Ch 9 Part 6

Krista: "Gods be damned!!! Again, with the change? I will kill those alchemists if they keep doing this to me. How will Nuvaro ever want me if you keep making me get scared up? It is bad enough the marks on my back are still there; worse yet, the marks on my face and neck." (Unlike last time, she was more aware of the pain. She cursed the alchemist with screamed illegible words as her transformation was forced…)

Just like the first time, the alchemists just shook their heads and prepped themselves to force her out of the cage once again. The doors finally finished raising all the way as both were now in their beast forms. The she wolf ran out toward the middle as they finished forcing Krista out of the cage. The she wolf snarled loudly as she stared Krista down. The crowd roared once again as they awaited the first blow to happen. Krista stared at the she wolf with distain remembering how badly her back had been torn apart during the first fight she was in. All she could think to herself as her foe stared was "when will Nuvaro come save me from this hell? And just what is taking him so long to do so?" The she wolf's agitation was apparent as she prepped herself to make a move. Realizing that her opponent seemed to be in her own little world, not paying attention.

Taking advantage of her opponent's lack of concentration, she wolf stealthfully went around the back side of her, making sure to stay just out of Krista's vision. She then leapt up and used the wall to jump straight into her back, knocking Krista into the ground as she made her first bite sink deep into her shoulder. Howling in pain from the bite, Krista proceeded to start shaking her body in hopes of making the she wolf let go.

Dust was kicked up as Krista flailed in all directions. Sounds unfamiliar to any spectator's ear bellowed from Krista in what could be called horrific laughter.

She Wolf's bite was deep, but her jaw was just not strong enough to keep up with Krista's thrashing, and the dust was making it hard to breathe. Although, these were not problems that were at the front of She Wolf's thought. The sounds that were coming from Krista were unlike anything she had heard before, and she had ten straight kills, heard the dying screams of tortured animals, but this was different. Too strong to be a cackle, too much of a wail to be sobbing, too much happiness to be pain. She Wolf's last thought before being flung all the way across the arena by her face was, "This bitch is fucking nuts".

Krista's only thoughts, "Die" "Die" "DIE!!!!!!!!!"

Krista reached over her shoulder, grabbed She Wolf over her left ear and eye, and with no seeming effort stood and one handed threw her across the arena. No sooner had She Wolf's body hit the wall; Krista seemed to materialize next to that spot, and with a powerful upward kick launched She Wolf into the air. For the moment that Krista stopped moving it was obvious that nobody was driving her cart. The look of Krista's face was horrid and crooked, wracked in agony and a creepy smile.

The kick that Krista landed was strong, but She Wolf's life was one of brutality and pain. It was all she had ever known and would probably only ever know. All she knew, is if the god's ever showed mercy, she knew nothing of it.

She Wolf: "I've got to end this quickly before she moves like that again"

Her continued thoughts to herself were "How in all the realms did she get that fast". On her way up she reached out and grabbed the wall. She was moving rapidly and did not even slow till inches from the top. There was a ridge around the top of this arena; no doubt from centuries of scrubbing blood and viscera off of them. The ridge was just enough. She Wolf hooked it and with all her might lunged back down toward Krista. There was enough time to take two strides to increase her speed and power all the more. She Wolf used the last stride to drive a massive kick to the side of Krista's head, land, and kick off the wall to follow.

Krista was knocked in a pinwheel of dust across the arena. Rooster tails of blood-soaked dirt were thrown all around. Her opponent close behind. Halfway across the arena She Wolf caught Krista in a powerful takedown, kicking up a large cloud of dust. As the dust settled it was beginning to appear that She Wolf had the upper hand. Latched onto Krista's side from behind, she cleared her mind to steel herself of the utterly terrifying sounds that erupted from Krista once again.

