Ch 9 Part 3

Back in Slaver City, Krista had managed to heal up for the most part from the fight she had been in. Though she was still trying her best to maintain the idea that Nuvaro would come to save her. As for the rat carcass comb, it had finally fallen apart the rest of the way, which made all the handlers at the pit fight areas happy. Krista sat in her cell each day once again, talking to herself while staring in an imaginary mirror. By this time, one of the workers had been nice enough to get her an actual comb she could use. She sat there just combing her hair each day as she healed up babbling to herself each day how Nuvaro would come to rescue her. All she would say each day was "He will come for me; you wait and see. Despite how I look, he will still want me. I have to look pretty no matter how many scars I have." By this point, no one really wanted to deal with her personally because she would spend half her time trying to fight the ones taking care of her cell. So Oshwa the Brave decided to talk with Kale the Slaver and let him know it was time to set her up with her next fight. If she could sit there and start fighting with the work crew, then she was fit enough for another fight. For now, he sent word to Kale concerning Krista and her next fight. He was sure that it would be another good fight and he knew how much Kale would be looking forward to it.

Though the saber female did not do so well with the healing tinctures, her wounds were taking a lot longer to get over, so that particular rematch would have to wait, for now, he was focused on pitting her against a female from a wolf clan. That should be an event worth watching, now all he had to do was get the okay between him and Kale, Krista was his primary female after all. He may be making money off her, but the main owner should still have his say. Who knows, maybe Kale would consider selling Krista to him eventually. He had one of his people send word to Kale to come to his office. There he waited for word back from his lacky. Roughly an hour later he came back letting Oshwa know that Kale would be arriving withing the next two days. He was dealing with a new shipment at the auction house and would be there as soon as the females were sorted out. Thanking his lacky all he could do was shake his head in acknowledgement.

As promised, in two days' time, Kale the Slaver showed up at Oshwa the Brave's office space. With a minor spring in his step and a possible new candidate for the pits to share as well, he just got his hands on one of the prized male fighters from the southern region. So, he was hoping today was going to be a great day. He knocked on the door several times as he awaited a response. After around thirty seconds, Oshwa hollered for him to enter. Opening the door, he saw Oshwa working through a stack of papers.

Kale the Slaver: "Well now, did I arrive at an inconvenient time. You seem to have the paperwork piled up today."

Oshwa the Brave: "Well now if it is not Kale. And in the time frame you gave. Very punctual of you."

Kale the Slaver: "Well you sent one of your people here. So, what were you wanting to discuss with me? It seemed kind of important. Besides, I have acquired one of the top southern male pit fighters this last week. I was going to come sooner or later anyway."

Oshwa the Brave: "Well then. It works out great for us both in the long run all the way around anyway. A new male fighter you say, and with Krista here already, soon you will have your own stock here."

Kale the Slaver: "Well I am not trying to have a full stable here with you, it is not that often you get to acquire good stock in any variety, is all."

Oshwa the Brave: "Well you most certainly have a point there. Oh, by the way, Krista is more than ready for her next fight. Though it will have to be against someone else. The saber girl has not fared so well. We are not sure how much longer she will live."

Kale the Slaver: (Lightly laughing to himself…) "Well there goes your rematch then. You were so looking forward to that."

Oshwa the Brave: "Well I cannot do anything about her body's ability to heal. The medicine apparently was not enough to help her heal properly. So not sure how much longer she will live. Krista though is more than ready to be pitted again. Heck, I have already got most of the seats filled. And we can place your new male in a fight on the same day if you so wish, how does that sound to you?"

Kale the Slaver: "Well now when you put it like that, how can I possibly refuse. Go ahead and finish getting them set up and I will make sure to have the male brought in in the next day or two. Still working on sorting out my newest stock. If you would like, come to the auction area, and see what I have for yourself, maybe you will find your new item there as well."

Oshwa the Brave: "Well now is that not something else, with an offer like that, I must see what you have acquired. Maybe some new blood in my stables would work out in my own benefit as well. You seem to be doing surprisingly good at finding good stock lately."

Kale the Slaver: "After my encounter with the son of that one mountain tribe and his wife that my old boss was involved in kidnapping, I decided it was best to treat the slaves I picked up much better and I have become a lot more careful on what I do as far as a slave trader goes. Everything I do is to make sure that someone of a higher class does not ever end up in my wagon again."

Oshwa the Brave: "Well now. Becoming a connoisseur in your field, now are you? Or is it something else?"

Kale the Slaver: "He could have killed me that day, but Nuvaro and his wife let me go with a good warning. So, I decided it was best no to let their generosity go to waste. Besides, they are good friends with the best appraiser in the city. How could I refuse their leniency?"

Oshwa the Brave: (He started laughing loudly just remembering the commotion that went down that one day.) "Well there is always that. I could not forget that grandstanding that day if I wanted to. Anyway, we will get the day set, you just bring the male fighter here in the next day or two."

Kale the Slaver: "You got it. I will see you again soon. And come look at my stock anytime you would like."

Kale waved as he left Oshwa the Brave's office. He returned to his place to get the male ready for transport. This was to be an exciting time for Kale. Never had he had so many that did well in the pit fights. With two fighters, he could make twice the money from the betting system Oshwa had in place. The following day, due to his excitement, loaded up his male fighter and headed to meet with Oshwa. This time all he had to do was pause at the gate long enough to let Oshwa know he was there and was waved back toward the holding cells. Arriving at the assigned gate, Kale carefully backed the cart up to the male holding cells. Unlike dealing with Krista, all he knew was the ring, so handling him was a breeze for everyone concerned. They got him settled and the block attendants seen to his accommodations and food for the day. Kale then headed back to Oshwa' s office to discuss the plans for the upcoming fights.

After all discussions were finished, they agreed to set their fights for three days' time. When all details were worked out, Kale left and headed back to the auction house he ran. He still had a few people to finish getting placed after all. He had several people that were interested in his new products and he did not want to disappoint. After all the inspections and appraisals were done by Jero Hacter, he got them each placed in the proper areas of the auction house. Some had been set for house servants, while some were set up as breeders. All in all, things went smoothly. The eagerly awaited days had finally passed, and it was time for the first set of fights. Kale said his daily farewells to his capable staff and headed off towards Oshwa' s business, he had bets to place after all, despite the coin he got from the fact it was his fighters being used. Showing up at the arena, he headed straight towards Oshwa' s private booth. Knocking just outside his door, he waited patiently for Oshwa to answer him. After a few minutes, Oshwa asked him to enter.