Chapter 15. Death Stare

Point of View: Emara Stone

I survived the first day in office after spilling coffee on my boss's pants. The next day I reach office early with things to decorate my table. I made sure it looked like a man's table.

I brought a hot wheel's car whose doors and bonnet can be open, a picture frame of a dog, and an ashtray which I am going to use as a paperweight. Also, a playboy swimsuit calendar so that I can count T-Minus days until I get my salary.

Money is the love of my life.

True love.

Suddenly I feel a presence beside me, I see Shelly checking out my table. I smile, feeling proud of myself. This is all done by me.

I hear a gasp, I see her hand covering her mouth shockingly as she stares at my playboy calendar that is hanging in front of my desk. The bikini model is sitting by the pool's side spreading her legs in a mere photogenic way.

"Beautiful, I know right! Do you want one for your table? I have an extra." I ask her sincerely as I bought it in a buy one get another free offer.

Shelly's eyes become wide enough to fall out of her socket, she furiously shakes her head then turns towards her computer ignoring me. Huh! What a weird girl!

As I was going through the blueprint of the design of the first project they assigned to me, I hear Shelly gossiping with one of the co-workers. I casually lean towards my left so I could hear her better. "He never comes on this floor.", "Is this a surprise inspection?", "Is someone going to get fired?"

Who are they talking about?

Suddenly the gossiping stops, the room gets pin-drop silence. People around me abruptly stand up from their seats. I look back perplexedly where they all are staring and I see our boss A.K.A the hotty, Ryan Damison walking in the corridor with the undernourished Raj, our department's head.

Raj looks like a skinny match stick while Ryan looks like a huge thick matchbox. And looks hot just like a freshly baked muffin coming right away from the oven. His chiseled jawline accentuates his sculpted face that is worth drooling. I can save his face on my phone's wallpaper.

His shoulders are bulky and broad, muscularly squared and his hands are in the pocket of his navy blue pants which remind of yesterday's incident. I hope I didn't burn Hotty's balls.

I look up and see him already staring at me with narrowed eyes. His whiskey brown color eyes contain some dark shade of clouds that are looking right back at me, thunderously. I think he remembers me.

Ryan has the same angry look on his face as he glares at me, but he immediately breaks off the contact as he darkly stares at something behind my shoulder and walks in my direction with grim determination.

His eyes fixed on my table as they go through my things. I notice his eyes become anomalously wide and the mouth opens a little as he stares stupefyingly at the calendar hanging beside the monitor.

Oh, he liked the playboy calendar.

Hotty stares for too long without moving any muscle of his body as if he has been completely gob-smacked. So I broke the silence saying, "I have an extra if you like it this much".

Hotty's head slowly turns in my direction, very slowly. His eyes throw daggers at me as he stares cynically. I stare back at him with the same intensity, soon the scene turns into a death stare competition.

Ryan further narrows his eyes at me in a dominating way, I narrow my eyes too following him. Nobody backs down as he both glare at each other.