Krista no longer any thoughts spinning through her head, was almost writhing in pleasure rather than pain. In a violent thrash that no longer looked of pain, Krista managed to land a kick that sent She Wolf sprawling into the wall, knocking her unconscious. All she did was succeed in another section of her flesh being partially torn off once again like bark from a tree. Teeth tearing through leaving marks down to her ribs. Krista herself faded into slumber.

Once again, the body gatherers entered the ring to check the combatants, and just like before, the announcer sent the head body gatherer up to Oshwa' s private box. As he neared Oshwa had already decided on what to do with the both of them. After all, if the women fighters keep filling the seats like this, there is no real reason to kill them.

Oshwa the Brave: "Before you even ask, take them both out and make sure that the healers come to treat their wounds. Krista is beginning to show some real promise, despite how crazy she seems overall."

Kale the Slaver: "Thanks for that, it does seem to be working to our advantage. Thank you for having the healers tend to her once again. She may take longer to heal up this go round, but who knows."

Oshwa the Brave: "You may be right but for now, take her to her cell and get the healers on it. Restrain her if you have to so they can work on her."

Body Gatherer: "Yes sir. As you say. I will let the announcer know at once."

Oshwa the Brave: "Good man, thank you. Now have the rest of your people get in there and get the arena cleaned up. It is a glorious mess in there today."

After a light bow, the head body gatherer was off and running to let the announcer know what Oshwa wanted done with the females and the arena. Smiling the announcer let the people know the verdict of the fighters as the crowd roared with absolute admiration. Never had the female fights been this entertaining. Once again, spectators pushing against each other just to see the blood splattered about the area before it was getting cleaned up to a degree. The female fighters were beginning to get as much of a following as the top end male fighters, and that pleased Oshwa and Kale to a high degree. There was no telling just how much money could be made from the upcoming fights. It is just too bad that no money could be made from Krista as a breeder. Many would have paid top dollar for a fighter out of her as well, but the concept was an impossible one, she fought against anyone who had tried to breed with her before.

Back in their cells, once again the healers had come. The handlers had made sure that Krista was tied down properly. Last thing they needed was for her to try and fight them again. As the healers tended to her wounds, stitching some sections closed, while making sure to properly pack the open areas, she awoke with a frightful scream as the grain alcohol was poured over her wounds to sterilize them. Realizing she had been tied down, she stared hard at the healers like it was their fault she was in pain. Once again, her one and only thought was "If this keeps up, Nuvaro will never, ever even think about looking at me. One of these days I will figure out why I am in here still." Before leaving, the healers made her drink a cocktail that would knock her out for a few hours. This would ensure that the first round of treatment would be useful.

It was going to be at least another two or three months before she could fight again. The healers were only glad that Oshwa was one of the few owners that actually bothered to take care of his winners and runner ups that he chose to let live. As for the she wolf, she patiently waited as she was treated for the wounds she received in today's fight. Talking softly to herself as she replayed the fight over in her head. She wondered to herself on what the hell happened during the fight. She had been training hard and had many fights, but this was the first time she had dealt with someone who was genuinely not in their right minds. She only hoped that her trainer had seen the fight and had some ideas to make sure nothing ended in a draw again. Her only other thought was "I hope I did not disappoint my trainer; I did fight hard". But only time would tell and the she wolf knew it.

As for Oshwa and Kale, they were far from complaining and Kale had now been enlisted by Oshwa to help him locate some new fighters from out of the area. Maybe he had some connections concerning fighters that were in the north as well. He was always looking for new stock and trading anyway, maybe this time it would benefit both of them yet again. He even went so far as offering Kale a moderate fee to find him some fresh blood. Kale was in no way complaining with the concept, he was rather flattered by it all to be honest. Rushing back to his own business, he could not wait to tell his people of the new arrangement that he and Oshwa had come to. Who knows, if all went well, he may be able to pay them better, that in and of itself should be more than enough motivation to get them out there spreading the word. And so, only the upcoming weeks were going to tell whether or not the arrangement was going to work out well. They both hoped things would turn into an even better business relationship.