did you do it?" She suddenly asked me, her voice a bit slurred from the bottle of wine she finished not to long ago with her daughters. "Do what?" I asked back, feigning ignorance. "Don't do that. I'm not stupid." She said in a bitter tone. I couldn't help but smirk slightly, enjoying the way this woman saw straight through me. "I wasn't lying about gaining the love of your daughter." I honestly told her, but she favored to simply stare at me with an unflinching gaze. Chuckling lightly, I added; "I also did it because I know what happened that night."

This seemed to throw a cold bucket of water over her head, but she still remained quiet but with a frown this time. "I saw through your eyes what truly happened, and it pissed me off." I told her, my eyes glowing a deadly red as I imagined Corinne beneath my boot. "No one hurts my mate." My grip on the steering wheel tighten to an unimaginable degree, but I quickly calmed down once I realized what I was doing. It was merely about time and patience. Corinne would eventually return once she learns about Malia's whereabouts.

I suddenly felt a hand on my thigh, taking me out of my thoughts. "I'm sorry." She suddenly apologized, surprising me slightly. "For?" I asked. "I've been doubting you since you've brought us back to life. I didn't know whether I could trust you or not, much less my daughters, but you've dealt with my shit all day." She explained as she dropped her cup of wine to wipe the tears from her eyes.

Making a quick decision, I turned on the autopilot I customized onto it and removed my seat belt. I then turned to place a finger under Evelyn's chin, making her look into my silver glowing eyes. "You will find comfort in my presence."

As soon as the command registered in her mind, she suddenly leaned forward and kissed me. I'd been hearing all sinful thoughts she'd been having since she met me, so this was all her. All he did was make her a little more comfortable.


(3rd Pov)

With a passing thought, Scott erected a wall between them and the sisters. He then pulled Evelyn onto his lap, making sure the sundress she had on was properly rolled up above her bubble butt. This of course expose the fact that she had no panties on, a fact he 'forgot' about. He honestly didn't even need to do all the work.

Evelyn eagerly unbuckled his pants and set his meat rod free. She didn't even bother with forplay, instead she quickly lined herself up and plunged his rod deep into herself. She let out a deep moan as felt herself open up for her new lover and it was then he felt it. The deep dark fear that was consuming her.

She didn't want to die alone again.

Scott simply engulfed her in a tight hug, burying himself deeper into her, in his attempt to restrain her. He threaded his right hand through the back of her head and used her hair to forcefully make her look at him.

"You're mine." He firmly told her before smashing his lips onto hers. From there, it was a simple matter of strength, and he had plenty to spare. For the next 2 hours, he fucked her into an orgasmic stupor, granting her what she wanted sine the beginning. To forget what happened to her, to forget the betrayal of her ex-husband, to forget the pain of her death. It was something he could grant, so he did just that. He made her forget with unimaginable pleasure.

By the time he flooded her sacred treasure with his seed, she was nothing more then just a blubbering mess. Sweat cascading down her lustrous form, she tightly held onto Scott as she came for the final time.

He couldn't help but laugh as he felt Evelyn pass out due to Exhaustion. After cleaning her thoroughly, he replaced her clothes and set her down next to her daughter in the back. They all looked so enticing to him, and if he didn't know how to control himself, he probably would've done something in this moment. Fortunately for them all, he was more intent on making it back home for tonight.
